Education has been identified as one of the sectors to be supported by the EC in South Africa, as expressed in the CSP 2007-2013. The EC’s aid instrument for support is a Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP), with Sector Budget Support (SBS) as the favoured financing modality. Primary Education and specifically improvement of early literacy […]
The mission is to provide bridging assistance between the first phase of the Primary Education Support Programme (9th EDF) and the follow-up programme under the 10th EDF. The overall objective of the TA is to support the decentralisation of policies for the primary education sector in provinces benefitting from PAEP. Expected results include: Capacities reinforced […]
Current EU support is directed towards basic education, youth programmes, vocational and higher education, primarily through a budget support programme (EUR 30 million from 2011-2014) and a capacity development programme (EUR 3 million). An additional EUR 35 million are foreseen in support to the Employment and Technical and Vocational Education and Training Reform Programme, out […]
The Overall Objective of the HRDP is to improve the region’s living standards and international competitiveness through improvement of skills, to increase the motivation and to make the Pacific Islanders more able to respond flexible to new challenges and opportunities. The specific purpose of the Programme is to increasehuman capital through skills enhancement in three […]
The global objective of the consultancy is to assist the Ministry of Education and Human Resources in implementing its national policy and strategy for the special education needs (SEN) sector. This will comprise the development of an appropriate curriculum, setting up of an appropriate regulatory framework, capacity building for teaching and non-teaching staff and adequate […]
PNG’s remote primary schools are unable to deliver effective primary education to a reasonable standard. The underlying cause is geographical remoteness. Others causes identified include; lack of accessible medical facilities and clean water, frequent non-payment of allowances and salary, poor communication,… The Improvement of Rural Primary Education Facilities (IRPEF) was signed in 2003 under 8th […]
The overall objective of the mission is to formulate a comprehensive program proposal aiming at improving the capacities of Angolan institutions to implement the new strategy for the Improvement of the Education System at Primary level. The specific objectives include: Confirm the relevance and feasibility of the PIF for PAEP II, and the extent to […]
The Government of Ethiopia launched a major, nationwide reform program to improve the quality of general education (Grades 1-12). The objectives of the reform are to increase results for boys and girls with respect to measured learning outcomes, primary completion rates, and secondary entrance rates. The programme will be implemented over the next eight years […]
The Global Education (GE) Project was planned by the Faculty of Education, University of Plymouth, England, for the UNICEF CARK (Central Asian Republics and Kazakhstan) Area Office as a 78-month project. At the planning phase it involved five countries – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan – but it took off in 2003 in the […]
The overall objective of the mission is to carry out a final evaluation of the project BFK/014 on behalf of LuxDev. In this context, the mission aims to: Analyse the Outcomes and specific Objectives reached at the time of the Evaluation compared to what was planned in the Project Document; Analyse the realised progress as […]
The proposed programme will be a follow-up to current EU support to Jordan’s education sector. The recommended funding modality is Sector Budget Support (SBS). It is indicatively proposed to structure the disbursement of the M€ 23 with a combination of a budget support and a complementary support one (including technical assistance and audit, monitoring and […]
Since September 1999, Lux-Development has been mandated for the implementation of a project of promoting literacy and rural development in the Hauts-Bassins Region in Burkina Faso within the framework of the general cooperation agreement between Burkina Faso and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. A first phase BKF/003 Promotion of Functional Literacy and Integrated Rural Development in […]
The reform of the education sector has become a priority for the Government of Myanmar and although good progress has been made in the past years there remain a number of critical challenges such as a wide disparity in access to, and duration of, quality education opportunities for different children and population groups with as […]
The ASEAN-EU University Network Programme (AUNP) is a higher education co-operation programme jointly funded and implemented by the European Commission (EC) and the ASEAN University Network (AUN), assisted by a Programme Management Office (PMO) in Bangkok. The AUNP provides under its Partnership Projects’ Grant strand (PP) funding for university collaboration in Human Resources Development, Curriculum […]
The EU welcomes the willingness of Jordan to improve and promote the access of disabled people to education and employment, their access to information and adequate health care systems, their mobility without facing neither physical nor social obstacles, as well as to protect and ensure their full and equal enjoyment of rights, just as the […]
Since April 2006 the EC has allocated financial resources for the support of technical assistance services in the reform of Special Education in Jordan. Technical assistance services were directed towards the development of special education programs at the Ministry of Education. Existing remedial and gifted programs were benchmarked with international standards and training programs were […]
Over recent years, the EU has provided significant and focussed support to education in the Banana Belt through the Special Framework of Assistance (SFA) for traditional ACP Suppliers of Bananas. More recently, the five year National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) became the basis for a new Accompanying Measures for Bananas Programme (BAM). The objectives of the […]
With a funding of EUR 85 million (2009-2013), the EU is the largest donor to the education sector in Somalia. Funding for the 10th EDF is articulated around three envelopes, called ‘Education Sector Development Programme’ (ESDP I EUR 30 million, ESDP II EUR 25 million and ESDP III EUR 30 million). Seven ESDP I projects […]
The Education for All Fast Track initiative (EFA-FTI) was launched in 2002, following the commitments of the World Education Forum in Dakar 2000, as global partnership that focuses on accelerating progress towards universal primary school completion of quality education by 2015. The FTI has endorsed so far 42 countries’ education sector plans. This assignment will […]
The objectives of the Basic Education Ten Year Plan (PDDEB) of Burkina Faso as adopted in 1999 are to increase the education level of the population in general and in rural areas in particular, to enhance the institutional capacity of within the sector, to reduce gender inequalities, and to promote decentralising and de-concentration. The Second […]
The Ministry of Basic Education and Literacy (MEBA), in consultation with the technical and financial partners, elaborated a ten year programme for the development of education (PDDE) for the period 2003-2013. As such this programme constitutes now the framework for all interventions in the education sector. The implementation of the PDDE will contribute to the […]
In 2010, it was agreed that the EU, the Swedish Embassy and UNICEF would embark on a formal partnership in order to support capacity development in the education sector in Cambodia a harmonised manner. The Capacity Development Partnership Fund (CDPF) started in November 2011 and will continue until December 2014. A two year extension is […]
The Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg finances and implements development projects in El Salvador since 1993 through its executing agency for development cooperation Lux-Development, acting in close collaboration with local counterparts, mainly in the sectors of water and sanitation, health and environment. From 2001 on, the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) decided to concentrate its actions […]
As Seychelles prepares for the development of a Medium-Term Education Sector Strategy to further transform the education and training system to better respond to the challenge of providing the quantitative and qualitative human resources for sustainable national development, it is prudent to undertake an Assessment Report of the implementation of Education Plan 2009-2010 with a […]
Over the past 10 years, UNICEF has been actively engaged in the promotion of the Child-friendly School (CfS) approach and development of CfS initiatives in the CEE/CIS region. Although the CfS concept has been implemented in different forms, formats, scopes and under different names, the purpose of the study is to compile all existing CfS […]
Despite major efforts in strengthening the textbook procurement and distribution system, major challenges of getting books to the end user still remains a major source of concern.Currently, the system lacks direction in the development of an integrated strategy for textbook procurement and distribution, one that would unify all purchase and supply of books to schools […]
The objectives of the Government of Morocco’s revised Literacy Strategy as presented in its Declaration of January 2012 are threefold: Reduce the illiteracy rate to 20% by 2016; Offer illiterate adults programmes to provide them with basic skills and competences for integration in their socio-economic and political environment; Implement post-literacy activities allowing new-literates to maintain, […]
Education is a priority for the Government of Burundi, which spends nearly 25% of its recurrent budget. With the support of its technical and financial partners, it has recently developed a new Sector Development Plan for Education and Training (PSDEF) for the period 2012-2020. The program covers the entire system from preschool to higher education, […]
The Overall Objective of this contract is to support the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, TVET and Literacy (MEBSEMFPA) in the management and implementation of the Sector Plan 2012-2020 and in particular of the Common Fund for Education (FCE). The project will act as an accompanying, monitoring and driving force to ensure adequate programming, […]
The ACP Group is organizing the 2nd Meeting of ACP Ministers of Education with aim of taking stock of what have been achieved as articulated in the Brussels Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development and its Framework for Action. Further, the 2nd Ministerial Meeting will deliberate on the issue of resource mobilisation, particularly the EDF […]
Responding to an invitation from the Council, the Commission proposed a comprehensive package of aid and trade and as a consequence, on 27 February 2006 the Council adopted Regulation (EC) 389/2006, establishing an instrument of financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community. This regulation includes inter alia provisions for improving […]
At the beginning of 2008 the Government developed a new National Programme on improving the quality and efficiency of education at all levels (from pre-school to higher education) for 2008-2012.Education reform in Uzbekistan is supported by many donors and international agencies. The UNICEF Programme on education consists of two sub-projects: Early Learning and School Readiness […]
The Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg finances and implements development projects in Nicaragua since 1990 through its implementing agency for development cooperation, Lux-Development. Key sectors for intervention are water and sanitation, education, health and post-hurricane reconstruction. This evaluation concerns two projects. The first project consists of the second phase of the support to seven Teacher Colleges in […]
The Education Reform for the Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) is a comprehensive national five-year plan to transform kindergarten, basic and secondary education tom meet the needs of a modern, knowledge-based economy and consists of four components: Reorienting education policy objectives and strategies and reforming governance and administrative systems; Transforming education programs and practices to achieve learning […]
The Support to Education and Training II Project (SET II) continues existing EU support to the education sector in Swaziland. The project is focused on supporting primary education with a view to assisting Swaziland achieve MDG 2 on universal primary education. SET III has three interrelated components: The first component will continue EU support provided […]
Tanzania Education Authority (TEA) was established by Act No.8 of 2001. The Act mandates TEA to solicit and receive voluntary donations from education stakeholders and the general public in form of grants, gifts, bequests, endowments, loans or debts and use the same for the purpose of improving quality, access and equity of education at all […]
The main objectives of the Education Sector in Guinea are defined in the « Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper » and the « Education for All Programme ». Despite major progress registered in this sector over the past few years, the quality of the education system in Guinea is still a problem. That is why the […]
The EC has currently 2 programmes in support to Jordan’s education reform: A Programme to support Jordan’s National Education reform of 42 Million Euros of which 40.1 Million are channelled through Sector Budget Support; A Special Measure on DCI Middle East funds to support Jordan’s public education system to cope with the increase in demand […]
Zimbabwe’s education system has deteriorated over the past 12 years.In the absence of sufficient central government financing, a complex system of fees, levies and ‘incentives’ has evolved that has significantly disadvantaged the poorest. 50 per cent of students no longer continue their school beyond grade seven.The decline in public expenditures on non-salary costs has had […]
Following the indicative allocation in the amount of 49.9 million USD from the Global Partnership for Education, the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan has indicated its agreement to join the Global Partnership for Education and to develop an Education Sector Plan in line with Uzbekistan’s Welfare Improvement Strategy (WIS). The GPE has identified UNICEF […]
An underlying cause of the poor quality and internal inefficiency of the general education system in Namibia is that the majority of learners enter the system without the pre-requisite learning readiness. The Ministry of Education and Development Partners regard the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) as a key instrument for monitoring learner acquisition of reading […]
The global objective of this assignment is to identify an EU intervention contributing to the mitigation of ruptures in the further/higher education cycles of young Syrians affected by the crisis and civil war in Syria. The specific objective of the assignment is to assist in the design of a future programme by the EU to […]
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the French Agency for Development (AFD) have asked to study the opportunity and the modalities of a possible Financial and Technical Support Programme for Private Primary Education Institutions. The objective of such a programme would be to (i) improve access to financial resources for private education institutions (ii) to […]
The objectives of the Basic Education Ten Year Plan (PDDEB) of Burkina Faso as adopted in 1999 are to increase the education level of the population in general and in rural areas in particular, to enhance the institutional capacity of within the sector, to reduce gender inequalities, and to promote decentralision and deconcentration. The Second […]
Since 2001, UNICEF supports the creation in Kosovo of schools that are effective (child-centred, interactive learning), healthy, protective (inclusion of all children, including children with special needs), and with an active involvement of parents and communities in school. Implementation of activities that create such Child Friendly Schools (CFS) has been the responsibility of seven implementing […]
Education is one of the two focal sectors for the EC Delegation in Sudan. Since 2005 the Delegation has supported projects in improvement of basic education and enhancement of decentralization and planning capacities at Federal and State level. Under the 9th EDF two strategic projects were developed with UN agencies support: a Baseline Educational Survey […]
The overall objective is poverty alleviation in the Province of Sindh through progress in achieving Education for All (EFA) goals. The EC Sindh Education Plan Support Programme (SEPSP) purpose is “improved capacity at school, district and provincial level to deliver quality elementary education services in an equitable way”. Results of SEPSP are systems- and process […]
In the framework of the MEDA Programme, the European Commission finances the project Support to Basic Education in Morocco. The objective is to increase the average education level in the provinces of Chtouka, El Jadida, Figuig, Khemisset, Khenifra, Larache, Sefrou, et Taounate and specifically for girls, to elaborate an education development strategy in disadvantaged urban […]
The PASEG programme in Guinea consists of three main components : Training of central and decentralized administrations; Support to curriculum development (primary and secondary education); Training of trainers and continuous training. The objective of the evaluation is to measure the efficiency of the actions undertaken in each component, the efficiency of the training provided and […]
In 2005, GoPNG adopted a National Education Plan (NEP) for the ten-year period 2005-2014. The NEP provided a framework for localising the Education for All (EFA), MDGs and MDTS goals and priorities into time-bound outcome targets and strategies. The Universal Basic Education (UBE) plan (2010-2019) has been officially launched in October 2009. The education sector […]
The overall objective of the EC assistance is to improve the performance of secondary education in Tunisia against international standards and to help secondary education contribute to a greater degree to young people’s chances of employment by providing paths that prepare them for higher education and/or the labour market. The EC provides budgetary support to […]
The global objective is to support the monitoring and evaluation of the performance of education sector reform in Tanzania. A systemic and pro-poor/pro-vulnerable approach should be promoted. The specific objective is to develop for the education sector a Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) to be used to review progress particularly during annual sector reviews (including the […]
Cameroon has a developed but seriously deteriorated education system. The Ministry of National Education (MINEDUC) has therefore developed a sector strategy document, adopted in June 2001, which clearly shows the four Government priorities in Education by 2011: universal primary education, improving access and equity in other education levels; improving quality and relevance of teaching; improving […]
Education is a top priority for the Government of Morocco, its education policy is principally based on the National Charter for Education and Training, issued in December 1999, with the objective to put in place a new institutional framework through 6 strategic objectives: 1) extending education and its applications to the economic environment, 2) pedagogical […]
UNICEF in Turkmenistan is preparing to undertake a Mid-Term Review (MTR) for its ongoing Country Programme (CP) of Cooperation 2005-2009. This involves a full review of the current situation and new policies, especially related to the education sector within the context of the Education for All (EFA) mid-decade assessment (MDA). Findings and recommendations from this […]
The CREP project has as objective to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) in school building project planning, design, management and monitoring of school building projects through: Reduce capital investment in school building by controlling construction costs and quality through the establishment of adequate space norms and standards […]
The Education Sector Development Program (ESDP) has been introduced in Ethiopia in the context of the deterioration of the whole social and educational situation after long years of internal and external conflicts in Ethiopia and its region. Within the Ethiopian PRSP, the education sector is one of the main priorities for the overall development of […]
The overall objective of the EC support to the EducationReform Programme in Algeria is to improve the efficiency of the education system by raising the level of teaching and management skills in the sector. More specifically the project aims to improve the quality of the education system through a support to the training of teaching […]
Education has consistently been one of the top priorities of the Eritrean Government, since the country gained its independence in 1993. During 2003, the Government presented donors with a comprehensive strategy for the sector and a 5-year plan for rehabilitating and expanding education services provision, focusing on basic education, secondary education, vocational education and training, […]
Pursuant to the objectives of the development policy of the European Union (EU) as detailed in the Cotonou Agreement and the Government of Jamaica (GOJ)/EU Country Support Strategy and the National Indicative Programme (CSS/NIP) 2002-2007, the EU has provided direct budgetary support to the GOJ under the Support to the Economic Reform Programme (SERP). Between […]
The Second Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP II) will be a huge step forward in integrating all Development Partner (DP) inputs and providing ownership to Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME), and particularly the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) in the development of a quality education programme. This is a sector wide programme and […]
The government of Vanuatu and education donor partners are preparing for the commencement a sector wide approach (SWAp) to support educational reforms proposed in the Vanuatu Education Sector Strategy (VESS).It is anticipated that a joint education support programme will be implemented in 2008 (VESAP) in preparation for the start of SWAp in 2009. The SWAp […]
The Moroccan Government has selected the fights against illiteracy and non-formal education as national priorities. In this context a State Secretariat responsible for Alphabetisation and Non-formal Education was created in November 2002. The priorities were once more underlined in the new National Initiative for Human Development. The National Strategy on Alphabetisation and Non-formal Education adopted […]
On 23rd November 2005 an EDF funded Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP) to the reform of the Trinidad and Tobago non-university tertiary sector has been approved. There is however still an urgent requirement to further refine the key indicators for the monitoring of the SPSP. This study will therefore provide decision makers in the Government […]
The EC supports the implementation of the Primary Education Development Plan (PEDP) in Tanzania. The PEDP is a decentralized sub-sector programme being implemented since July 2001 by the Ministry of Education and Culture together with Po-RALG (President’s Office for Regional Administration and Local Government). 8th EDF Funds under the Financing Agreement 8.ACP.TA.041 is contributing to […]
The specific objective of PARQE II is to support the Government’s efforts in implementing the National Programme of Education and Training (PNEF) and the “Education for All” (EPT), particularly in four Targeted school departments (North, Central, South, Grande Anse), aimed at improving the quality of education. The main expected results are centred around four axes: […]
A new vision for education and an integrated national strategy for education in Jordan are being put in place as part of the Education for Knowledge Economy Project (ERfKE I). This process will enable Jordan to meet the challenges of becoming a knowledge society and competing in the global marketplace. The core elements of ERfKE […]
The introduction of Universal Primary Education in Uganda coincided with the intensification of the security crisis in the North. The potential gains from UPE were shattered by the destruction of building and instructional materials, displacement of pupils and teachers as well as the trauma of children knowing that they were the special target of the […]
The Hurricane Mitch had a devastating effect in the countries of the Central American Isthmus in 1998; a substantial part of the economic and social infrastructure in Nicaragua was destroyed.Through the ECHO Programme the EC provided support during the emergency and post emergency period. After this the EC decided on a plan of action for […]
The objective of the assignment is to design an education project in the framework of the National Plan of Education for All. The study will define on the basis of the analysis of collected data and in line with the Education Sector Policy, a number of interventions for a first limited AFD support. The mission […]
The Solomon Islands Education Sector Investment and Reform Programme (ESIRP) is a sector wide programme financed through a combined basket of donor funding, under the auspices of MEHRD. The overall objectives of the contract are to: Increase the capacity of SICHE (Solomon Islands College of Higher Education) to be a high quality cost effective post […]
Within the framework of the EC Strategy for the Implementation of Special Aid to Somalia (SISAS), the Somalia Education and Training Sector Strategy, improved access to basic services in education and training has been identified as a priority in the programming of interventions. Despite substantial improvements in broadening access to basic education promotion of the […]
A Global UN Study of Violence Against Children is addressing violence in different settings: Violence at home and in the family, in school and education settings in other institutional settings, in the community and on the streets and violence in work situations. UNICEF has been invited to write the chapter on protection of children from […]
The objective of the mission is to evaluate the results reached by the project in light of its setup, objectives, and the specific context of its implementation. It’s important to verify to what degree the School Map has met, in a prompt and well suited way, the demand of Niger’s authorities and services for good […]
Human capital is the main resource for Tunisia and its strongest asset for a steady and sustainable growth. Consequently, development plans shows coherent medium term strategies for the reform and modernization of the education and vocational systems, based on labour market requirements and work demand. During the period of the 10th Plan of economic and […]
The protracted civil war has had a significant negative impact on Liberia’s infrastructure, the economy (and economic planning), the development of institutions and its productive capacity. Conflict and mismanagement have taken Liberia to the bottom of the Human Development Index. The EC is currently preparing the EDF 9 Programme for Liberia based on the needs […]
The Girls’ Education Campaign – Haydi Kızlar Okula –was launched by the UNICEF Executive Director and the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) in mid-June 2003. Its objective is to eliminate the gender gap in primary school enrolment and to realise the Millennium Development Goals’ (MDGs) target for achieving gender parity in universal primary education. The […]
This mission is the fifth Independent Technical Monitoring Mission for the EC Targeted Budget Support to Pro-Poor Basic Education Reforms in Cambodia. The global objective is to produce a comprehensive, informed and holistic assessment of the progress of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) in implementing its reform agenda and in particular the […]
The global objective for the technical assistance mission is to develop the competences of Tunisian universities in order to set up and implement their own development plan. The specific objectives of the 5 TA missions are: To start a study in order to analyse the technical, human and financial feasibility of the implementation of the […]
The European Studies Programme Vietnam (ESPV) is implemented within the Centre for European Studies (CES), a specialised research and training institute attached to the National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities (NCSSH) in Hanoi, Viet Nam. Other Vietnamese higher education and research institutions are associated with the ESPV, for which the European Commission (EC) signed […]
A sector wide support programme (SWAP) has been chosen to be financed to support the Phase II of the programme “Support to basic education”. The implementation of this programme has been carried out after an evaluation of the seven key areas necessary to start a SWAP, those being : the macro economic framework, sector based […]
The wider objective of the PARGSEH is the strengthening of the governance of the Education sector in Haiti, a key priority area within the National Development Strategy for the sector (PNEF). The project aims at reinforcing the overall organisation and management of the reform process with a principal focus on: Organisational framework for the entire […]
The Caribbean University Level Programme (CULP) is one of the human resources programmes implemented under the Caribbean Regional Indicative Programme of the 7th EDF. The main objective of the programme is to support the creation of Caribbean capability to help meet the demand by public and private sector institutions in the region for trained professional […]
In line with the interventions already carried out in the framework of the Structural Adjustment Programme, the project aims at: Strengthening of planning and management capacity of the Regional Directorates of Basic Education and Alphabetisation, key issue for the successful implementation of the decentralization process; Improvement of the quality of teaching through teacher training, up-grading […]
The project aims at improving rural education facilities with a particular focus on primary education up to grade 8 in the least developed provinces of PNG. Six least developed provinces have been identified by the government as the priority areas for inclusion in the programme. All provinces and individual district within each province are facing […]
This 5-year programme started in November 1998. It aims at improving the quality of education through supporting the reform of training for primary school teachers (national level) and of the basic education system in the Verapaces (regional level). The activities of this programme mainly deal with: Curriculum development; Training of trainers; Vocational training; Alphabetisation; Infrastructures […]
The overall objective of the programme is to improve the quality of human resources throughout the country, in prospect of equity and better ability to face social, political and economic changes. The EC priorities in this targeted sectoral budget supportto the Basic Education Reform are: Strengthening of institutional capacity for the implementation of the reform, […]
The provinces of Siem Reap and Kampong Cham are among the most populated provinces in Cambodia. The Northern part of the Siem Reap province has been poorly covered in terms of access to Education. The general objective of the project will be to contribute to sustainable poverty reduction and alleviation through increasing of training levels […]
The European Commission is considering the possibility to adopt a pro-active approach and to invest in the Government of Pakistan’s reform and transition process towards a sector approach in elementary education. The aim is to design an EC Support package that will work as a catalyst to assist the Department of Education and other donors […]
In the framework of cooperation with the UE, the National Indicative Programme for Algeria 2002-2004 provides for a funding of € 17 million to support the education sector. A support to this sector is in compliance with the conclusions of the Marseille conference: “Item 24: the need to take greater consideration of the social effects […]
The programme to be evaluated is the €13 million Library Books and Training for Historically Disadvantaged Institutions Programme designed to build capacity in the libraries and departments of Library Science in the 17 Historically Disadvantaged Institutions (HDI) of the South African Higher Education sector. The Programme addresses the imbalances of the past with respect to […]