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title: Preparation of the service tender dossier “Support to Communication and Visibility Actions for the Ghana Employment and Social Protection (GESP) Programme”
ID: 6558
time: March 17, 2022

The Ghana Employment and Social Protection (GESP) Programme, funded by the 11th EDF is expected to contribute to enhance social protection services, notably for vulnerable population groups and to generate employment opportunities, with a particular attention to the youth in Ghana. The overall objective of the assignment is to support the European Union Delegation to […]

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title: Support to Kosovo with EU Programmes
ID: 6288
time: September 20, 2021

In order to use the opportunities offered by the Union Programmes, on the 25th of November 2016 Kosovo signed with the European Commission the Framework Agreement on general principles for participation in the 17 EU Programmes in which Kosovo is eligible to participate. It entered into force on the 1st of August 2017. Currently Kosovo […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the NAO and line Ministries in Ethiopia
ID: 5935
time: February 11, 2021

The overall objective of the Action (TCF VI) of which this contract will be a part is to strengthened the technical and administrative capacities of the principal stakeholders of EU-Ethiopia Cooperation to enable them fulfil the expected level of cooperation. The purpose of this TA is to support the NAO and relevant line ministries to […]

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title: Final Evaluation of the NAO Support Programme (10th EDF) & Mid-term Evaluation of the 11th EDF Support Programme
ID: 5639
time: February 28, 2020

The European Union carries out its cooperation actions in partnership with the government of the DRC as provided for in the Cotonou Partnership Agreement through funding from the European Development Fund. Efforts have been made to strengthen the support provided to the National Authorizing Officer, via the support unit for the National Authorizing Officer of […]

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title: Long-term Technical Assistance to the Office of the National Authorizing Officer
ID: 5634
time: July 16, 2019

The overall objective of this assignment is to enhance the capacity of the NAO office to discharge effective role and function of NAO in the management of EDF resources. The purpose of this contract is to provide adequate support to the National Authorizing Officer for an effective formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the actions […]

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title: South Africa Sector Budget Support Technical Assistance
ID: 5628
time: May 24, 2019

Within the context of the European Union (EU)’s country strategy for 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, the EU has increasingly moved to using country systems to deliver development assistance, most recently through the use of the general (GBS) and sectoral budget support (SBS) aid modalities. The mission will Support the Government of South Africa, notably the National […]

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title: Support to the Office of the National Authorising Officer (NAO) of the European Development Fund
ID: 5630
time: May 24, 2019

The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be part is to support the Government’s development strategy through the implementation of sound EU development programmes and to foster a more coherent and informed approach to policy dialogue and to development cooperation, political cooperation and trade related issues. The purpose of this contract […]

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title: Long-term technical assistance services and training for the offices of the European Development Fund National Authorising Officer in the Republic of Angola
ID: 5622
time: March 25, 2019

The overall objective of the project is to support Angola’s development strategy through the implementation of strong European development programs and to promote a coherent and informed approach to political dialogue and development cooperation, political cooperation and cooperation in the framework of the “Joint Way” Partnership Agreement. The specific objective of this contract is: Strengthen […]

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title: Long-term Technical Assistance to the National Authorising Officer (NAO) / National Planning Commission (NPC) Support Programme
ID: 5606
time: January 7, 2019

The purpose of this contract is to provide technical assistance and capacity development to: The National Planning Commission (NPC) – and selected line ministries and government agencies – in order to contribute to the successful implementation, management, and particularly the monitoring and evaluation of the National Development Plans (NDPs) and; Strengthen the NAO and NPC’s […]

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title: Support to the Management and Communication and Visibility for the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Malawi
ID: 5600
time: August 9, 2018

The overall objective of this contract is to enhance the visibility of the EU-Malawi cooperation and promote a greater awareness and understanding among key actors in the public, private and civil society sectors on issues of EU’s development assistance. The purpose of this contract is to provide comprehensive visibility and communication services to the Delegation […]

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title: Final Evaluation of the Technical Cooperation and Official Development Assistance Programme (TCODAP)
ID: 5597
time: March 9, 2018

The Technical Cooperation and Official Development Assistance Programme (TCODAP) commenced in 2011 following the signing of the Financing Agreement between the European Commission and the Government of South Africa. The overall objective of the TCODAP was to contribute towards the enhanced capacity development in promoting economic development, good governance, and social progress and be a […]

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title: Technical Assistance for the support programme to the implementation of EU-Papua New Guinea Cooperation
ID: 5595
time: March 1, 2018

The overall objective of the project of which this contract is part is to contribute to the implementation of the PNG Government’s poverty alleviation policies while ensuring responsible and sustainable development. The purposes of this contract are as follows: To support the implementation of the PNG Government’s national policy priorities; To ensure the efficient and […]

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title: Training on Financial and Contractual Procedures in the framework of the 11th EDF European Development Fund (EDF)
ID: 5592
time: February 5, 2018

This training programme is essential for sound and efficient management in the context of EC devolution. It will enable National Authorising Officers’ (NAOs) and Regional Authorising Officers’ (RAOs) staff as well as EC Staff to better understand the main functioning of the 11th EDF and consequently how to make full use of its financing resources. […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Development Cooperation Support Programme (PAC)
ID: 5573
time: May 3, 2017

The overall objective of this technical assistance contract in support of the NAO services is to enhance the effectiveness of the cooperation between the European Union and the Union of the Comoros and to increase its impact contributing to the fight against poverty and improving the rule of law and good governance in the Union […]

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title: Support to the Government of the Republic of Slovakia on issues related to EU and International Development Policy
ID: 5541
time: January 6, 2016

The Republic of Slovakia (SK) will hold the rotating EU Council Presidency in the second half of 2016, from 1 July to 31 December 2016. During the six-month period a number of important EU and Global development cooperation policy initiatives and events are expected to take place. Based on draft Commission proposals the Council is […]

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title: Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Support Project to implementation of the EU-Guinea Cooperation (PAMOC) (TA to NAO)
ID: 5545
time: January 6, 2016

In general, the program to support implementation of EU-Guinea cooperation (PAMOC) in the Republic of Guinea will help to maximize efficiency, effectiveness and impact of EU aid to increase its impact on poverty reduction and economic and social sustainable development of the Republic of Guinea. This technical assistance (TA) will: Strengthen the capacity of the […]

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title: Long Term Technical Assistance to the National Authorising Officer
ID: 5527
time: April 21, 2015

The overall objective of the project, of which this technical assistance will be a part, is to contribute to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in Zambia through improved aid coordination and delivery. The purpose of the technical assistance is to enhance the capacity of the NAO, in the implementation, coordination and monitoring of the […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the NAO Support Unit and Relevant Line Ministries in order to build capacity in project management
ID: 5512
time: February 5, 2015

The programme aims to develop the capacity of the NAO support unit to enable the NAO to effectively and efficiently perform and fulfil all of the responsibilities as set out in Article 35 of Annex IV of the Cotonou Agreement. The programme will also develop the capacity of line ministries, parastatals and NSAs to manage […]

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title: Support to National Coordinating Units – NIS and Mongolia
ID: 5497
time: October 29, 2014

The immediate objective of the project is to improve and strengthen the planning and co-ordination capacities of partner governments (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia) in relation to EU support and related external assistance programmes. Project counterparts (NCUs) are those public administrations responsible for EU and other external […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Regional Authorising Officer PALOP/East Timor
ID: 5501
time: October 29, 2014

The PALOP NAO’s and the EC decided at the 2005 mid-term review that RIP PALOP II coordination had to be improved. Against this background early 2006 it was agreed that under a Technical Cooperation Facility (TCF II) that will provide EDF resources to the amount of 2,5 M €, a Technical Cooperation Unit (TCU), reinforced […]

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title: IDC Strategy Planning Workshop
ID: 5331
time: October 28, 2014

The IDC unit of the National Treasury is responsible for the ODA-P from a South African Government perspective.It has had difficulty responding to the changing needs of the National Treasury, International ODA community, and regional development needs.In the light of this, a number of initiatives are seen as imperative for the good and proper functioning […]

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title: TA for Business Process Improvement for IDC, National Treasury
ID: 5355
time: October 28, 2014

The immediate operating environment of the IDC, National Treasury has been subjected to change over the past few years. Several of these changes relate to changes in key management functionaries, including: The Budget Office; The Chief Director and Directors of the CD: IDC; Chief Financial Officer; Procurement / Supply-Chain Management; and HR Management. In this […]

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title: Effectiveness of ODA and Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), 2000 – 2008
ID: 5304
time: October 28, 2014

The EU has supported the South African government through various programmes to improve the management and coordination of ODA in the country. Lessons learnt during the implementation of these programmes recommended a consolidated and well-coordinated intervention which resulted in the launch of a programme entitled “Official Development Assistance Programme in support of effective delivery of […]

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title: Support to the Strategic Institutional Reform of the Secretariat of the ACP Group of States including its Geneva Antenna – Phase 2
ID: 5471
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the service contract is to improve the effectiveness of the ACP Secretariat in executing its double mandate: 1) its institutional mandate, i.e. to serve the ACP Institutions, the Joint Institutions and the ACP States, and 2) its role of implementing Institution of some important “all ACP” projects funded under the Intra-ACP […]

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title: IDC Administration Support
ID: 5341
time: October 28, 2014

The purpose of the assignment is to assist the Directors within IDC in their pursuit of providing the necessary support to the management of IDC.This will be achieved by co-ordinating the operations of the various role-players through effective and efficient administrative and secretarial assistance. Type of services provided Core expert team of 1 Consultants provided […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the National Authorizing Officer and Aid Coordination Unit
ID: 5357
time: October 28, 2014

In December 2007, the Government of Vanuatu took the important decision to consolidate aid planning, management and coordination under a single department, the new Department of Strategic Policy, Planning and Aid Coordination (DSPPAC), which comes under the aegis of the Prime Minister Office. Within the DSPPAC, the Aid Coordination and Negotiation Unit (ACNU) has the […]

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title: Pool of Expertise for Terms of Reference Development Assistance
ID: 5308
time: October 28, 2014

The objective of this study is to support the IDC, National Treasury to draft specific terms of reference in different fields (sector, project & programme studies, reviews and evaluations, and advisory and logistical support services) in accordance with the needs identified. Specifically, the areas to be covered will be for studies under the following areas: […]

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title: Support to the National Coordinating Units in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
ID: 5481
time: October 28, 2014

The immediate objective of the project is to: Improve and strengthen co-ordination, planning, monitoring and implementation capacity of partner government in relation to EU support related to external assistance programmes; Support to the enhancement of the dialogue between the GoT and the EU; Promote and encourage the coordination and exchange of information with other NCUs […]

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title: Terms of Reference for the Provision of Support to the Youth Empowerment through Culture and Sport Programme
ID: 5342
time: October 28, 2014

The objective of the assignment is to assist the Department of Arts and Culture unpack the Financing Agreement of the Youth Empowerment Programme with the EU. The implementation of programme: was at a stalemate with DAC maintaining they could not go ahead with programme in its current form. However, the Financing Agreement was signed and […]

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title: Technical support for the drafting of programme estimates and training in the framework of the Productive sector support Programme
ID: 5359
time: October 28, 2014

The signing of the financing agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Vanuatu to support the productive sector for an amount of 5.5 Million Euros in March 2010 was the conclusion of a long term process after several years of consultation and dialogue between relevant stakeholders. Effective implementation of the mentioned financing agreement […]

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title: Pool of Expertise for PCM Monitoring and Evaluation
ID: 5309
time: October 28, 2014

The objective of this study is to support the IDC, National Treasury to carry out capacity needs assessments on each the 9 provincial ODA supported programmes in order to identify training and support requirements. Specifically, the focus of the intervention was on the following two areas: Programme Management; Project Cycle Management. Type of services provided […]

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title: Terms of Reference for an In-depth Study to Determine where ODA Interventions Built Capacity, in what form and the Knowledge Products that were Generated in Municipalities
ID: 5344
time: October 28, 2014

Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG) through its Chief Directorate: International and Donor Relations intends to conduct an in – depth data gathering and tabulation and analyses from all municipalities that received ODA from International Cooperation Partners (ICPs) for purposes of capacity building. Conceptually Capacity Building should embrace “individual”, “institutional” or “environmental” as defined in the […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the NAO Support Unit (CAONF II)
ID: 5363
time: October 28, 2014

The project objective is to continue to strengthen capacities of the public service so as to improve the management of EC assistance within the overall framework of external aid received by the country, and to improve the technical coordination with concerned line ministries. Support to the NAO with the implementation of EDF within the framework […]

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title: Technical Assistance for the Completion of the Development Co-operation Information and Management Systems (DCIMS) of the International Development Co-operation (IDC), National Treasury
ID: 5311
time: October 28, 2014

A key role of the IDC is to provide government, donors and recipients with up-to-date but specific information on the Official Development Assistance within South Africa. To this end, a reliable and user-friendly Development Co-operation Information Management System is essential. The objective of the project is the successful revision, extension, testing and completion of the […]

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title: Technical Assistance for IDC-National Treasury: Research & Policy Analyst – Aid Effectiveness and Efficiency
ID: 5347
time: October 28, 2014

The Research & Policy Analyst (Aid Effectiveness & Efficiency) has been an integral member of the International Development Cooperation (IDC) team at the National Treasury. Under the overall guidance of the IDC Chief Director, the Research & Policy Analyst has supported the IDC, the Treasury and the Government of South Africa (SA) with issues pertaining […]

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title: Review of South African Trilateral Development Cooperation Activities – Technical Cooperation and Official Development Assistance Programme (TCODAP)
ID: 5379
time: October 28, 2014

In South Africa, trilateral cooperation activities are located within the scope of South–South Cooperation (SSC), which is understood to be an exchange of resources, technology, knowledge and experience between countries of the global south. Trilateral cooperation activities have been increasing within South Africa in recent years since some donors are shifting to regional/cross-border programming rather […]

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title: Development of Visibility and Communication Tools for the IDC
ID: 5319
time: October 28, 2014

The IDC has implemented initiatives to strengthen ODA Co-ordination as well as working towards the efficient and effective operational management of the ODA.One of the challenges being experienced is being able to keep all IDC (and ODA) stakeholders informed and up to date with relevant information.With this in mind, the IDC is gearing towards the […]

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title: Support for a Knowledge Management Lab Technician
ID: 5348
time: October 28, 2014

The ODAP has the promotion of sound knowledge management practices within the ODA environment as one of its Result Areas in the Financing Agreement. Knowledge Management (KM) is currently recognized as a crucial approach for enabling the National Treasury and its government clients to effectively and completely recognise and disseminate institutional knowledge and learning’s both […]

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title: Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Centre for EU Education and Youth Programmes (Turkish National Agency)
ID: 5391
time: October 28, 2014

The Directorate of the Centre for the European Union Education and Youth Programmes (Turkish National Agency – TRNA / Ulusal Ajans) is responsible for the management and implementation of the EU Youth Cooperation Programmes such as Erasmus, Comenius, Comett-I, Petra-I, Youth for Europe, Lingua, Eurotechnet, Force and Socrates. In 2012 the TRNA was allowed to […]

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title: Terms of Reference for the Development of Policy Guidelines for the Management of ODA within the Department of Public Works, South Africa
ID: 5322
time: October 28, 2014

Coordination of Official Development Assistance (ODA) is essential for managing ODA resources for maximum realization of predetermined goals. The lack of ODA policy guidelines and resources mobilization strategy serves to undermine the goals of service delivery and access to much needed ODA resources. The Directorate: Global Partnerships under the Chief Directorate: International Relations and Strategic […]

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title: Technical assistance to the Social Cluster Portfolio of IDC
ID: 5349
time: October 28, 2014

The purpose of the assignment is to expedite the implementation of the IDC social cluster team by providing advisory and analytical support to the IDC Director responsible for the Social cluster as a stop-gap measure until a new deputy director is recruited for the above portfolio.. Specific areas of support will include review of and […]

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title: Facilitation of EC Assistance in BiH 2006, 2007 & 2008 to further enhance Stakeholder involvement
ID: 5394
time: October 28, 2014

The EC Assistance in BiH is de-concentrated [implementation authority delegated to the BiH Delegation] but is not de-centralised and therefore ultimate responsibility of programming and project implementation management rests still with the EC Delegation and not the national authorities. But, BiH Government has started to prepare all necessary grounds for the de-centralisation of EC assistance […]

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title: Prepare a comprehensive poverty reduction, improved service delivery and integrated development programme presentation to potential development partners on behalf of the Ehlanzeni District Municipality
ID: 5325
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the intervention was to provide technical assistance on accessing international development aid to the Ehlanzeni District Municipality in support of implementation of their Integrated Development Programme (IDP). Specific Objectives were: To prepare a comprehensive presentation, based on the Integrated Development Programme (IDP) of the Ehlanzeni District Municipality and related interventions through […]

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title: Review USAID Support to South Africa 2005-2009
ID: 5350
time: October 28, 2014

The objective of this Country Evaluation is to provide USAID, South Africa and the wider public with an independent, flexible and forward-looking review, including a set of recommendations, to allow both SA and USAID to relook the strategy for development cooperation/USAID Framework within SA. Key findings and lessons of experience from the USAIDS’s current assistance […]

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title: Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) to the NAO
ID: 5402
time: October 28, 2014

The specific objectives of this service contract are: Improvement of the performance of the NAO, and related line ministries, public and semi public agencies as well as Non State Actors involved in EU assistance in Kenya; Effective implementation of EU funded programmes and projects mentioned in the National Indicative Programme and others (including EU budget […]

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title: Technical Assistance in ODA Coordination at National, Provincial and Local levels under the International Development cooperation Chief Directorate
ID: 5326
time: October 28, 2014

One of the key objectives of the IDC/ODA involves overall enhancement of ODA coordination and management at both the National and the Provincial level. In the first place, IDC/ODA has the responsibility of ensuring efficient inter departmental collaboration through the cluster system. Sound cross-sectoral collaboration is imperative to ensure effective coordination and harmonization within government […]

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title: Technical assistance to IDC for strengthening of sector budget support capacity in SA government
ID: 5352
time: October 28, 2014

The purpose of the assignment is to support National Treasury to improve the capacity of SA Departments to undertake sector budget support programmes. The specific objective of the assignment is to take forward the capacity development process through: Supporting SBS departments to identify and agree a specific training and capacity development support programme; Preparation of […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Office of the NAO
ID: 5409
time: October 28, 2014

The purpose of the project of which this contract will be part is to strengthen the NAO system by assisting the NAO to continue to observe his responsibilities and obligations under the Cotonou Agreement and by strengthening the SIG’s capacities and capabilities to effectively programme, supervise implementation, manage, monitor and account for EU cooperation (EDF-funded […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the National Coordinating Unit (TANCU), Republic of Tajikistan
ID: 5329
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the project is to assist the Government of Tajikistan in their pursuit of sustainable economic development and poverty reduction. A revision of the original focus of the project did take place during the inception phase. The original purpose as per standard TA to NCU projects of improving and strengthening the planning […]

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title: Technical Assistance for completing a strategic analysis of options, and planning, in relation to the establishment of the South African Development Partnership Agency (SADPA)
ID: 5353
time: October 28, 2014

The Department for International Relations and Cooperation is the lead department for coordinating foreign policy for the South African government, and has been mandated to establish both a SADPA and Fund in order to coordinate development assistance in the region. In this regard, substantial work had been completed in the run-up to this assignment and […]

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title: Technical assistance to the ACTION (NAO services) in the Republic of Chad
ID: 5431
time: October 28, 2014

The support project to the NAO aims at improving the capacities for programming and management of EU aid to Chad. The function of NAO in Chad is entrusted to the Minister of Economy and Planning; the deputy NAOs are the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General of the MEPC. The overall project objective is […]

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title: Technical Assistance for Aid Effectiveness Workshop
ID: 5330
time: October 28, 2014

The primary objectives for the Africa Meeting on Aid Effectiveness and the South-South Cooperation that ensues to it are to provide an opportunity for representatives from Africa to discuss, network and affirm a collective agreed vision/message: In preparation to the High Level Forums on Aid Effectiveness – Seoul, 2011 and the South-South Cooperation in Bogota […]

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title: TA for Social & Governance Cluster and the Economic & Infrastructure Cluster Meetings of the 2011 SA-EU Annual Consultations
ID: 5354
time: October 28, 2014

Cooperation between South Africa, the European Community and the EU Member States takes place within the framework of the Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA), that came into full force in May 2004.This agreement provides for economic and trade cooperation, development cooperation, political cooperation as well as cooperation in other areas. Development Cooperation under the […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Official Development Assistance Programme (ODA-P)
ID: 5302
time: October 28, 2014

South Africa is an economy in transition, seeking to address serious issues of economic and social cohesion. South African government departments (national, provincial and municipal), other government agencies and NGO’s are in the forefront of addressing these social and economic backlogs. They command immense resources from both the South African budget and support in the […]

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title: Support to EU Ethiopia Cooperation (TA to NAO)
ID: 5436
time: October 28, 2014

The National Authorising Officer has overall responsibility for the implementation of EDF programmes. In Ethiopia the National Authorising Officer is the Minister of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED).The responsibility for the day-to-day implementation is delegated by the Minister to the Deputy-National Authorising Officers. One Deputy National Authorising Officer is a State Minister of MoFED, responsible […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation in the Republic of Chad
ID: 5219
time: October 27, 2014

The support project to the MEPC aims at improving the capacities for programming and management of EC aid and to strengthen capacities for coordination of all external aid to Chad, specifically the planning, implementation and monitoring of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy. The function of NAO in Chad is entrusted to the Minister of the […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Institutional Support to Development Policies Programme (Programa de Apoyo a la Definición de Políticas de Desarrollo en Nicaragua –PAINIC)
ID: 5241
time: October 27, 2014

The Country Strategy Paper for Nicaragua gives priority to the implementation of sector policy support programmes in 3 priority sectors: Socio-economic development of rural areas; Investment in human capital, especially education and; Support to good governance and consolidation of the democratic process. These 3 sectors correspond to key pillars of the Poverty Reduction Strategy of […]

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title: Mid-Term Evaluation of the Poverty Reduction Support Progarmme
ID: 5243
time: October 27, 2014

Poverty reduction, one of the core objectives of the EU-Niger cooperation, requires approaches that take into account the social spectrum and the differences invulnerability between the various social groups, included within households. So as to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the EU interventions in Niger with respect to poverty reduction a horizontal support programme […]

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title: Harmonization and alignment for aid effectiveness in South Africa
ID: 5262
time: October 27, 2014

The overall objective of this project is to collect timely indicative baseline data on the harmonization and alignment of aid effectiveness in South Africa, taking into account the revised targets of the Paris declarations of March 2005. Ultimately the study should provide more accurate benchmarks and realistic targets for the coming five years and the […]

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title: Support to the National Coordinating Unit in Azerbaijan
ID: 5267
time: October 27, 2014

The immediate objective of the project is to improve and strengthen the planning and co-ordination capacities of the Azeri government in relation to EU support and related external assistance programmes.Project counterparts (NCUs) are those public administrations responsible for EU and other external aid planning and management. The support seeks to address the following: Human resource […]

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title: Support to the National Coordinating Unit in Ukraine
ID: 5268
time: October 27, 2014

The immediate objective of the project is to make sure that the national inputs for the development of IPs and APs meet well identified and jointly agreed priorities for the cooperation between the EU and Ukraine, set within a broader framework of external assistance and reflecting wider stakeholder consultation and influence.Project counterparts (NCUs) are those […]

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title: Support to the National Coordinating Unit in Armenia
ID: 5269
time: October 27, 2014

The immediate objective of the project is to support the development of a comprehensive and well structured dialogue between the Armenian Government and the EU/EC in the context of the current development cooperation and political framework, and strengthen capacity within the EUTACU and relevant Government units in line with the new requirements arising from the […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the General Directorate for Cooperation (DGCOOP) for the follow-up of the implementation of the 9th EDF and the finalisation of the identification of the 10th EDF
ID: 5287
time: October 27, 2014

The Technical Assistance should be understood within the general context of the transition to the 10th EDF and a new phase in the support to the services of the National Authorising Officer. It will moreover allow a close and effective follow-up of the steps taken in preparation of the implementation of the 10th EDF and […]

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title: Support to the National Coordinating Unit in Turkmenistan
ID: 5288
time: October 27, 2014

The overall objective of the project is to promote the stability and security of Turkmenistan as well as to assist in the pursuit of a sustainable economic development and further enhancement of livelihoods of the population. The specific objectives of the project are: To improve and strengthen the planning, co-ordination, monitoring and implementation capacity of […]

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title: Institutional Support to the Office in Charge of the Management of EU Cooperation Programmes
ID: 5189
time: October 24, 2014

The European Union is the major donor in Burkina Faso with support being granted through the 7th, 8th and 9th European Fund for Development (EDF), regional programmes, as well as within the framework of STABEX, SYSMIN, Structural Adjustment Fund and the International European Bank. Furthermore, the EU provides support to different budget lines including food […]

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