The overall objective of this evaluation is to provide the relevant services of the European Union, the interested stakeholders with: an overall independent assessment of the performance of Digitalisation Sector Reform Performance Contract, paying particular attention to its results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results. The focus of evaluation is […]
The European Union (EU) and the Government of Mongolia signed the Financing Agreement for the EU first Budget Support programme in May 2020. The Action is a Sector Reform Performance Contract (SRPC) on Employment of EUR 50.8 million (MNT 155.7 billion) over five years. It builds upon the achievements of past and ongoing EU projects […]
The main objective is to conduct a national mixed methods study that will examine the state of supply and demand of under 3 childcare services in Thailand across the public-private continuum. This assignment also aims to assess the cost of inaction and forecast the demand for services to make an investment case for a developing […]
The Skills Enhancement Project is part of the government’s response for supporting life-long-learning and reducing social inequality across the 76 provinces of Thailand. The specific purpose of the project is to provide those who have completed compulsory schooling with the opportunity to access 3 to 6 months of basic skills training. The thinking behind the […]
The SHARE Programme aims at strengthening regional cooperation, enhance the quality, regional competitiveness and internationalisation of ASEAN higher education institutions contributing to an ASEAN Community in 2015 and beyond. The Specific objectives of the programme are: To contribute to the harmonisation of ASEAN higher education area through the formulation of ASEAN higher education frameworks taking […]
The Capacity Development Partnership Fund (CDPF) is a long-running partnership between the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) in Cambodia, the European Union, the Swedish Embassy, USAID, Global Partnership for Education and UNICEF. The purpose of the CDPF, currently in its third phase, is to support the realisation of the two policy priorities identified […]
The European Union has been supporting the education sector in Cambodia since 2003. The fifth budget support programme, the EU-Cambodia Education Sector Reform Partnership 2018-2021 (ESRP) was signed and started implementation in August 2018. Budget support is coupled with complimentary support, currently provided through a multi-donor trust fund, the Education Capacity Development Partnership Fund (CDPF) […]
Equity is one of the two core policy objectives of Cambodia’s Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2019-2023, and a wide range of strategies are included in the ESP to address this issue. While there are several dimensions to education inequity, one main source that contributes to unequal access as well as student drop-out, is the level […]
The purpose of this contract is to provide complementary, advanced technical assistance that contribute to the achievement of ARISE Plus-Indonesia programme’s objectives, namely enhancing Indonesia’s capacity to boost its trade performance and competitiveness. ARISE+ Indonesia aims to contribute to Indonesia’s preparedness and enhanced competitiveness in global value chains through specific support targeting national and sub-national […]
The Government of Kyrgyzstan adopted the Education Development Programme/Strategy 2021-2040 (EDS 2040) along with its first operational rolling mid-term Action Plan (APED) 2021-2023 on 4 May 2021. The new Education Development Strategy 2040 recognises the pressing need to improve education quality along with the digital literacy and teaching-learning practices through the widespread use of digital […]
The overall objective of the Digitalisation Sector Reform Performance Contract (DSRPC) is to support the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic through policy dialogue, budget support and capacity building measures, to assist with the implementation of the government’s Digital Concept and the related Kyrgyzstan Digital Transformation Roadmap 2019-2023. The overall objectives of this contract are: (i) […]
In 2019, the Department of Education (DepEd), with support from UNICEF and UNESCO-IIEP conducted a basic education sector analysis in order to develop Basic Education Master Plan 2030. However, the landscape of the sector dramatically changed by two events. The first is the poor performance of the Philippines in the PISA 2019: the Philippines placed […]
The specific purpose of this consultancy is to independently verify to what extent the results-based indicators as defined in the GPE programme document and means of verification protocol have been achieved and properly documented. The objective of this consultancy is to support the verification of achievement for five specific targets through a review of the […]
The specific objective of the assignment is to conduct a tracer study on TVET I graduates and comprehensively analyse empirical data regarding TVET I graduates and to present the findings and recommendations in a clear and logical report. This report should be comprehensive enough to allow EU Delegation to make an accurate assessment of the […]
The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity and resources of key tourism governing and advisory bodies in Vietnam in the area of tourism marketing and promotion to ensure sustainability and enhanced competitiveness of the destinations and at the same time contribute to social economic development of the local people and business […]
Inclusion of children with special health abilities is the weakest point of the current education system in Kyrgyzstan. Inclusive education is almost total absent from the pre-service and in-service teacher education space. Encouragingly the Ministry of Education has addressed the inclusive education for children with special educational needs in Objective 2.3 of the Action Plan […]
The specific objective of the assignment is to conduct a tracer study on TVET I graduates and comprehensively analyse empirical data regarding TVET I graduates and to present the findings and recommendations in a clear and logical report. This report should be comprehensive enough to allow EU Delegation to make an accurate assessment of the […]
The overall objective of the Balochistan Education Support Programme (BES) is to accelerate and further increase the number of children (especially girls) enrolling in and competing quality elementary education in Balochistan during the next 5 years, which is a key priority of the Balochistan Education Sector Plan (BESP). The specific objectives include: To increase access […]
UNICEF Mongolia with its partners started undertaking an initiative to promote inclusive basic education for children with disabilities and disadvantages at six general education schools and four non-formal education centers in its target areas of Khuvsgul province and Nalaikh, a remote district of Ulaanbaatar in 2013/14-2016 benefitting over 150 children with disabilities, which generated a […]
ARISE Plus-Indonesia aims to contribute to Indonesia’s preparedness and enhanced competitiveness in global value chains through specific support targeting national and sub-national levels. By enhancing Indonesia’s trade competitiveness and openness, the programme will promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, boost job creation and increase employment in a gender sensitive way. Furthermore, the programme provides country-level […]
The specific purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical assistance and overall guidance to the Government (and various Ministries of Education and institutions under them) through the process of developing a comprehensive Education Sector Plan (ESP) for period 2018-2022. The comprehensive ESP is the key national education policy document, which provides a long-term vision […]
The third phase of EU’s support to the TVET sector is “Supporting TVET sector in Pakistan (TVET III)”. It is based on the key achievements of TVET I and II and the lessons learnt from their implementation and the recommendations of their evaluations. The subject Terms of Reference relate to evaluation of TVET III. TVET […]
Education has been the Key sector of the EU’s Development Cooperation with Indonesia since 2009: The EU Budget Support Programme “Education Sector Support Programme” (ESSP Phase I & II). Works on results-based disbursements, based on the Joint Results Framework, focus on Access, Quality and Governance; The “Analytical Capacity and Development Partnership” programme (ACDP), co-funded by […]
The global objective of the assignment is to provide technical assistance in developing a costed 3-year action plan (2018-2020) for the Early Childhood Education (ECE) sub-sector which is in alignment with the Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP) 2016-2020. The costed action plan will be used by the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) and development […]
The objective of the consultancy is to provide technical support to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (‘the Ministry’) related to (1) sub-national democratic development (SNDD), (2) improving the quality of education management at school level and (3) capacity development of the Ministry’s staff. To achieve this objective, the consultancy requires the TA to […]
Within the framework of the ESRC (AAP2015), the European Union (EU) provides financial assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic during Kyrgyz fiscal years 2016-2018. This assistance is provided through a foreign currency facility channeled into the national budget. The overall objective is to support the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to implement structural reforms in the […]
The overall objective of the project “Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs in Uzbekistan” is to contribute to social inclusion in Uzbekistan. The specific objective is to improve the quality of education for children with special needs age 2 – 10 and promote their integration in the mainstream kindergartens and primary schools in Uzbekistan”. […]
The global objective is (i) to determine the contribution of EU ongoing bilateral projects and programmes so far to the elimination of all forms of gender discrimination and the empowerment of women’s and girls’ in all spheres of live and (ii) to contribute to enhanced gender inclusion in EU ongoing bilateral cooperation projects/programmes. The specific […]
TVET II purpose is to increase the access, equity, relevance and quality of the TVET sector in Pakistan. TVET II covers all provinces and regions of Pakistan. The project supports the reform of TVET sector through following three Components: Component 1: Governance. Component 1 addresses governance issues of skills development and TVET. It aims at […]
“Support to the TVET Sector in Pakistan” (TVET I) has a total cost of 21.17 M EUR where EU’s contribution is 19.47 M EUR. The project purpose is to improve the quality and outreach of skill trainings provision predominantly in the rural areas of Pakistan in response to the needs of the economic sector. The […]
Education, including human resource development, is one the focal areas for EU’s development cooperation with Pakistan. The purpose of this contract is to support the EU Delegation in the identification and formulation phase of planning for the continuation of its support to the TVET sector in Pakistan. The expected results include: Identification phase Assist in […]
The objective of the assignment is to assist the EU Delegation (EUD) in Myanmar in the formulation of its support to the National Education Sector Plan (NESP) and to the PFM reform strategy. The specific objectives of the mission are as follows: To assist the EU Delegation in formulating its support to the reform of […]
In 2010, it was agreed that the EU, the Swedish Embassy and UNICEF would embark on a formal partnership in order to support capacity development in the education sector in Cambodia a harmonised manner. The Capacity Development Partnership Fund (CDPF) started in November 2011 and will continue until December 2014. A two year extension is […]
The European Union (EU) has been providing budget support (BS) in the education sector to Cambodia since 2003. The fourth budget support programme, the EU-Cambodia Education Sector Reform Partnership 2014-2016 (ESRP) was signed on 12 March 2014 and started implementation in the first half of 2014. The BS component of the programme comprises three annual […]
The specific objective of the assignment is to identify and formulate a detailed 3 year regional cooperation programme “EURECA II” (budget between € 13 and 15 million) targeting Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, responding to the objectives of the Multiannual Indicative Regional Programme for Central Asia 2014-2020, building on the results […]
The Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) has challenged DFID to better capture the full range of impacts from engagement in the social sectors in India. This study is intended to evaluate the Technical Assistance (TA) component of projects within DFID India’s Education portfolio. This is the first major study of its kind to look […]
The European Union funded SHARE (Supporting the Hardest to Reach through Basic Education) Education Programme aims to contribute to the achievement of Bangladesh’s development goals and to a national basic education framework. The specific objectives of SHARE programme are to provide basic education opportunities of quality for the hardest to reach children and their parents […]
The overall objective of the Programme of which this contract will be a part of is to contribute to achieve the ESDP 2011-2015 goals of expanding equitable access, improving quality and relevance and strengthening planning and management, in line with the 7th NSEDP and MDGs. The purpose of the project is to support the attainment […]
Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews aim to assist the European Commission’s (EC) services and EU Delegations (EUD) in monitoring of and reporting on EU financed development and cooperation projects and programmes in third countries through independent reviews of the progress of their implementation and the achievement of project results. Compared to the ROM reviews conducted […]
In the framework of the Regional Strategy Paper for Assistance to Central Asia 2007-2013, the “Central Asia Invest” Programme has been launched to strengthen private sector development in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan). The Programme is providing policy-support by co-funding the OECD-led Central Asia Initiative, part of its Eurasia Competitiveness Programme. The majority […]
Following the indicative allocation in the amount of 49.9 million USD from the Global Partnership for Education, the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan has indicated its agreement to join the Global Partnership for Education and to develop an Education Sector Plan in line with Uzbekistan’s Welfare Improvement Strategy (WIS). The GPE has identified UNICEF […]
The Global Education (GE) Project was planned by the Faculty of Education, University of Plymouth, England, for the UNICEF CARK (Central Asian Republics and Kazakhstan) Area Office as a 78-month project. At the planning phase it involved five countries – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan – but it took off in 2003 in the […]
Balochistan is the least educated province in Pakistan, with 67% of its population being illiterate.Although there have been remarkable improvements in the education landscape during the last decade, primarily due to the focused efforts of the government and development partners, the Net Enrolment Rate (NER) is still at least 10 percent lower than the national […]
The ASEAN-EU University Network Programme (AUNP) is a higher education co-operation programme jointly funded and implemented by the European Commission (EC) and the ASEAN University Network (AUN), assisted by a Programme Management Office (PMO) in Bangkok. The AUNP provides under its Partnership Projects’ Grant strand (PP) funding for university collaboration in Human Resources Development, Curriculum […]
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector has been identified as a key sector in Nepal for its economic growth. Recent surveys identify lack of skilled labour as one of the key constraints for economic growth in Nepal. The economy is undergoing a transition from a largely subsistence, agrarian economy to a more mixed […]
The immediate objective of the project is to: Improve and strengthen co-ordination, planning, monitoring and implementation capacity of partner government in relation to EU support related to external assistance programmes; Support to the enhancement of the dialogue between the GoT and the EU; Promote and encourage the coordination and exchange of information with other NCUs […]
The reform of the education sector has become a priority for the Government of Myanmar and although good progress has been made in the past years there remain a number of critical challenges such as a wide disparity in access to, and duration of, quality education opportunities for different children and population groups with as […]
The BMT project promotes modern high-level business management training in China, based on European best practice and experience paired with exposure to real business practices in China. It transfers knowledge on European business management models and market economics, European business ethics, corporate governance, social and environmental responsibility, European macro-economic issues and, in the broadest sense, […]
At the beginning of 2008 the Government developed a new National Programme on improving the quality and efficiency of education at all levels (from pre-school to higher education) for 2008-2012.Education reform in Uzbekistan is supported by many donors and international agencies. The UNICEF Programme on education consists of two sub-projects: Early Learning and School Readiness […]
The proposed Project falls under the Indicative Programme for Cooperation (PIC/ICP) signed on 22 September 2002 between the governments of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. On 1 March 2004, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) submitted a Project request prepared by the Bac Kan Province for the establishment […]
Between January 2003 and December 2007 the European Commission (EC) provided support to the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth & Sport (MoEYS) through a targeted Sector Budget Support Programme (SBS). The support was in the form of a grant of up to €15m, released in a series of tranches through the Ministry of Economy & […]
In February 2012, the European Union and the Government of Pakistan signed the Financing Agreement (No. DCI-ASIE/2011/023-009) for SESSP under which the EU will provide technical assistance and sector budget support to the Education sector in Sindh. The total EU contribution to SESSP is €30 million, including €25.5 million for Sector Budget Support (SBS). The […]
The overall objective of the project is to assist the Government of Tajikistan in their pursuit of sustainable economic development and poverty reduction. A revision of the original focus of the project did take place during the inception phase. The original purpose as per standard TA to NCU projects of improving and strengthening the planning […]
In March 2002, Lux-Development was mandated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Luxembourg to implement a project aimed at making the best cardiologic expertise in Mongolia available to provincial doctors through a telemedicine network and a specialised information website, based on quickly expanding internet connections. The project was designed to face the difficult […]
In 2010, it was agreed that the EU, the Swedish Embassy and UNICEF would embark on a formal partnership in order to support capacity development in the education sector in Cambodia a harmonised manner. The Capacity Development Partnership Fund (CDPF) started in November 2011 and will continue until December 2014. A two year extension is […]
The proposed Project falls under the Indicative Programme for Cooperation (PIC/ICP) signed on 22 September 2002 between the governments of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. On 1 March 2004, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) submitted a Project request prepared by the Cao Bang Province for five Irrigation […]
The seventh National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) (2011-2015) of the Government of Lao PDRemphasizes the role of education in achieving its goals and identifies three major priorities for the sector: Expanding equitable access to education services; Improving quality and relevance of education services; and Strengthening education sector governance and performance management. The Ministry of Education […]
The Asia-Link Programme is an initiative by the European Commission to promote regional and multilateral networking between higher education institutions in EU Member States and South Asia, South-East Asia and China. The programme aims to encourage the creation of new partnerships, reinforce existing partnerships between European and Asian universities, and create new sustainable links.A total […]
The 5 year Project ‘Supporting TVET Reform in Pakistan (TVET II)’ is one of the two TVET programmes financed by the EU in Pakistan. The Programme is being implemented by GIZ through a Delegation Agreement and consists of 3 components each addressing a specific challenge of the TVET Sector: A first component addresses governance issues […]
The Asia-Link Programme is a tool of economic cooperation embodying – across the higher education sector – the EU’s strategic priority of enhanced partnerships with Asia. It aims, through the facilitation of successful and relevant Projects, to “Reinforce existing partnerships between European and Asia universities and create new and sustainable linkages. The programme serves as […]
The overall objective is poverty alleviation in the Province of Sindh through progress in achieving Education for All (EFA) goals. The EC Sindh Education Plan Support Programme (SEPSP) purpose is “improved capacity at school, district and provincial level to deliver quality elementary education services in an equitable way”. Results of SEPSP are systems- and process […]
UNICEF in Turkmenistan is preparing to undertake a Mid-Term Review (MTR) for its ongoing Country Programme (CP) of Cooperation 2005-2009. This involves a full review of the current situation and new policies, especially related to the education sector within the context of the Education for All (EFA) mid-decade assessment (MDA). Findings and recommendations from this […]
The CREP project has as objective to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) in school building project planning, design, management and monitoring of school building projects through: Reduce capital investment in school building by controlling construction costs and quality through the establishment of adequate space norms and standards […]
The overall objective of the project is to promote the stability and security of Turkmenistan as well as to assist in the pursuit of a sustainable economic development and further enhancement of livelihoods of the population. The specific objectives of the project are: To improve and strengthen the planning, co-ordination, monitoring and implementation capacity of […]
The European Studies Programme Vietnam (ESPV) is implemented within the Centre for European Studies (CES), a specialised research and training institute attached to the National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities (NCSSH) in Hanoi, Viet Nam. Other Vietnamese higher education and research institutions are associated with the ESPV, for which the European Commission (EC) signed […]
Early 2003, some 1,8 million Afghan refugees are estimated to remain in Pakistan mostly in urban centres such as Peshawar, Quetta, Karachi and Rawalpindi/Islamabad and in 200 villages in the North Western Frontier Provinces (NWFP) and Baluchistan. The European Commission has for years supported the Afghan refugees located in Pakistan and in Iran through its […]
The Second Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP II) will be a huge step forward in integrating all Development Partner (DP) inputs and providing ownership to Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME), and particularly the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) in the development of a quality education programme. This is a sector wide programme and […]
PROMAN in Consortium with Fem Consult is providing TA to the Second Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP II), a sector wide programme integrating the inputs of 11 Development Partner (DP) and providing ownership to Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME), and particularly the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) in the development of a quality […]
Following the approval of the Indicative Programme of Cooperation between Belgium and Laos in May 2002, the Ministry of Education of Laos, in concordance with DGDC of Belgium, outlined a proposal for the Belgium–Laotian cooperation in the education sector summarised in the identification report on “Strengthening of vocational training potential in Champassak Province”. The Belgian […]
Belgium supported the local government reform process in Vietnam as early as the mid-1990s when it formulated its first PAR support program for the province of Can Tho. Officially operated between 2002 and 2005, the “Support for Public Administration Reform in Can Tho Project” (SPAR) contributed to both local and national PAR implementation programs. In […]
This mission is the fifth Independent Technical Monitoring Mission for the EC Targeted Budget Support to Pro-Poor Basic Education Reforms in Cambodia. The global objective is to produce a comprehensive, informed and holistic assessment of the progress of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) in implementing its reform agenda and in particular the […]
The Government of China is committed to achieving a complete statutory social security system by 2005.The 1998 Communication from the Commission entitled “Building a Comprehensive Partnership with China” emphasises the Commission’s commitment to strengthen Social Security systems. The Country Strategy paper 2002-2006 foresees the EC supporting China in the areas of social health insurance, pension […]
The provinces of Siem Reap and Kampong Cham are among the most populated provinces in Cambodia. The Northern part of the Siem Reap province has been poorly covered in terms of access to Education. The general objective of the project will be to contribute to sustainable poverty reduction and alleviation through increasing of training levels […]
The European Commission is considering the possibility to adopt a pro-active approach and to invest in the Government of Pakistan’s reform and transition process towards a sector approach in elementary education. The aim is to design an EC Support package that will work as a catalyst to assist the Department of Education and other donors […]
The CASCADE Programme succeeds the Earthquake Rehabilitation Programme which sought to restore infrastructure support in areas devastated by the 1990 earthquake. Covering 19 municipalities in the 3 provinces of Nueva Vizcaya, Nueva Ecija and Benguet, CASCADE affects the lives of some 25.000 households. The project objective is to increase, on a sustainable basis, the level […]