Ref N° 602

Evaluation of the Financing Agreement between the EU and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan – Balochistan Education Support (BES)

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 78 394
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
September 2018
End date
January 2019
Number of staff provided
50 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

The overall objective of the Balochistan Education Support Programme (BES) is to accelerate and further increase the number of children (especially girls) enrolling in and competing quality elementary education in Balochistan during the next 5 years, which is a key priority of the Balochistan Education Sector Plan (BESP).

The specific objectives include:

  • To increase access to and retention in elementary education, particularly for girls, through community mobilisation and awareness-raising, the construction and refurbishment of primary and middle school classrooms, including basic facilities, and the recruitment and deployment of female teachers;
  • To enhance the quality of elementary education by reinforcing and retooling the system for the continuous professional development of teachers; and
  • To improve the governance and management within the sector by improving the provincial data management, monitoring and planning systems.

The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide to the relevant services of the EU, the interested stakeholders with:

  • An overall independent assessment of the performance of the BES programme, paying particular attention to its ‘intermediate’ results measured against its objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results;
  • Key stakeholders learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current implementation of the two components of the action and future Actions.

Type of services provided

The evaluation will assess the Action using the five standard DAC evaluation criteria, namely: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and early signs of impact.

The evaluation process will be carried out in 3 phases:

  • Desk & Inception phase;
  • Field phase;
  • Synthesis.

Main staff provided:

  • Team Leader (30 w/d);
  • Education expert (20 w/d).

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