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title: Final evaluation of regional action “DEV-pillar of the Regional Development and Protection Programme (RDPP) in the North of Africa – Phase II and III
ID: 7783
time: October 30, 2024

The Regional Development and Protection Programme (RDPP) addresses increasing migration flows in North Africa and the Mediterranean, driven by economic hardship, conflict, and limited legal options. This surge has strained host communities, heightening vulnerabilities for migrants and refugees. The RDPP, funded by the European Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF), has evolved from immediate relief efforts in […]

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title: Thematic Evaluation of Social Protection Programmes 2014 – present
ID: 7494
time: January 26, 2024

Against the backdrop of global challenges such as the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic, geopolitical distress, increasing inflation, fiscal tightening, and climate change, all of which worked as mutually reinforcing shocks and fuelled food and energy crises, this evaluation aims at strategically assessing the EU support which has been provided through external action in […]

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title: Strengthening the regulations, supervision and functioning of the National Universal Health Insurance System – Peru 2023
ID: 7490
time: January 25, 2024

The overall objective of the study is to support the National Health System in Peru to strengthen its regulatory and supervisory capacities over the set of entities that form the national Universal Health Insurance (UHI) system. The aim further entails to establish solid foundations for the national system of Universal Health Insurance (AUS), as well […]

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title: Assistance in the Formulation of a Social Protection Support Programme – Phase II
ID: 6531
time: March 10, 2022

The general objective of this contract is to contribute to the implementation of the strategy of the EU-Morocco Cooperation, particularly in promoting protection and social assistance mechanisms, while promoting the cross-cutting objectives of the European Commission. The specific objective is to undertake an identification and formulation of the EU Social Protection Support Programme – Phase […]

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title: EUROsociAL+ Mid-Term Evaluation
ID: 5943
time: February 11, 2021

EUROsociAL+ is the EU programme (€32 million) aiming at consolidating cooperation and policy dialogue related to social cohesion between Latin America and the European Union (EU). EUROsociAL+ contributes to the design, reform and implementation of public policies in Latin America, which have an impact on social cohesion and reduction of inequalities. The specific objective of […]

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title: Mapping of services for survivors of violence amongst women and children
ID: 5627
time: May 24, 2019

South Africa has a number of laws and policies in place to address violence against women and children (VAWC). However, the expressed intentions captured within these legal instruments consistently fail to materialize into practices that facilitate access to justice for those affected. The global objective of this study is to provide an in-depth understanding of […]

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title: Verification mission on compliance of 2017 commitments of the Development, Protection and Social Inclusion Plan
ID: 5603
time: August 10, 2018

The objective of the mission is to make an assessment of the eligible conditions under the Budget and Programme Support Agreements to the National Development, Protection and Social Inclusion Plan (Social Plan), in force between the Republic of El Salvador and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the European Union, as well as the verification […]

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title: Support to the Development of Social Welfare Regulatory Mechanisms
ID: 5581
time: November 16, 2017

The overall objective of the IPA 2013 Social Development sector programme is to contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for the Republic of Serbia by building a more knowledgeable and skilled labour force, improving social protection policies and promoting the social inclusion of vulnerable populations, enabling greater opportunities for a better standard of living […]

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title: Mid-Term Evaluation of the Project SRRMLME- Support to the Reintegration of Returnees and to the Management of Labour Migration in Ethiopia
ID: 5586
time: November 16, 2017

The Support the Reintegration of Returnees and to the Management of labour migration in Ethiopia (SRRMLME) project, which has a total duration of 48 months, has two components: The first component, managed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and aims at providing reintegration assistance to Ethiopian migrants through a holistic and coherent economic and social […]

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title: National Aid Fund (NAF) Technical Assistance on Communication Strategy
ID: 5588
time: November 16, 2017

The National Aid Fund (NAF) is one of the leading institutions in the field of social protection in Jordan. Established in 1986 pursuant to law No. 36/1986, the Fund aims to provide assistance to the most deprived and vulnerable groups to improve their standard of living through the following range of services: Monthly Cash Assistance, […]

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title: Programme to Support Pro-poor Policy Development (PSPPD) II – Mid-term Review
ID: 5567
time: March 6, 2017

The PSPPD programme has been championing evidence-based policy-making since its launch in 2007. Phase I ran from 2007 to 2012; the second phase commenced in 2012 and will run until 2017. The programme aims to enhance the analytical capacity of policy-makers in South Africa through professional development, so that they are able to use better […]

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title: Evaluation of the policy steps taken by the Ukrainian government towards the delivery of social services to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
ID: 5550
time: December 21, 2016

The global objective of the assignment is to assist the Ukrainian authorities in putting in place a policy framework which respects the social, economic and human rights of the IDP population and fosters social cohesion in challenging political and economic circumstances. The specific objectives are: To assess all aspects of the current policy towards IDPs […]

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title: Support programming second tranche EDF11 Social Protection ‘Improved Access to Education and decent life for vulnerable children and their families, in Swaziland
ID: 5544
time: January 6, 2016

The overall objective of the mission is to support the Delegation to Swaziland in programming the second tranche of the EDF11 (9.2 million EUR) to improve social protection in Swaziland, with the overall aim to reduce poverty and improve resilience against shocks. The objective of the second tranche of EDF11 for Social Protection is: the […]

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title: Comprehensive assessment of Social Units in the poorest Governorates in Egypt
ID: 5542
time: January 6, 2016

The global objective is to assess the capacities of the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity to develop its Social Units into efficient, client-oriented and adequately resourced social service providers, and to gage prevailing needs and gaps, thereby contributing to highlight areas requiring possible EU support. The specific objective is to finalise a study in view […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Social Assistance and Reinsertion (MINARS) in the framework of the Support Project for Vulnerable Groups
ID: 5522
time: February 5, 2015

The specific objective of the contract is to strengthen institutional capacity of the Ministry of Social Assistance and Reintegration (MINARS), leading to enhanced national social assistance to the population needs with a focus on the most vulnerable groups. Expected results include: Strengthened institutional capacities and technical skills of MINARS, at central, regional and local levels, […]

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title: Assessment of Grant requests received under the CfP “Action for Child Protection – Violence against children”
ID: 5506
time: October 29, 2014

The thematic strategy “Investing in People” and the component dedicated to children of its fourth theme “Other aspects of human and social development (social cohesion; employment and decent work; children and youth; culture”) is partly implemented through a call for proposals “Action for child protection-Violence against children”. This restricted call for proposals was published on […]

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title: Empowering relevant actors for social inclusion at local level
ID: 5415
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the Human Resources Development component (IPA HRD IV) is to foster development of human resources by improving the quality of human capital, leading to more and better jobs, higher growth and development, and increased national competitiveness at international level. In addition, the IPA Human Resources Development component supports the preparation of […]

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title: 39th Biennial Conference of the South African National Council for the Blind – “The Blind Parliament”
ID: 5303
time: October 28, 2014

The South African National Council for the Blind (SANCB) is the umbrella body of a network of over 95 member organisations that strive to enhance the lives of all South Africans with visual impairments.This is achieved through prevention of blindness, education, skills development, raising awareness, and empowerment of a marginalised group.The Biennial Conference, otherwise known […]

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title: Evaluation of the Programme to Support Pro-Poor Policy Development in South Africa (PSPPD)
ID: 5428
time: October 28, 2014

South Africa being a middle income country with a high level of poverty and inequality is confronted with a very complex context that makes it difficult to fully understand the effect and consequences of policy choices. By studying the dynamics of poverty and by analysing the impact of policy decisions, the Government will be in […]

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title: Provision of Support and Capacity Building to the National Integrated Social Information System (NISIS)
ID: 5315
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the NISIS is to contribute in the fight against poverty by establishing, within departments of the Social Protection and Community Development Cluster (cluster) in all three spheres of government, a technology platform that will eliminate disparity and systemic deficiencies, reduce fraud and enable better and more effective coordination between government departments. […]

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title: Yemen Social Welfare Fund Monitoring Mission
ID: 5434
time: October 28, 2014

The Yemen Social Welfare Fund was established in 1996.In 2008 the GoY endorsed a new Social Welfare Law reorienting SWF’s objectives to make poverty the primary focus of assistance. The SWF’s cash transfer budget has grown from US$4 M at the outset to US$200 M in 2008/2009 covering roughly 1.05 M households (an additional 500,000 […]

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title: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building to the National Integrated Social Information System (NISIS)
ID: 5317
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the NISIS is to contribute in the fight against poverty by establishing, within departments of the Social Protection and Community Development Cluster in all three spheres of government, a technology platform that will eliminate disparity and systemic deficiencies, reduce fraud and enable better and more effective coordination between government departments. The […]

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title: Improving access to basic social services for people affected by the crisis in the region of Kidal (I)
ID: 5442
time: October 28, 2014

After the regular army recaptured the towns in the north of Mali, the DDKR Programme is providing support in the Kidal region adapted to the new reality on the ground.The Programme focuses on the needs of the most vulnerable groups and provides support to the displaced population who wishes to return and aims at alleviating […]

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title: Technical assistance to support social security and retirement reform at National Treasury of South Africa
ID: 5345
time: October 28, 2014

South Africa has an extensive social grants system, which this year will provides vital assistance to more than 14 million of the most vulnerable people, almost 30% of the population. Millions more people are thought to rely on these grants because they live in the same household as a grant recipient. The government established an […]

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title: Technical Assistance for provision of training and supervision activities, support and methodological guidance to the grant beneficiaries to provide alternative medical, social, educational and mental health services for the risk groups following Europea
ID: 5467
time: October 28, 2014

The reform in the field of social services and introducing the deinstitutionalisation as a main priority of the Bulgarian social policy started at 2002. The Council of Ministers adopted a new Social Policy Strategy, where among the priority aims are decreasing the number of people, placed in specialised institutions and development of social services, targeted […]

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title: TA to the Presidency on the formulation of the National Social Development Plan
ID: 5361
time: October 28, 2014

The main objective of the mission is to contribute to the participatory preparation of a National Social Development Plan which becomes the articulating framework of the Government’s actions in line with other sectors of Paraguayan society. The mission shall deliver the following product: A proposed National Social Development Plan 2010-2020, debated, discussed and reviewed by […]

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title: Technical Support to UNRWA’s Services in order to define a comprehensive project proposal to improve the living conditions of the Palestinian Refugees living in Lebanon – Syria and Jordan
ID: 5470
time: October 28, 2014

In addition to the previous MEDA envelope of € 4 million, the EC decided to set aside in 2004 a further € 20 million in order to provide Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria means to overcome significant deficits in living conditions, by providing funds for basic social services such as education, health, and […]

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title: Formulation Mission – « Laboratoria de Cohesion Social II EU-Mexico»
ID: 5367
time: October 28, 2014

The European Commission and representatives of the Mexican government have identified a cooperation program “Social Cohesion Laboratory II Mexico-European Union” whose objective is the strengthening of social cohesion Mexico, through structural reforms toward a more equal access to basic public services and opportunities. The specific objective of the programme is the implementation of public policies […]

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title: Improvement of the Integration of Women in Economic Life
ID: 5476
time: October 28, 2014

Within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, the regional programme has a major objective to promote the role of women in the economy and to reinforce the cooperation in this field, between the 10 Mediterranean partners (Algeria, Palestinian authority, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey) and the 25 member states of the […]

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title: Formulation Mission – Support to the Social Welfare Fund IV
ID: 5376
time: October 28, 2014

The Republic of Yemen remains among the Least Developed Countries as per the current OECD-DAC classification. Poverty is widespread, as is unemployment and the country is threatened by an enormous youth bulge; economic perspectives are bleak and corruption is rampant. In addition, the country suffers from security risks at national and regional levels. In this […]

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title: Technical Assistance for the Evaluation Committee of the Call for proposals “Fostering social inclusion” under IPA Component IV “Human Resources Development”
ID: 5487
time: October 28, 2014

The Instrument of Pre-Accession (IPA) Component IV “Human Resources Development” aims at fostering the development of human resources by improving the quality of human capital, leading to more and better jobs, higher growth and development, and increased national competitiveness at international level. It is implemented through the Multi-annual Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 (OP […]

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title: Improving access to basic social services for people affected by the crisis in the region of Kidal (II)
ID: 5378
time: October 28, 2014

The objective of this emergency project is to contribute in creating minimum conditions allowing health and education facilities in the region to provide basic social services to vulnerable populations. Main activities include : Purchase of drugs and supplies for health centres; Support operations of school canteens; Purchase of textbooks for students; Rehabilitation and equipment of […]

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title: Support to the local population affected by the security and food crisis in the Gao Region
ID: 5397
time: October 28, 2014

The specific objective of this emergency assistance project is to: Contribute to the implementation of local support mechanisms for poor households affected by the crisis through the provision of food aid; Supporting recovery and securing livelihoods through subsidies to household income generating activities; Support local dynamics to improve the availability and accessibility of basic quality […]

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title: Support project to displaced persons from the northern regions of Mali
ID: 5414
time: October 28, 2014

Following the conflict that began in northern Mali in January 2012 and the occupation of the northern regions in the March 2012, the Luxemburg Government through the DDRK programme provided support to the displaced population. Main support included: Provide individual school kits; Supply collective school kits to host schools and provide support to school canteens; […]

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title: Internal Capacity Building Mission for the Social Fund for Development – Yemen
ID: 5196
time: October 27, 2014

The Social Fund For Development in Yemen (SFD-Y) is active throughout the country from its Head office in Sana’a and its 7 Regional offices (Over 100 Staff members (including ancillary staff) and a wide range of hired consultants upon request). The SFD-Y designs and finances projects addressed to a great number of beneficiaries, mostly poor […]

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title: Technical assistance to the Social Fund for Development in Yemen for Communication and Reporting
ID: 5197
time: October 27, 2014

The Social Fund for Development (SFD) in Yemen issues different types of publications and communications directed to a various partners including donor organizations, government institutes and officials, beneficiaries, national and international NGOs and other agencies active in development cooperation. The SFD has an efficient system of data collection for the purpose of monitoring and evaluation […]

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title: Assessment of technical and financial quality of project proposals submitted by European NGOs under the ‘Support to Afghan refugees in Pakistan’ programme
ID: 5199
time: October 27, 2014

Early 2003, some 1,8 million Afghan refugees are estimated to remain in Pakistan mostly in urban centres such as Peshawar, Quetta, Karachi and Rawalpindi/Islamabad and in 200 villages in the North Western Frontier Provinces (NWFP) and Baluchistan. The European Commission has for years supported the Afghan refugees located in Pakistan and in Iran through its […]

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title: Second Multi-donor Review Mission of the Egyptian Social Fund for Development (SFD)
ID: 5212
time: October 27, 2014

The Social Fund for Development (SFD) was created in 1991 as a social safety net mechanism aiming at mitigating the negative social impact of the Economic Reform and Structural Adjustment Programme (ERSAP). Since then, the SFD has developed into an organisation mobilising national and international resources to invest in social development with special attention to […]

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title: Technical assistance to the 2nd project of fight against child trafficking in Benin
ID: 5242
time: October 27, 2014

The general objective of the project is the improvement of living conditions and the respect of children’s rights in Benin. The specific object is the support to the fight against child trafficking and exploitation. In particular the project’s objective is to set up a Central Technical Assistance Office (“Bureau Central d’Assistance Technique” – BCAT) with […]

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title: Support to the Street Children and Youth People in Colombia Programme
ID: 5265
time: October 27, 2014

  The “Support Programme to the Street Children and Youth People in Colombia” has as overall objective to improve the conditions of street children and their families, and youth involved in the armed conflicts and to integrate them as citizens with full rights. The programme consists of the following components: Design of innovative models of […]

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title: Identification and formulation mission ‘Proyecto Cohesion Social y Territorial en Uruguay’
ID: 5273
time: October 27, 2014

The objective of the mission is to assist the EC and the Government of Uruguay with the identification and formulation of a project or programme aimed at supporting the process of regenerating social and territorial cohesion in the country. In particular, it is expected that the project/programme will contribute to improving the economic and social […]

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title: Technical Intermediate Evaluation of the Support to Capacity Building in the National Institute of Statistics and Demographics and the statistics departments of the social ministries.
ID: 5286
time: October 27, 2014

The European Commission decided to provide an institutional support through long term and short term technical assistance in order to structure the national statistical system and reduce the problems in its running. This “Support to Capacity Building in the National Institute of Statistics and Demographics (INDS) and the statistics departments of the social ministries (ARCS) […]

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title: Identification and feasibility study for a social cohesion project in Panama
ID: 5294
time: October 27, 2014

The country strategy for Panama 2007-2013 identifies social cohesion as one of the focal areas of cooperation. The general objective of this component is to provide support to reducing poverty, exclusion, social and geographical inequalities through assisting the modernization of the State in the specific areas of local development, social policies and fiscal systems. The […]

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title: Project Identification and Formulation Mission on Social Security in China
ID: 5179
time: October 24, 2014

The Government of China is committed to achieving a complete statutory social security system by 2005.The 1998 Communication from the Commission entitled “Building a Comprehensive Partnership with China” emphasises the Commission’s commitment to strengthen Social Security systems. The Country Strategy paper 2002-2006 foresees the EC supporting China in the areas of social health insurance, pension […]

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title: Gender Resource Team
ID: 5193
time: October 24, 2014

The Country Strategy Paper 2003-2005/06 (CSP) between South Africa and the European Commission has four areas of co-operation: Equitable access to and sustainable provision of social services; Equitable and sustainable economic growth; Deepening democracy; Regional integration and co-operation.It also foresees that the impact of co-operation in these four main areas will be strengthened by the […]

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