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title: GEWE Programme South Africa: Technical Assistance
ID: 6285
time: September 20, 2021

The EU in South Africa and the South African Government have developed the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment sector budget support programme (GEWE) as part of the wider multiannual development cooperation programme between the two partners. The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls […]

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title: Formulation of programme of support to the SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement in South Africa
ID: 5626
time: May 24, 2019

The overall objective of the assignment is to enhance South Africa’s trade and business opportunities by promoting the full implementation of the EU-SADC EPA in South Africa while advancing regional integration. The purpose of this assignment is to design the ‘Support Programme to the implementation of the EU–SADC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) in South Africa’, […]

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title: Mapping of services for survivors of violence amongst women and children
ID: 5627
time: May 24, 2019

South Africa has a number of laws and policies in place to address violence against women and children (VAWC). However, the expressed intentions captured within these legal instruments consistently fail to materialize into practices that facilitate access to justice for those affected. The global objective of this study is to provide an in-depth understanding of […]

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title: South Africa Sector Budget Support Technical Assistance
ID: 5628
time: May 24, 2019

Within the context of the European Union (EU)’s country strategy for 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, the EU has increasingly moved to using country systems to deliver development assistance, most recently through the use of the general (GBS) and sectoral budget support (SBS) aid modalities. The mission will Support the Government of South Africa, notably the National […]

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title: Final Evaluation of the Technical Cooperation and Official Development Assistance Programme (TCODAP)
ID: 5597
time: March 9, 2018

The Technical Cooperation and Official Development Assistance Programme (TCODAP) commenced in 2011 following the signing of the Financing Agreement between the European Commission and the Government of South Africa. The overall objective of the TCODAP was to contribute towards the enhanced capacity development in promoting economic development, good governance, and social progress and be a […]

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title: Technical Assistance for the employment promotion through SMMEs support programme for the Republic of South Africa
ID: 5594
time: February 22, 2018

The overall objective of the ‘Employment Promotion through SMMEs Support Programme for the Republic of South Africa’12 of which this contract will be a part is as follows: To support inclusive and sustainable economic growth and employment creation in South Africa in line with the Government of the Republic of South Africa’s objectives as described […]

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title: TA to capacitate Department of Higher Education and Training staff in Open Learning
ID: 5593
time: February 9, 2018

Within the framework of the South Africa Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) 2014-2020, the Teaching and Learning Development Sector Reform Contract (TLDSRC) seeks to ‘assist the Government in transforming the education, training and innovation system so that it can contribute to improved economic performance of the country.’ The Programme second specific objective (SO2) is to improve […]

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title: Support to National Treasury: International Development Cooperation General Budget Support Programme: Management of Calls for Proposals
ID: 5580
time: November 16, 2017

Within the context of the European Union (EU)’s country strategy for 2007-2013, the EU has increasingly moved to using country systems to deliver development assistance, and most recently through the use of the general budget support (GBS) as aid modality. The General Budget Support programme is a component of the EU-funded National Development Policy Support […]

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title: Programme to Support Pro-poor Policy Development (PSPPD) II – Mid-term Review
ID: 5567
time: March 6, 2017

The PSPPD programme has been championing evidence-based policy-making since its launch in 2007. Phase I ran from 2007 to 2012; the second phase commenced in 2012 and will run until 2017. The programme aims to enhance the analytical capacity of policy-makers in South Africa through professional development, so that they are able to use better […]

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title: Technical Assistance in ODA Coordination at National, Provincial and Local levels under the International Development cooperation Chief Directorate
ID: 5326
time: October 28, 2014

One of the key objectives of the IDC/ODA involves overall enhancement of ODA coordination and management at both the National and the Provincial level. In the first place, IDC/ODA has the responsibility of ensuring efficient inter departmental collaboration through the cluster system. Sound cross-sectoral collaboration is imperative to ensure effective coordination and harmonization within government […]

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title: Terms of Reference for the Provision of Support to the Youth Empowerment through Culture and Sport Programme
ID: 5342
time: October 28, 2014

The objective of the assignment is to assist the Department of Arts and Culture unpack the Financing Agreement of the Youth Empowerment Programme with the EU. The implementation of programme: was at a stalemate with DAC maintaining they could not go ahead with programme in its current form. However, the Financing Agreement was signed and […]

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title: Pool of Expertise for Terms of Reference Development Assistance
ID: 5308
time: October 28, 2014

The objective of this study is to support the IDC, National Treasury to draft specific terms of reference in different fields (sector, project & programme studies, reviews and evaluations, and advisory and logistical support services) in accordance with the needs identified. Specifically, the areas to be covered will be for studies under the following areas: […]

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title: TA for Social & Governance Cluster and the Economic & Infrastructure Cluster Meetings of the 2011 SA-EU Annual Consultations
ID: 5354
time: October 28, 2014

Cooperation between South Africa, the European Community and the EU Member States takes place within the framework of the Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA), that came into full force in May 2004.This agreement provides for economic and trade cooperation, development cooperation, political cooperation as well as cooperation in other areas. Development Cooperation under the […]

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title: TA to the Gauteng Province Department of Health
ID: 5327
time: October 28, 2014

The National Treasury has recently done an assessment of financial management capability maturity in provinces and the outcome of this exercise has raised concerns within the National Treasury about the state of financial management within provinces. In particular, is the concern of the financial management capacity and capability of Provincial Treasuries and especially the Education […]

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title: Terms of Reference for an In-depth Study to Determine where ODA Interventions Built Capacity, in what form and the Knowledge Products that were Generated in Municipalities
ID: 5344
time: October 28, 2014

Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG) through its Chief Directorate: International and Donor Relations intends to conduct an in – depth data gathering and tabulation and analyses from all municipalities that received ODA from International Cooperation Partners (ICPs) for purposes of capacity building. Conceptually Capacity Building should embrace “individual”, “institutional” or “environmental” as defined in the […]

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title: Pool of Expertise for PCM Monitoring and Evaluation
ID: 5309
time: October 28, 2014

The objective of this study is to support the IDC, National Treasury to carry out capacity needs assessments on each the 9 provincial ODA supported programmes in order to identify training and support requirements. Specifically, the focus of the intervention was on the following two areas: Programme Management; Project Cycle Management. Type of services provided […]

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title: TA for Business Process Improvement for IDC, National Treasury
ID: 5355
time: October 28, 2014

The immediate operating environment of the IDC, National Treasury has been subjected to change over the past few years. Several of these changes relate to changes in key management functionaries, including: The Budget Office; The Chief Director and Directors of the CD: IDC; Chief Financial Officer; Procurement / Supply-Chain Management; and HR Management. In this […]

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title: Technical Assistance for Aid Effectiveness Workshop
ID: 5330
time: October 28, 2014

The primary objectives for the Africa Meeting on Aid Effectiveness and the South-South Cooperation that ensues to it are to provide an opportunity for representatives from Africa to discuss, network and affirm a collective agreed vision/message: In preparation to the High Level Forums on Aid Effectiveness – Seoul, 2011 and the South-South Cooperation in Bogota […]

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title: Technical assistance to support social security and retirement reform at National Treasury of South Africa
ID: 5345
time: October 28, 2014

South Africa has an extensive social grants system, which this year will provides vital assistance to more than 14 million of the most vulnerable people, almost 30% of the population. Millions more people are thought to rely on these grants because they live in the same household as a grant recipient. The government established an […]

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title: Technical Assistance for the Completion of the Development Co-operation Information and Management Systems (DCIMS) of the International Development Co-operation (IDC), National Treasury
ID: 5311
time: October 28, 2014

A key role of the IDC is to provide government, donors and recipients with up-to-date but specific information on the Official Development Assistance within South Africa. To this end, a reliable and user-friendly Development Co-operation Information Management System is essential. The objective of the project is the successful revision, extension, testing and completion of the […]

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title: TA to conclude content of specified training material for the standard chart of accounts (SCOA)
ID: 5356
time: October 28, 2014

The National Treasury has been committed to a long-term financial management reform agenda since 1999. The aim is to improve accountability and modernise the accounts of government; primarily by bringing budget and expenditure reporting in line with international best practice.A significant aspect of the reform was the introduction of a Standardised Chart of Accounts (SCOA) […]

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title: IDC Strategy Planning Workshop
ID: 5331
time: October 28, 2014

The IDC unit of the National Treasury is responsible for the ODA-P from a South African Government perspective.It has had difficulty responding to the changing needs of the National Treasury, International ODA community, and regional development needs.In the light of this, a number of initiatives are seen as imperative for the good and proper functioning […]

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title: Annual Public Financial Management Monitoring Report (AMR) for the Republic of South Africa
ID: 5346
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the assignment is to compile the 2011 Annual PFM Monitoring Report for the EU Delegation to South Africa. The services rendered through this assignment will provide the Delegation with the necessary information to confirm eligibility for budget support to the country and to monitor continued improvement in the field of public […]

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title: TA to Mpumalanga and North West province to strengthen the Provincial Treasuries in providing support with the implementation of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA)
ID: 5312
time: October 28, 2014

The South African Government commenced with major financial management reforms including the MTEF framework in 1998, other budget reforms aimed at advancing and promoting growth and development and reforms governing public financial management. The main initiatives included a/o the adoption of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) in 2000 and the Municipal Finance Management Act […]

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title: Review of South African Trilateral Development Cooperation Activities – Technical Cooperation and Official Development Assistance Programme (TCODAP)
ID: 5379
time: October 28, 2014

In South Africa, trilateral cooperation activities are located within the scope of South–South Cooperation (SSC), which is understood to be an exchange of resources, technology, knowledge and experience between countries of the global south. Trilateral cooperation activities have been increasing within South Africa in recent years since some donors are shifting to regional/cross-border programming rather […]

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title: Formulation of an Education Sector Support Programme for South Africa
ID: 5332
time: October 28, 2014

Education has been identified as one of the sectors to be supported by the EC in South Africa, as expressed in the CSP 2007-2013. The EC’s aid instrument for support is a Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP), with Sector Budget Support (SBS) as the favoured financing modality. Primary Education and specifically improvement of early literacy […]

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title: Technical Assistance for IDC-National Treasury: Research & Policy Analyst – Aid Effectiveness and Efficiency
ID: 5347
time: October 28, 2014

The Research & Policy Analyst (Aid Effectiveness & Efficiency) has been an integral member of the International Development Cooperation (IDC) team at the National Treasury. Under the overall guidance of the IDC Chief Director, the Research & Policy Analyst has supported the IDC, the Treasury and the Government of South Africa (SA) with issues pertaining […]

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title: Financial Management Technical Assistance for ODA-P PCU
ID: 5313
time: October 28, 2014

The International Development Cooperation (IDC) Chief Directorate within the National Treasury established a Programme Coordinating Unit (ODA-P) to assist it with the implementation of its mandate and strategic development plan. The ODA-P is currently responsible for the implementation of the Euros 11.6 million programme with five result areas and was recently audited. The audit findings […]

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title: Technical Assistance for assessment in the sector of Arts and Culture South Africa – Evaluation Call for Proposals
ID: 5393
time: October 28, 2014

The EU and South Africa share a common vision that the full participation of youth can contribute to vibrant, confident, self-reliant, healthy societies. In this context, Arts, Culture, Sport and Recreation have the potential to harness youth as drivers and participants in economic and social development. The overall Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) was signed between […]

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title: Feasibility Study for the Implementation of a Capacity Building Programme for Public Financial Management Improvement in South Africa
ID: 5334
time: October 28, 2014

The National Treasury fulfils a pivotal role in the implementation and management of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) No 1 of 1999 as well as the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) No 56 of 2003. The essence of both these Acts is to regulate financial management in the public sector at national and provincial […]

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title: Support for a Knowledge Management Lab Technician
ID: 5348
time: October 28, 2014

The ODAP has the promotion of sound knowledge management practices within the ODA environment as one of its Result Areas in the Financing Agreement. Knowledge Management (KM) is currently recognized as a crucial approach for enabling the National Treasury and its government clients to effectively and completely recognise and disseminate institutional knowledge and learning’s both […]

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title: Provision of Support and Capacity Building to the National Integrated Social Information System (NISIS)
ID: 5315
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the NISIS is to contribute in the fight against poverty by establishing, within departments of the Social Protection and Community Development Cluster (cluster) in all three spheres of government, a technology platform that will eliminate disparity and systemic deficiencies, reduce fraud and enable better and more effective coordination between government departments. […]

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title: Evaluation of the Programme to Support Pro-Poor Policy Development in South Africa (PSPPD)
ID: 5428
time: October 28, 2014

South Africa being a middle income country with a high level of poverty and inequality is confronted with a very complex context that makes it difficult to fully understand the effect and consequences of policy choices. By studying the dynamics of poverty and by analysing the impact of policy decisions, the Government will be in […]

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title: Support to the Trade Development and Cooperation Agreement Facility
ID: 5336
time: October 28, 2014

The TDCA-F finance agreement was signed in February 2009. The delay in the appointment of a PMU, as well as poor take-up of the programme in government, has the result that funds may be returned to Brussels due to lack of time to expend them. Despite the challenges in starting the programme, a number of […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Official Development Assistance Programme (ODA-P)
ID: 5302
time: October 28, 2014

South Africa is an economy in transition, seeking to address serious issues of economic and social cohesion. South African government departments (national, provincial and municipal), other government agencies and NGO’s are in the forefront of addressing these social and economic backlogs. They command immense resources from both the South African budget and support in the […]

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title: Technical assistance to the Social Cluster Portfolio of IDC
ID: 5349
time: October 28, 2014

The purpose of the assignment is to expedite the implementation of the IDC social cluster team by providing advisory and analytical support to the IDC Director responsible for the Social cluster as a stop-gap measure until a new deputy director is recruited for the above portfolio.. Specific areas of support will include review of and […]

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title: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building to the National Integrated Social Information System (NISIS)
ID: 5317
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the NISIS is to contribute in the fight against poverty by establishing, within departments of the Social Protection and Community Development Cluster in all three spheres of government, a technology platform that will eliminate disparity and systemic deficiencies, reduce fraud and enable better and more effective coordination between government departments. The […]

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title: Sector Wide Enterprise, Employment and Equity Programme (SWEEEP-2) Final Evaluation
ID: 5337
time: October 28, 2014

Since 2003, The DTI was the EU’s main partner and implementer of the Sector Policy Support Programme, SWEEEP – Sector Wide Enterprise, Employment and Equity Programme of € 50 Million (twice €25 Million). It focused on SME development and improved competitiveness of key priority sectors in line with the MTSF (medium term strategy framework 2006-2009) […]

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title: 39th Biennial Conference of the South African National Council for the Blind – “The Blind Parliament”
ID: 5303
time: October 28, 2014

The South African National Council for the Blind (SANCB) is the umbrella body of a network of over 95 member organisations that strive to enhance the lives of all South Africans with visual impairments.This is achieved through prevention of blindness, education, skills development, raising awareness, and empowerment of a marginalised group.The Biennial Conference, otherwise known […]

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title: Review USAID Support to South Africa 2005-2009
ID: 5350
time: October 28, 2014

The objective of this Country Evaluation is to provide USAID, South Africa and the wider public with an independent, flexible and forward-looking review, including a set of recommendations, to allow both SA and USAID to relook the strategy for development cooperation/USAID Framework within SA. Key findings and lessons of experience from the USAIDS’s current assistance […]

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title: Development of Visibility and Communication Tools for the IDC
ID: 5319
time: October 28, 2014

The IDC has implemented initiatives to strengthen ODA Co-ordination as well as working towards the efficient and effective operational management of the ODA.One of the challenges being experienced is being able to keep all IDC (and ODA) stakeholders informed and up to date with relevant information.With this in mind, the IDC is gearing towards the […]

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title: Develop an Updated MFMA Circular & Guidelines Draft Methodology
ID: 5338
time: October 28, 2014

The assignment’s objective is to update MFMA Circular 13 reflecting the most recent developments in the budget and reporting formats, so as to ensure proper alignment between the IDP, budget documents, the SDBIP and the in-year and end-year reports. The overall objective has the following components: Revisit MFMA Circular 13 updating the content and aligning […]

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title: Effectiveness of ODA and Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), 2000 – 2008
ID: 5304
time: October 28, 2014

The EU has supported the South African government through various programmes to improve the management and coordination of ODA in the country. Lessons learnt during the implementation of these programmes recommended a consolidated and well-coordinated intervention which resulted in the launch of a programme entitled “Official Development Assistance Programme in support of effective delivery of […]

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title: Technical Assistance to Support the Eastern Cape Department of Education
ID: 5351
time: October 28, 2014

The Departments of Education in the Eastern Cape have consistently not addressed financial management issues raised by the Auditor General over the last 6 years, resulting in perceived gross mismanagement and the loss of confidence by the Provincial Administration and the public. The failure to implement robust financial management has resulted in institutionalised corruption and […]

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title: Terms of Reference for the Development of Policy Guidelines for the Management of ODA within the Department of Public Works, South Africa
ID: 5322
time: October 28, 2014

Coordination of Official Development Assistance (ODA) is essential for managing ODA resources for maximum realization of predetermined goals. The lack of ODA policy guidelines and resources mobilization strategy serves to undermine the goals of service delivery and access to much needed ODA resources. The Directorate: Global Partnerships under the Chief Directorate: International Relations and Strategic […]

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title: Support to the Human Resources (HR) Connect project within the Department of Public and Service Administration
ID: 5340
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of this assignment will be to implement HR Connect in Government departments, specifically in Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN). These objectives are to: Ensure that the departments have reliable employee HR data that maps their organisational structures, posts, jobs and occupational profiles to employee profiles so as to identify and report on the capacity […]

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title: Conduct a Feasibility Study on the Impact and Effectiveness of the Introduction of a Blank Tape Levy in South Africa to Mitigate Copyright Violations
ID: 5306
time: October 28, 2014

The objective of the study is to improve policy development in the cultural industries, in particular addressing the policy gaps regarding protection of copyrighted work in the cultural sectors as well as identification of possible revenue streams that are available for the benefit of cultural workers. The specific objective of the assignment will be to […]

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title: Technical assistance to IDC for strengthening of sector budget support capacity in SA government
ID: 5352
time: October 28, 2014

The purpose of the assignment is to support National Treasury to improve the capacity of SA Departments to undertake sector budget support programmes. The specific objective of the assignment is to take forward the capacity development process through: Supporting SBS departments to identify and agree a specific training and capacity development support programme; Preparation of […]

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title: Prepare a comprehensive poverty reduction, improved service delivery and integrated development programme presentation to potential development partners on behalf of the Ehlanzeni District Municipality
ID: 5325
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the intervention was to provide technical assistance on accessing international development aid to the Ehlanzeni District Municipality in support of implementation of their Integrated Development Programme (IDP). Specific Objectives were: To prepare a comprehensive presentation, based on the Integrated Development Programme (IDP) of the Ehlanzeni District Municipality and related interventions through […]

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title: IDC Administration Support
ID: 5341
time: October 28, 2014

The purpose of the assignment is to assist the Directors within IDC in their pursuit of providing the necessary support to the management of IDC.This will be achieved by co-ordinating the operations of the various role-players through effective and efficient administrative and secretarial assistance. Type of services provided Core expert team of 1 Consultants provided […]

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title: To Document the Lessons Learnt in Designing and Implementing the Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA) in the South African Environment
ID: 5307
time: October 28, 2014

The National Treasury embarked on a budget reform program in 1999 aiming at improving accountability and modernising the accounts of government; primarily by bringing budget and expenditure reporting in line with international best practice.The ultimate aim of this reform remains unchanged – it is to provide better quality information to legislatures to assist in the […]

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title: Technical Assistance for completing a strategic analysis of options, and planning, in relation to the establishment of the South African Development Partnership Agency (SADPA)
ID: 5353
time: October 28, 2014

The Department for International Relations and Cooperation is the lead department for coordinating foreign policy for the South African government, and has been mandated to establish both a SADPA and Fund in order to coordinate development assistance in the region. In this regard, substantial work had been completed in the run-up to this assignment and […]

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title: Final Project Evaluation of the Support to INTERFUND (Capacity building of NGOs and CBOs) in South Africa
ID: 5234
time: October 27, 2014

The framework for development cooperation between the European Commission (EC) and South Africa is set out in the Multi-annual Indicative Programme (MIP). The decade since the end of apartheid in 1994 witnessed a shift in EC support from direct funding of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), under the Special Programme of Assistance to the Victims of Apartheid, […]

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title: Micro-Projects in the Eastern Cape: Phase 1 review and formulation of Phase 2
ID: 5253
time: October 27, 2014

The Eastern Cape is one of the poorest of South Africa’s nine provinces. Just over half the population have adequate access to safe water and under one-third are served by electricity. Despite strong economic performance is 2000 and 2001 when the province’s economy grew by 6,2% and 5,3% respectively, it is overly dependent on limited […]

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title: Harmonization and alignment for aid effectiveness in South Africa
ID: 5262
time: October 27, 2014

The overall objective of this project is to collect timely indicative baseline data on the harmonization and alignment of aid effectiveness in South Africa, taking into account the revised targets of the Paris declarations of March 2005. Ultimately the study should provide more accurate benchmarks and realistic targets for the coming five years and the […]

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title: Final evaluation of “Support to Interfund – Capacity Building of NGOs and CSOs”
ID: 5185
time: October 24, 2014

The International Fundraising Consortium – South Africa (Interfund), is contributing with the support of the EU, to a three-year programme of support to the strengthening of capacity at all institutional levels of the NGOs and CSOs. The overall objective of the project is to empower poor and marginalised communities, to strengthen their organisational capacity and […]

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title: Final Evaluation of the “Library Books and Training for Historically Disadvantaged Institutions Programme”
ID: 5192
time: October 24, 2014

The programme to be evaluated is the €13 million Library Books and Training for Historically Disadvantaged Institutions Programme designed to build capacity in the libraries and departments of Library Science in the 17 Historically Disadvantaged Institutions (HDI) of the South African Higher Education sector. The Programme addresses the imbalances of the past with respect to […]

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title: Gender Resource Team
ID: 5193
time: October 24, 2014

The Country Strategy Paper 2003-2005/06 (CSP) between South Africa and the European Commission has four areas of co-operation: Equitable access to and sustainable provision of social services; Equitable and sustainable economic growth; Deepening democracy; Regional integration and co-operation.It also foresees that the impact of co-operation in these four main areas will be strengthened by the […]

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