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title: Technical Assistance for the Creative Industries and Culture Governance Support Programme (Culture and Jobs Programme)
ID: 5636
time: February 28, 2020

The European Union has adopted a new support program for creative industries and the governance of culture (culture and jobs program) in Burkina Faso in the amount of € 10 million. The overall objective of this action is to create a dynamic of cultural development, based on the common values ​​specific to the country, the […]

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title: Elaboration of a Strategy and a Multi-Annual Plan for Support to the Study and Planning Department and the Finance Administration of the Ministry of Basic Education and Literacy – Phase II
ID: 5296
time: October 28, 2014

The objectives of the Basic Education Ten Year Plan (PDDEB) of Burkina Faso as adopted in 1999 are to increase the education level of the population in general and in rural areas in particular, to enhance the institutional capacity of within the sector, to reduce gender inequalities, and to promote decentralising and de-concentration. The Second […]

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title: Project Final Evaluation – Literacy Support Project Hauts-Bassins
ID: 5408
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the mission is to carry out a final evaluation of the project BFK/014 on behalf of LuxDev. In this context, the mission aims to: Analyse the Outcomes and specific Objectives reached at the time of the Evaluation compared to what was planned in the Project Document; Analyse the realised progress as […]

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title: Technical Assistance to Support Programme to Decentralisation and Municipal Investments (PADIC)
ID: 5435
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the technical assistance market aims at supporting the Government in its fight against poverty through local governance improvement. Its specific objective is to improve the decentralisation process and local governance through a strengthening of stakeholder’s capacities. The programme is based on the application of orientations of EU “backbone strategy”. The supports […]

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title: Formulation Mission – Improvement of Self-sufficiency of the System for Promoting Literacy in the Hauts-Bassins Region
ID: 5437
time: October 28, 2014

Since September 1999, Lux-Development has been mandated for the implementation of a project of promoting literacy and rural development in the Hauts-Bassins Region in Burkina Faso within the framework of the general cooperation agreement between Burkina Faso and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. A first phase BKF/003 Promotion of Functional Literacy and Integrated Rural Development in […]

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title: Intermediate evaluation mission – Reducing illiteracy and training for sustainable development in the Hauts Bassins Region
ID: 5462
time: October 28, 2014

For the domain of literacy in the Hauts Bassins Region of Burkina Faso the indicators are relatively low (literacy level between 12 and 44%), especially in the rural areas and more particularly for girls and women. The regional framework for poverty reduction aims to raise the literacy level to 50% by 2010. Within the frame […]

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title: Technical Intermediate Evaluation of the Support to Capacity Building in the National Institute of Statistics and Demographics and the statistics departments of the social ministries.
ID: 5286
time: October 27, 2014

The European Commission decided to provide an institutional support through long term and short term technical assistance in order to structure the national statistical system and reduce the problems in its running. This “Support to Capacity Building in the National Institute of Statistics and Demographics (INDS) and the statistics departments of the social ministries (ARCS) […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the General Directorate for Cooperation (DGCOOP) for the follow-up of the implementation of the 9th EDF and the finalisation of the identification of the 10th EDF
ID: 5287
time: October 27, 2014

The Technical Assistance should be understood within the general context of the transition to the 10th EDF and a new phase in the support to the services of the National Authorising Officer. It will moreover allow a close and effective follow-up of the steps taken in preparation of the implementation of the 10th EDF and […]

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title: Feasibility Study “Civil Society Support Programme through Local Development Initiatives”
ID: 5201
time: October 27, 2014

The participation of non-state actors has been retained as one of the fundamental principles of cooperation within the Cotonou Agreement. Within this context, the 9th EDF foresees “institutional support to non-state actors/civil society, principally focusing on local development initiatives”. A total budget of 15 million EUR is foreseen. Within this context, a pre-feasibility study was […]

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title: PEFA Assessment
ID: 5247
time: October 27, 2014

The objective of the study is to measure the impact of reforms that are currently being implemented in the area of Public Finance Management. Type of services provided PROMAN provides three international experts specialised in public finance management to carry out a PEFA assessment both at the centralised and decentralised levels. Work includes: Evaluation of […]

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title: Elaboration of a Strategy and a Multi-Annual Plan for Support to the Study and Planning Department and the Finance Administration of the Ministry of Basic Education and Literacy
ID: 5252
time: October 27, 2014

The objectives of the Basic Education Ten Year Plan (PDDEB) of Burkina Faso as adopted in 1999 are to increase the education level of the population in general and in rural areas in particular, to enhance the institutional capacity of within the sector, to reduce gender inequalities, and to promote decentralision and deconcentration. The Second […]

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title: Technical Assistance for the start-up of the Programme ‘Strengthening Capacities of Civil Society Organisations in Burkina Faso’
ID: 5277
time: October 27, 2014

The programme ‘Strengthening Capacities of Civil Society Organisations in Burkina Faso (Programme de Renforcement des capacités des Organisations de la Société civile (PROS) has as principal objective to strengthen the participation of civil society organisations (CSOs) to the development process. The programme is fully in line both with the Cotonou Agreement and with national policies. […]

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title: Identification Mission for a programme of “Institutional Support to the Monitoring and Implementation of the Action Plan for Strengthening Budget Management”
ID: 5279
time: October 27, 2014

The Government of Burkina Faso adopted in 2002 an ‘Action Planfor Strengthening Budget Management (PRGB). This action plan serves as a framework for the priority reforms in budget management within the administration and has as global objective to improve in a sustainable way the transparency, reliability and efficacy of the management of budgetary expenses. The […]

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title: Support to Capacity Building in Public Investment within the Burkina Faso Administration
ID: 5280
time: October 27, 2014

The Government of Burkina Faso adopted in 2002 an ‘Action Planfor Strengthening Budget Management (PRGB). This action plan serves as a framework for the priority reforms in budget management within the administration and has as global objective to improve in a sustainable way the transparency, reliability and efficacy of the management of budgetary expenses. More […]

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title: Mission in Support to the Start-up of the “Programme for Capacity Building in Civil Society Organisations”
ID: 5282
time: October 27, 2014

The Programme for Capacity Building for Civil Society Organisations (PROS) has as principal objective to strengthen the participation in the development process of Civil Society Organisations (CSO). The programme is fully within the scope of the Cotonou Agreement. It also fits within the context of national policy as it helps to strengthen the dialogue as […]

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title: Identification Mission for a programme in support of the “Action Plan for the Integrated Management of Water Resources”
ID: 5284
time: October 27, 2014

The Government of Burkina Faso adopted in May 2002 an ‘Action Planfor Integrated Management of Water Resources (PAGIRE). This action plan aims to implement, over a period of 15 years, the institutional, legal and fiscal framework as well as the human and financial resources for a sustainable and fair management of water resources. When PAGIRE […]

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title: Design of a plan for consolidating the “National Action Plan for Reform of the Judiciary”
ID: 5285
time: October 27, 2014

The Government of Burkina Faso adopted a ‘National Action Planfor the Reform of the Judiciary (PANRJ). This sector policy document assesses the judiciary through a detailed analysis of the main problems, weaknesses and constraints in the sector and on the basis thereof proposes reform measures with as overall objective “to strengthen place of the judiciary […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Basic Education Sector (PASEB)
ID: 5173
time: October 24, 2014

In line with the interventions already carried out in the framework of the Structural Adjustment Programme, the project aims at: Strengthening of planning and management capacity of the Regional Directorates of Basic Education and Alphabetisation, key issue for the successful implementation of the decentralization process; Improvement of the quality of teaching through teacher training, up-grading […]

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title: Institutional Support to the Office in Charge of the Management of EU Cooperation Programmes
ID: 5189
time: October 24, 2014

The European Union is the major donor in Burkina Faso with support being granted through the 7th, 8th and 9th European Fund for Development (EDF), regional programmes, as well as within the framework of STABEX, SYSMIN, Structural Adjustment Fund and the International European Bank. Furthermore, the EU provides support to different budget lines including food […]

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