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title: Monitoring, assessment and support to EU Budget Support to the Jordanian Ministry of Education
ID: 5937
time: February 11, 2021

The main objective of this assignment is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the EU intervention in the basic education system in Jordan under the EU Budget Support to the MoE (EUR 32 million). It aims at providing an overall independent assessment of the agreed general and specific conditions of the “EUTF Support to […]

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title: Provide an independent assessment against DFID’s Jordan Compact Education Programme Distribution Linked Indicators
ID: 5629
time: May 24, 2019

On the 4th of February 2016, the Government of Jordan presented “The Jordan Compact” and a “New Holistic Approach between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the International Community to deal with the Syrian Refugee Crisis” at the Supporting Syria and the Region Conference in London. Inside this compact, the international community and Jordan agreed […]

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title: Monitoring, assessment and support to EU and other donors-funded Education and complementary programs implemented by the Ministry of Education to deal with the Syria refugee crisis
ID: 5607
time: January 7, 2019

The main purpose is to contribute to the assessment of the education sector in Jordan through the following activities: To assess all the conditions for the Budget Support to the Ministry of Education to deal with the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan under TF-MADAD/2017/T04.66; To update the methodology for the assessment of the quality of […]

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title: National Aid Fund (NAF) Technical Assistance on Communication Strategy
ID: 5588
time: November 16, 2017

The National Aid Fund (NAF) is one of the leading institutions in the field of social protection in Jordan. Established in 1986 pursuant to law No. 36/1986, the Fund aims to provide assistance to the most deprived and vulnerable groups to improve their standard of living through the following range of services: Monthly Cash Assistance, […]

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title: Provide an independent assessment against DFID’s Jordan Compact Education Programme Distribution Linked Indicators (DLIs)
ID: 5571
time: March 6, 2017

On the 4th of February 2016, the Government of Jordan presented “The Jordan Compact” and a “New Holistic Approach between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the International Community to deal with the Syrian Refugee Crisis” at the Supporting Syria and the Region Conference in London. Inside this compact, the international community and Jordan agreed […]

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title: Monitoring, assessment and support to EU and other donor funded Education and complementary programs by the Ministry of Education to deal with the Syria crisis
ID: 5564
time: December 21, 2016

The focus of the current evaluation is on the monitoring of progress against set indicators and the assessment of achievements, the quality and the results of interventions in the context of an evolving cooperation policy with an increasing emphasis on result-oriented approaches. Evaluations should provide an understanding of the cause and effects links between activities […]

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title: Design of the Common Results Framework for delivery of quality formal education for Syrian refugee children in Jordan
ID: 5561
time: December 21, 2016

In August 2016 the Governments of Norway, the USA (USAID) and the UK (DFID) joined together with the Government of Jordan to deliver the “Accelerating Access to Quality Formal Education for Syrian Refugee Children” through a project titled “The Jordan Compact Education Fund (JCEF)”. The JCEF is delivered through pooling funds into a special account. […]

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title: Evaluation of conditionalities for final payments of the 2 EC programmes in Support to Jordan’s Education Reform and Identification of of new interventions in support to Human Resource Development and Social Protection
ID: 5310
time: October 28, 2014

The EC has currently 2 programmes in support to Jordan’s education reform: A Programme to support Jordan’s National Education reform of 42 Million Euros of which 40.1 Million are channelled through Sector Budget Support; A Special Measure on DCI Middle East funds to support Jordan’s public education system to cope with the increase in demand […]

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title: Formulation Mission – AAP 2011 Support to the Second Phase of Education Reform
ID: 5343
time: October 28, 2014

The proposed programme will be a follow-up to current EU support to Jordan’s education sector. The recommended funding modality is Sector Budget Support (SBS). It is indicatively proposed to structure the disbursement of the M€ 23 with a combination of a budget support and a complementary support one (including technical assistance and audit, monitoring and […]

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title: Development of the Policy Framework for Special Education Programs and Services and Refinement of National Professional Standards for In-service Professional Development
ID: 5362
time: October 28, 2014

Since April 2006 the EC has allocated financial resources for the support of technical assistance services in the reform of Special Education in Jordan. Technical assistance services were directed towards the development of special education programs at the Ministry of Education. Existing remedial and gifted programs were benchmarked with international standards and training programs were […]

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title: Comprehensive Evaluation of the CIDA funded Project “Supporting Jordan Education” (SJE)
ID: 5371
time: October 28, 2014

The Education Reform for the Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) is a comprehensive national five-year plan to transform kindergarten, basic and secondary education tom meet the needs of a modern, knowledge-based economy and consists of four components: Reorienting education policy objectives and strategies and reforming governance and administrative systems; Transforming education programs and practices to achieve learning […]

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title: Monitoring, assessment and support to EU funded Education and complementary programs by the Ministry of Education, UN Agencies and NGOs
ID: 5386
time: October 28, 2014

Current EU support is directed towards basic education, youth programmes, vocational and higher education, primarily through a budget support programme (EUR 30 million from 2011-2014) and a capacity development programme (EUR 3 million). An additional EUR 35 million are foreseen in support to the Employment and Technical and Vocational Education and Training Reform Programme, out […]

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title: Evaluation of Access to Appropriate Programs and Services for the Students with Special Needs
ID: 5412
time: October 28, 2014

The EU welcomes the willingness of Jordan to improve and promote the access of disabled people to education and employment, their access to information and adequate health care systems, their mobility without facing neither physical nor social obstacles, as well as to protect and ensure their full and equal enjoyment of rights, just as the […]

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title: Jordan Upgrading and Modernisation Programme (JUMP) – Development of a Monitoring and Evaluation System
ID: 5209
time: October 27, 2014

Following a request of the Ministry of Industry and Trade,the Policy Support and Institutional Strengthening Component (PSIS) of the Euro – Jordanian Action for the Development of the Enterprise (EJADA) Project has provided the blueprint for the establishing of the Jordan Upgrading and Modernisation Programme (JUMP) which will provide following services to the SMEs in […]

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title: TA to Assess Common Regulatory Training Needs and Develop a Training Plan (SRRP-Support for Regulatory Reform and Privatisation)
ID: 5228
time: October 27, 2014

In April 2002, the European Commission and the Government of Jordan signed a Financing Agreement for a programme of “Support for Regulatory Reform and Privatisation” (SRRP). The overall aim of the SRRP programme is to enhance the economic efficiency of infrastructure in Jordan, to improve access of the population to infrastructure services, and alleviate budgetary […]

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title: Education Reform for the Knowledge Economy (ERFKE I) Project : TA for the Development of the Special Needs Education Programme
ID: 5237
time: October 27, 2014

A new vision for education and an integrated national strategy for education in Jordan are being put in place as part of the Education for Knowledge Economy Project (ERfKE I). This process will enable Jordan to meet the challenges of becoming a knowledge society and competing in the global marketplace. The core elements of ERfKE […]

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title: Pre-feasibility Study “Support to the TVET Sector in Jordan”
ID: 5289
time: October 27, 2014

The Jordan TVET system is fragmented with a high level of centralisation and supply orientated,. The National Agenda exercise launched by the Government in 2005 identifies proposals for Employment and TVET. They go a long way towards establishing a sector policy for TVET, mainly in terms of governance and management, recommending the establishment of an […]

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