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title: TA to support the AU – EU Youth Lab Communications Actions
ID: 7496
time: January 26, 2024

The Lab’s general objective is to contribute to the empowerment of youth in Africa and to strengthen their involvement in active, meaningful and innovative ways. To achieve this, it is vital to support the implementation of the programme AU-EU Youth Lab with strong communication, information, visibility, and dissemination actions. The project therefore ensures that policy-making […]

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title: Thematic Evaluation of Social Protection Programmes 2014 – present
ID: 7494
time: January 26, 2024

Against the backdrop of global challenges such as the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic, geopolitical distress, increasing inflation, fiscal tightening, and climate change, all of which worked as mutually reinforcing shocks and fuelled food and energy crises, this evaluation aims at strategically assessing the EU support which has been provided through external action in […]

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title: Recruitment of an Education Finance Expert
ID: 7486
time: January 24, 2024

The overall objective to which this action contributes is to support the SDG4-Education 2030 High-Level Steering Committee (HLSC) Inter-Agency Secretariat, hosted by UNESCO’s SDG 4 Global Cooperation Section, in effectively fulfilling its role, particularly in Functional Area 3 “Driving financing mobilization and improve alignment”. As an education finance champion and a key member of the […]

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title: Final Evaluation of three interventions under the Decision “Investing in Culture and Creativity”
ID: 6520
time: March 9, 2022

The main objectives of the evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union, the interested stakeholders and the wider with an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the Decision “Investing in Culture and Creativity” with its 3 components: EU Identity Building and Sharing Business Initiative: an ethical and “global” approach […]

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title: Study around the role of remote learning modalities to promote, prevent and respond to the mental health and psychosocial well-being needs of children, adolescents and teachers
ID: 6290
time: September 20, 2021

The objective of this study is to inform UNICEF mental health and psychosocial support in education programming by mapping promising practices and gathering evidence around the advantages, constraints, and risks associated with the use of remote learning modalities (including in the context of Covid-19) for promotion of mental health and psychosocial wellbeing and prevention/response of […]

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title: Out–of–School Children Initiative Formative Evaluation
ID: 5635
time: November 8, 2019

UNICEF Evaluation Office (New York) has commissioned a global evaluation of the Out-of-School-Children Initiative (OOSCI). The evaluation shall test the validity of the OOSCI theory of change and its assumptions, strengthen the programme logic, and provide a formative assessment of progress towards achieving the overall goal of achieving a substantial and sustainable reduction in the […]

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title: Consultancy services for experts (assessors) to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the VET Toolbox Call for Proposals on Inclusion in Vocational Education and Training (VET)
ID: 5621
time: February 13, 2019

The EU works to strengthen Vocational and Educational Training (VET) systems in many partner countries where the system is often insufficiently aligned to employers’ needs. People trained through those VET systems do not acquire the required skills and competences due to inadequate private sector engagement and missing linkages to the world of work. Also, many […]

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title: Mid-term evaluation of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS) and Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (NDPC)
ID: 5605
time: January 7, 2019

The Northern Dimension (ND) is a joint policy between the European union (EU), Russia, Norway and Iceland which promotes dialogue, practical cooperation and development. While it covers a broad geographic area (from the European Arctic and Sub-Arctic to the southern shores of the Baltic Sea, and from north-west Russia in the east to Iceland and […]

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title: Support to the assessment of grant applications received in the framework of the restricted Call for Proposals: EuropeAid/161146/DH/ACT/Multi “Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities”
ID: 5608
time: January 7, 2019

The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to promote integrated urban development through partnerships built among Local Authorities of the EU Member States and of partner countries in accordance with the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development. Partnerships will support Local Authorities from partner countries to address sustainable urban development through capacity building and […]

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title: Production of UNGEI Strategic Directions 2017-2022 Report
ID: 5579
time: November 16, 2017

UNGEI is a multi-stakeholder partnership committed to improving the quality and availability of girls’ education and contributing to the empowerment of girls and women through education. Launched in 2000 at the Dakar World Education Forum, UNGEI has been the ‘most visible global initiative associated with gender equality and EFA’ (GMR 2015). UNGEI is an advocacy-oriented […]

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title: Develop Program Guidance on Skills for Employment
ID: 5585
time: November 16, 2017

The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 sets out a global ambition for all girls and boys to complete on year pre-primary and twelve years of basic education by 2030. To achieve SDG4, UNICEF will support governments in the progressive realization of early childhood, primary, lower and upper secondary education. The UNICEF Strategic Plan (2018-2022) articulates […]

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title: Production of Education Annual Results Report
ID: 5568
time: March 6, 2017

UNICEF’s Annual Results Reports outline the organization’s results against the Strategic Plan 2014–2017 to advance children’s rights and equity in the areas of health; HIV and AIDS; water, sanitation and hygiene; nutrition; education; child protection; social inclusion; humanitarian action; and gender. The reports detail what UNICEF achieved in each outcome area, working with diverse partners […]

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title: Using Social Dialogue as a socio economic development tool
ID: 5562
time: December 21, 2016

The global objective is to demonstrate the relevance, importance, and utility of social dialogue as a tool for economic and social development The specific objective of the assignment is to provide the European Commission (DEVCO B3) and the European Delegations with a reference document (orange publication): Developing an understanding of Social Dialogue and the added-value […]

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title: Evaluation of the UNESCO-UE Expert Facility on the governance of Culture in developing countries
ID: 5556
time: December 21, 2016

The overall objective of the Expert Facility on the governance of the cultural sector is to : Reinforce the role of culture as a vector of sustainable human development in developing countries and namely contribute to the protection and promotion of cultural diversity; Promote access to cultural production and production for all, in particular disadvantaged […]

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title: Thematic evaluation on support to Economic Governance in enlargement and neighbourhood countries
ID: 5540
time: January 6, 2016

DG NEAR will undertake an Interim, Final, Ex Post Mixed thematic evaluation on support to Economic Governance in enlargement countries and its findings and recommendations will feed into the Mid-term review of the Union’s instruments for financing external actions (IPA and ENI) planned for 201726. Some remarkable practices of budget support for reforms in macroeconomic […]

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title: Education Advisory Services
ID: 5515
time: February 5, 2015

The purpose of the assignment is to provide advisory and capacity building services as well as support with a view to: Improve the quality of the EU assistance projects and programs for education reforms in partner countries through adequate support at the key steps of the project/programme cycle; Support the continuing definition and/or adaptation of […]

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title: Support to National Coordinating Units – NIS and Mongolia
ID: 5497
time: October 29, 2014

The immediate objective of the project is to improve and strengthen the planning and co-ordination capacities of partner governments (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia) in relation to EU support and related external assistance programmes. Project counterparts (NCUs) are those public administrations responsible for EU and other external […]

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title: Study on the feasibility and effectiveness of tax policy changes to support inclusiveness and sustainability of growth
ID: 5503
time: October 29, 2014

Tax policy is decisive in generating public revenues to maintain fiscal balance and to strengthen domestic accountability as well as the capacity to finance development expenditures and fiscal resilience to external shocks. It redistributes purchasing power within society and its effect is a major determinant of the level of inequality and poverty. It is therefore […]

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title: Assessment of grant applications received under the Call for Proposals “Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights — Universal Access to Reproductive Health”
ID: 5504
time: October 29, 2014

Action to improve access to voluntary family planning and reproductive health care and to overcome the barriers has not been efficient and sufficient in the past on the part of countries themselves, due to the controversy and sensitivity surrounding sexual and reproductive health and the low importance often given to women’s health — but also […]

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title: Assessment of Grant requests received under the CfP “Action for Child Protection – Violence against children”
ID: 5506
time: October 29, 2014

The thematic strategy “Investing in People” and the component dedicated to children of its fourth theme “Other aspects of human and social development (social cohesion; employment and decent work; children and youth; culture”) is partly implemented through a call for proposals “Action for child protection-Violence against children”. This restricted call for proposals was published on […]

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title: Evaluation of the selected projects from the restricted Call for Proposals 2008: Capacity Development and Advocacy on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policies
ID: 5507
time: October 29, 2014

Under the theme ‘Good health for all’ of the Development Cooperation Instrument ‘Investing in People’, four key health issues have been identified of which one relates to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The general objectives for the thematic support to SRHR are to improve reproductive and sexual health in developing countries and to […]

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title: Study on capitalisation of European decentralised cooperation experiences
ID: 5430
time: October 28, 2014

International cooperation between subnational authorities (local and regional authorities) is today an emerging, dynamic and complex phenomenon, which transforms the local actors’ practices and, at the same time, opens new perspectives and new innovation fields to European Commission (EC) cooperation. According to the more commonly used definition by the EC, Decentralised cooperation is development cooperation […]

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title: Evaluation of ETF publications
ID: 5483
time: October 28, 2014

Established in Turin, Italy, in 1994, the European Training Foundation (ETF) assists its 30 partner countries that receive support from the EU’s external relations programmes in developing high quality systems for human capital development. An essential part of the ETF’s work is to communicate its messages actively and effectively to politicians, practitioners, professionals, policymakers, and […]

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title: Education for All – Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI) Monitoring & Evaluation Strategy
ID: 5485
time: October 28, 2014

The Education for All Fast Track initiative (EFA-FTI) was launched in 2002, following the commitments of the World Education Forum in Dakar 2000, as global partnership that focuses on accelerating progress towards universal primary school completion of quality education by 2015. The FTI has endorsed so far 42 countries’ education sector plans. This assignment will […]

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