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title: To conduct tracer Study of EU funded “Supporting TVET Reform in Pakistan” Project (TVET II) (Ex-post Evaluation)
ID: 5640
time: February 28, 2020

The specific objective of the assignment is to conduct a tracer study on TVET I graduates and comprehensively analyse empirical data regarding TVET I graduates and to present the findings and recommendations in a clear and logical report. This report should be comprehensive enough to allow EU Delegation to make an accurate assessment of the […]

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title: To conduct tracer Study of EU funded Technical and Vocational Education and Training Projects (Ex-post Evaluation)
ID: 5613
time: January 8, 2019

The specific objective of the assignment is to conduct a tracer study on TVET I graduates and comprehensively analyse empirical data regarding TVET I graduates and to present the findings and recommendations in a clear and logical report. This report should be comprehensive enough to allow EU Delegation to make an accurate assessment of the […]

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title: Evaluation of the Financing Agreement between the EU and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan – Balochistan Education Support (BES)
ID: 5604
time: January 7, 2019

The overall objective of the Balochistan Education Support Programme (BES) is to accelerate and further increase the number of children (especially girls) enrolling in and competing quality elementary education in Balochistan during the next 5 years, which is a key priority of the Balochistan Education Sector Plan (BESP). The specific objectives include: To increase access […]

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title: End of year 1 and mid-term evaluation of the “Support to the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Sector in Pakistan – Phase III” Programme
ID: 5598
time: March 9, 2018

The third phase of EU’s support to the TVET sector is “Supporting TVET sector in Pakistan (TVET III)”. It is based on the key achievements of TVET I and II and the lessons learnt from their implementation and the recommendations of their evaluations. The subject Terms of Reference relate to evaluation of TVET III. TVET […]

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title: Supporting Technical and Vocational Education and Training Reform in Pakistan – Final Evaluation
ID: 5566
time: December 21, 2016

TVET II purpose is to increase the access, equity, relevance and quality of the TVET sector in Pakistan. TVET II covers all provinces and regions of Pakistan. The project supports the reform of TVET sector through following three Components: Component 1: Governance. Component 1 addresses governance issues of skills development and TVET. It aims at […]

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title: Support to the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Sector in Pakistan – Final Evaluation
ID: 5539
time: January 6, 2016

“Support to the TVET Sector in Pakistan” (TVET I) has a total cost of 21.17 M EUR where EU’s contribution is 19.47 M EUR. The project purpose is to improve the quality and outreach of skill trainings provision predominantly in the rural areas of Pakistan in response to the needs of the economic sector. The […]

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title: Scoping mission for continuation of EU’s support to the TVET sector in Pakistan
ID: 5534
time: September 18, 2015

Education, including human resource development, is one the focal areas for EU’s development cooperation with Pakistan. The purpose of this contract is to support the EU Delegation in the identification and formulation phase of planning for the continuation of its support to the TVET sector in Pakistan. The expected results include: Identification phase Assist in […]

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title: Supporting Technical and Vocational Education and Training Reform in Pakistan – Mid Term Review
ID: 5372
time: October 28, 2014

The 5 year Project ‘Supporting TVET Reform in Pakistan (TVET II)’ is one of the two TVET programmes financed by the EU in Pakistan. The Programme is being implemented by GIZ through a Delegation Agreement and consists of 3 components each addressing a specific challenge of the TVET Sector: A first component addresses governance issues […]

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title: Balochistan Education Support
ID: 5380
time: October 28, 2014

Balochistan is the least educated province in Pakistan, with 67% of its population being illiterate.Although there have been remarkable improvements in the education landscape during the last decade, primarily due to the focused efforts of the government and development partners, the Net Enrolment Rate (NER) is still at least 10 percent lower than the national […]

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title: Technical Assistance under the Sindh Education Sector Support Programme
ID: 5427
time: October 28, 2014

In February 2012, the European Union and the Government of Pakistan signed the Financing Agreement (No. DCI-ASIE/2011/023-009) for SESSP under which the EU will provide technical assistance and sector budget support to the Education sector in Sindh. The total EU contribution to SESSP is €30 million, including €25.5 million for Sector Budget Support (SBS). The […]

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title: Technical Assistance Support for Sindh Education Plan Programme
ID: 5226
time: October 27, 2014

The overall objective is poverty alleviation in the Province of Sindh through progress in achieving Education for All (EFA) goals. The EC Sindh Education Plan Support Programme (SEPSP) purpose is “improved capacity at school, district and provincial level to deliver quality elementary education services in an equitable way”. Results of SEPSP are systems- and process […]

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title: EC Technical Adviser to the Department of Education in Sindh Province of Pakistan
ID: 5183
time: October 24, 2014

The European Commission is considering the possibility to adopt a pro-active approach and to invest in the Government of Pakistan’s reform and transition process towards a sector approach in elementary education. The aim is to design an EC Support package that will work as a catalyst to assist the Department of Education and other donors […]

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