The specific purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical assistance and overall guidance to UNICEF and her partners in conducting a new Education Sector Plan (ESP) for Kiribati. The development of an ESP is preceded by an Education Sector Analysis (ESA), accompanied by the drafting of GPE Compact documents. The main objective of this […]
Agriculture remains the backbone of Fiji’s economy, providing food security, income and employment. The overall agriculture sector, which is composed of sugar and non-sugar crops and livestock, contributes approximately to 8.2% of GDP and around 28% to total employment. Indirectly the sector involves many more people: 83.7% of the rural population are engaged into agriculture […]
The overall objective of this assignment is to enhance the capacity of the NAO office to discharge effective role and function of NAO in the management of EDF resources. The purpose of this contract is to provide adequate support to the National Authorizing Officer for an effective formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the actions […]
The main purpose of this consultancy is to undertake a meta-analysis of existing research to create a region-specific evidence base on the most effective strategies for improving learning among the most marginalized children in East Asia and Pacific based on existing scientific evidence from the region. The proposed literature review will inform the development of […]
The overall purpose is to evaluate and guide UNICEF’s Education programming that has a focus on DRR in the region at a strategic level: Assess the extent to which UNICEF’s education programming in EAP has been implemented in line with the expectations of the regional strategy, partners’ expectations and global good practices on mainstreaming DRR […]
The overall objective of the project of which this contract is part is to contribute to the implementation of the PNG Government’s poverty alleviation policies while ensuring responsible and sustainable development. The purposes of this contract are as follows: To support the implementation of the PNG Government’s national policy priorities; To ensure the efficient and […]
The purpose of the project of which this contract will be part is to strengthen the NAO system by assisting the NAO to continue to observe his responsibilities and obligations under the Cotonou Agreement and by strengthening the SIG’s capacities and capabilities to effectively programme, supervise implementation, manage, monitor and account for EU cooperation (EDF-funded […]
The Overall Objective of the HRDP is to improve the region’s living standards and international competitiveness through improvement of skills, to increase the motivation and to make the Pacific Islanders more able to respond flexible to new challenges and opportunities. The specific purpose of the Programme is to increasehuman capital through skills enhancement in three […]
An overall budget for the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) of € 286 million has been allocated to the Overseas Countries and Territories; the indicative allocation for New Caledonia is 19.8 Million Euro. The authorities have indicated to the European Commission that they would like to concentrate the 10th EDF territorial allocation on “professional training […]
PNG’s remote primary schools are unable to deliver effective primary education to a reasonable standard. The underlying cause is geographical remoteness. Others causes identified include; lack of accessible medical facilities and clean water, frequent non-payment of allowances and salary, poor communication,… The Improvement of Rural Primary Education Facilities (IRPEF) was signed in 2003 under 8th […]
In December 2007, the Government of Vanuatu took the important decision to consolidate aid planning, management and coordination under a single department, the new Department of Strategic Policy, Planning and Aid Coordination (DSPPAC), which comes under the aegis of the Prime Minister Office. Within the DSPPAC, the Aid Coordination and Negotiation Unit (ACNU) has the […]
The mission’s main objective is to analyse and draw lessons from the current GBS intervention (SERP II) in order to provide directions for the formulation of a new multi year budget support program in Vanuatu, financed by the European Union under the 10th EDF, namely SERP III. More specifically this assignment will address issues linked […]
The signing of the financing agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Vanuatu to support the productive sector for an amount of 5.5 Million Euros in March 2010 was the conclusion of a long term process after several years of consultation and dialogue between relevant stakeholders. Effective implementation of the mentioned financing agreement […]
The Government of Vanuatu (GoV) has been receiving General Budget Support (GBS) from the European Union (EU) since 2004 (However, the GoV is only receiving direct budget support since 2007). Under the European Development Fund (EDF) 10, € 12.82 million is available for Budget Support. The “Support to Economic Reform Program 2011-2013 (SERP III)” is […]
The overall objective of the technical assistance is to maximise market access opportunities under the PNG-EU IEPA as well as other trade agreements and better prepare the PNG and EU private operators to the forthcoming new trade agreements. The purpose of this contract is to enable the PNG IOs to identify, understand and relay trade […]
The overall objective of the Vanuatu Tourism Education and Training Project is to contribute to overall economic development and poverty reduction through growth of the tourism sector in Vanuatu. The specific objective is to improve capacity of VIT (Vanuatu Institute of Technology), Training providers and VIBA (Vanuatu Islands Bungalows Association) to deliver quality manpower, standard […]
The Solomon Islands Education Sector Investment and Reform Programme (ESIRP) is a sector wide programme financed through a combined basket of donor funding, under the auspices of MEHRD. The overall objectives of the contract are to: Increase the capacity of SICHE (Solomon Islands College of Higher Education) to be a high quality cost effective post […]
In 2005, GoPNG adopted a National Education Plan (NEP) for the ten-year period 2005-2014. The NEP provided a framework for localising the Education for All (EFA), MDGs and MDTS goals and priorities into time-bound outcome targets and strategies. The Universal Basic Education (UBE) plan (2010-2019) has been officially launched in October 2009. The education sector […]
The government of Vanuatu and education donor partners are preparing for the commencement a sector wide approach (SWAp) to support educational reforms proposed in the Vanuatu Education Sector Strategy (VESS).It is anticipated that a joint education support programme will be implemented in 2008 (VESAP) in preparation for the start of SWAp in 2009. The SWAp […]
The project aims at improving rural education facilities with a particular focus on primary education up to grade 8 in the least developed provinces of PNG. Six least developed provinces have been identified by the government as the priority areas for inclusion in the programme. All provinces and individual district within each province are facing […]