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title: Voice of Accountability
ID: 5939
time: February 11, 2021

This contract forms part of a EUR 22 million Public Financial Management (PFM) programme aiming to promote good economic governance and accountability. The programme seeks to contribute to efficient use of public funds, effective resource mobilisation and strengthened domestic accountability. The purposes of this contract are as follows: To educate and increase the awareness of […]

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title: Support to the implementation of the PFM Action Plan 2015-2017
ID: 5548
time: December 21, 2016

The purpose of this project is to support the Government of Azerbaijan in its efforts to modernize the system of Public Finance Management. The specific objectives of this assignment are: To provide technical assistance to implement the PFM Action Plan 2015-2017 in the areas as identified in the attached action plan (annex 1) and complementary […]

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title: Study on the feasibility and effectiveness of tax policy changes to support inclusiveness and sustainability of growth
ID: 5503
time: October 29, 2014

Tax policy is decisive in generating public revenues to maintain fiscal balance and to strengthen domestic accountability as well as the capacity to finance development expenditures and fiscal resilience to external shocks. It redistributes purchasing power within society and its effect is a major determinant of the level of inequality and poverty. It is therefore […]

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title: TA to the Gauteng Province Department of Health
ID: 5327
time: October 28, 2014

The National Treasury has recently done an assessment of financial management capability maturity in provinces and the outcome of this exercise has raised concerns within the National Treasury about the state of financial management within provinces. In particular, is the concern of the financial management capacity and capability of Provincial Treasuries and especially the Education […]

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title: Feasibility Study for the Implementation of a Capacity Building Programme for Public Financial Management Improvement in South Africa
ID: 5334
time: October 28, 2014

The National Treasury fulfils a pivotal role in the implementation and management of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) No 1 of 1999 as well as the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) No 56 of 2003. The essence of both these Acts is to regulate financial management in the public sector at national and provincial […]

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title: Develop an Updated MFMA Circular & Guidelines Draft Methodology
ID: 5338
time: October 28, 2014

The assignment’s objective is to update MFMA Circular 13 reflecting the most recent developments in the budget and reporting formats, so as to ensure proper alignment between the IDP, budget documents, the SDBIP and the in-year and end-year reports. The overall objective has the following components: Revisit MFMA Circular 13 updating the content and aligning […]

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title: Annual Public Financial Management Monitoring Report (AMR) for the Republic of South Africa
ID: 5346
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the assignment is to compile the 2011 Annual PFM Monitoring Report for the EU Delegation to South Africa. The services rendered through this assignment will provide the Delegation with the necessary information to confirm eligibility for budget support to the country and to monitor continued improvement in the field of public […]

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title: Technical Assistance to Support the Eastern Cape Department of Education
ID: 5351
time: October 28, 2014

The Departments of Education in the Eastern Cape have consistently not addressed financial management issues raised by the Auditor General over the last 6 years, resulting in perceived gross mismanagement and the loss of confidence by the Provincial Administration and the public. The failure to implement robust financial management has resulted in institutionalised corruption and […]

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title: TA to conclude content of specified training material for the standard chart of accounts (SCOA)
ID: 5356
time: October 28, 2014

The National Treasury has been committed to a long-term financial management reform agenda since 1999. The aim is to improve accountability and modernise the accounts of government; primarily by bringing budget and expenditure reporting in line with international best practice.A significant aspect of the reform was the introduction of a Standardised Chart of Accounts (SCOA) […]

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title: Evaluation/Formulation of institutional supports of the future GBS program in Vanuatu
ID: 5358
time: October 28, 2014

The mission’s main objective is to analyse and draw lessons from the current GBS intervention (SERP II) in order to provide directions for the formulation of a new multi year budget support program in Vanuatu, financed by the European Union under the 10th EDF, namely SERP III. More specifically this assignment will address issues linked […]

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title: To Document the Lessons Learnt in Designing and Implementing the Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA) in the South African Environment
ID: 5307
time: October 28, 2014

The National Treasury embarked on a budget reform program in 1999 aiming at improving accountability and modernising the accounts of government; primarily by bringing budget and expenditure reporting in line with international best practice.The ultimate aim of this reform remains unchanged – it is to provide better quality information to legislatures to assist in the […]

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title: Public Finance Management – Annual Monitoring Report for Vanuatu 2010
ID: 5360
time: October 28, 2014

The Government of Vanuatu (GoV) has been receiving General Budget Support (GBS) from the European Union (EU) since 2004 (However, the GoV is only receiving direct budget support since 2007). Under the European Development Fund (EDF) 10, € 12.82 million is available for Budget Support. The “Support to Economic Reform Program 2011-2013 (SERP III)” is […]

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title: TA to Mpumalanga and North West province to strengthen the Provincial Treasuries in providing support with the implementation of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA)
ID: 5312
time: October 28, 2014

The South African Government commenced with major financial management reforms including the MTEF framework in 1998, other budget reforms aimed at advancing and promoting growth and development and reforms governing public financial management. The main initiatives included a/o the adoption of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) in 2000 and the Municipal Finance Management Act […]

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title: Assistance to the Ministry of Education and Sports of Lao PDR in improving financial planning systems
ID: 5370
time: October 28, 2014

The seventh National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) (2011-2015) of the Government of Lao PDRemphasizes the role of education in achieving its goals and identifies three major priorities for the sector: Expanding equitable access to education services; Improving quality and relevance of education services; and Strengthening education sector governance and performance management. The Ministry of Education […]

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title: Financial Management Technical Assistance for ODA-P PCU
ID: 5313
time: October 28, 2014

The International Development Cooperation (IDC) Chief Directorate within the National Treasury established a Programme Coordinating Unit (ODA-P) to assist it with the implementation of its mandate and strategic development plan. The ODA-P is currently responsible for the implementation of the Euros 11.6 million programme with five result areas and was recently audited. The audit findings […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Economy and Finances (NAO) and the National Statistical Institute (INSAE) in the framework of the Joint Support Programme to Good Governance in Public Finance and Statistics
ID: 5389
time: October 28, 2014

The Joint Programme of Support to Good Governance in Public Finance and Statistics (CAP), including three Member States, aims to support the implementation of the Action Plan for improved management of Public Finance 2009 -2013 and the National Strategy for Development of Statistics (SDNS). The objectives of this service contract are: Provide the MEF, the […]

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title: Joint Review of Poverty Reduction Strategy Budget Support Programmes
ID: 5323
time: October 28, 2014

After a first Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (2003-2005), Benin has recently entered the second phase of the PRSP process with the development of a new strategy for the period 2007-2009. The strategy provides the overall and unique framework for public interventions of the government and thus for the harmonisation of development partners’ support. Each year, […]

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title: Technical Assistance to Primary Education Development Programme II – Mission for the Harmonisation and Integration of Medium Term Financial Planning and Budgeting for the Second Primary Education Development Program (PEDP-II) in Bangladesh
ID: 5208
time: October 27, 2014

PROMAN in Consortium with Fem Consult is providing TA to the Second Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP II), a sector wide programme integrating the inputs of 11 Development Partner (DP) and providing ownership to Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME), and particularly the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) in the development of a quality […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Finance in the field of Insurance Supervision
ID: 5238
time: October 27, 2014

The Insurance Supervision Division (ISD) was established in July 2000 within the Department for Affairs Immediately Related to the Minister, within the Ministry of Finance. Having in mind the expansion of the insurance market, presently consisting of 8 insurance companies and 4 insurance brokerage companies, further development and capacity building of the ISD is necessary […]

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title: PEFA Assessment
ID: 5247
time: October 27, 2014

The objective of the study is to measure the impact of reforms that are currently being implemented in the area of Public Finance Management. Type of services provided PROMAN provides three international experts specialised in public finance management to carry out a PEFA assessment both at the centralised and decentralised levels. Work includes: Evaluation of […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Development of Bank Sector Training in Yemen
ID: 5257
time: October 27, 2014

The overall objective of the project is to improve the skills and competencies of staff in general in the financial services sector in Yemen in order to meet labour market needs following the partial liberalization of the banking sector by the Central Bank.The project aims at upgrading the capability and capacity of the Institute of […]

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title: Identification Mission for a programme of “Institutional Support to the Monitoring and Implementation of the Action Plan for Strengthening Budget Management”
ID: 5279
time: October 27, 2014

The Government of Burkina Faso adopted in 2002 an ‘Action Planfor Strengthening Budget Management (PRGB). This action plan serves as a framework for the priority reforms in budget management within the administration and has as global objective to improve in a sustainable way the transparency, reliability and efficacy of the management of budgetary expenses. The […]

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title: Support to Capacity Building in Public Investment within the Burkina Faso Administration
ID: 5280
time: October 27, 2014

The Government of Burkina Faso adopted in 2002 an ‘Action Planfor Strengthening Budget Management (PRGB). This action plan serves as a framework for the priority reforms in budget management within the administration and has as global objective to improve in a sustainable way the transparency, reliability and efficacy of the management of budgetary expenses. More […]

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title: Annual organizational and financial audits of Ministries of Health and Education
ID: 5181
time: October 24, 2014

Since 2000, the Government of Cameroun has embarked on a medium-term economic and financial reform programme. The improvement of the management of public expenditures and good governance are principal elements of the reform agenda. In 2000, the EC and the Government signed a cooperation agreement on the mobilisation of 3,6 Mrds FCFA budgetary support, accompanied […]

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