This project aims to evaluate the impact, relevance, and effectiveness of the EU’s support to civil society in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries during the period 2019–2024. The evaluation covers three programmatic cycles of the Civil Society Facility (CSF) and seeks to analyze the outcomes of bilateral and regional initiatives implemented to strengthen civil society […]
This project aims to evaluate the impact, relevance, effectiveness, sustainability, and coherence of EU support for capacity building of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Ukraine during the 2019-2024 period. The evaluation covers 16 interventions, including 11 projects focused on capacity building through third-party subgranting mechanisms and 5 sectoral interventions in the fields of rule of […]
The contract covers a project by the Delegation of the European Union (DUE) in the Republic of Congo, focused on promoting youth engagement for 2024, decreed the “Year of Youth”. The project has two main components: Pilot cohort of committed young people (2024-2025): Selection of 20 young Congolese aged 18 to 29 via a national […]
The global objective of this assignment is to contribute to fostering a functioning, pluralistic, participatory and representative democracy and the consolidation of a resilient civil society by promoting a culture of fundamental rights and dialogue in Türkiye. As all EU funded actions, this will also contribute to promoting cross-cutting issues such as environment and climate […]
The aim of this Terms of Reference is to provide technical assistance and expertise to the EU Office in Kosovo for the assessment of project proposals under the 5 following Calls for proposals: Civil Society Facility 2014-2015, Support to Strategic CSO Coalitions (CSF 2014-2015 Coalitions), a restricted Call for proposals; Civil Society Facility 2014-2015, Support […]
Action to improve access to voluntary family planning and reproductive health care and to overcome the barriers has not been efficient and sufficient in the past on the part of countries themselves, due to the controversy and sensitivity surrounding sexual and reproductive health and the low importance often given to women’s health — but also […]
Under the theme ‘Good health for all’ of the Development Cooperation Instrument ‘Investing in People’, four key health issues have been identified of which one relates to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The general objectives for the thematic support to SRHR are to improve reproductive and sexual health in developing countries and to […]
The Euro-Mediterranean partners, assembled during the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on “Strengthening the Role of Women in Society”, that was held in Istanbul on the 14th and 15th of November 2006, chaired by the Finnish presidency of the EU, agreed to work in a joint framework towards the strengthening of the role of women in the […]
The objective of the mission is to provide targeted training to 16 local civil society organizations on the basic principles of project cycle management including monitoring and evaluation, the preparation of proposals and EC procedures linked to a call for proposals under the IEDDH CBSS programme (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, Country- Based […]
The overall objective of the Civil Society Support Programme is to contribute towards political, economic and social governance which is responsible, transparent and participative in Cameroon, through the CSOs being better informed and involved in defining, programming, implementing, monitoring and evaluating development policies and programmes. In this context, the specific aim of the technical assistance […]
The overall objective of the support programme of which this contract is part, is to strengthen and promote the roles of the civil society organisations in the democratic reforms in Morocco. The specific objective is the development and the implementation of a technical and operational capacity building programme, of a monitoring and evaluation system and […]
The participation of non-state actors has been retained as one of the fundamental principles of cooperation within the Cotonou Agreement. Within this context, the 9th EDF foresees “institutional support to non-state actors/civil society, principally focusing on local development initiatives”. A total budget of 15 million EUR is foreseen. Within this context, a pre-feasibility study was […]
The framework for development cooperation between the European Commission (EC) and South Africa is set out in the Multi-annual Indicative Programme (MIP). The decade since the end of apartheid in 1994 witnessed a shift in EC support from direct funding of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), under the Special Programme of Assistance to the Victims of Apartheid, […]
In spite of the concern of the EC of implying the greatest number of NSA’s within the decentralised co-operation, the procedures of calls for proposals of the EC, the administrative requirements which must be achieved to be eligible within the frameworks of these calls, as well as the different forms to be filled, remain complicated […]
The programme ‘Strengthening Capacities of Civil Society Organisations in Burkina Faso (Programme de Renforcement des capacités des Organisations de la Société civile (PROS) has as principal objective to strengthen the participation of civil society organisations (CSOs) to the development process. The programme is fully in line both with the Cotonou Agreement and with national policies. […]
The Programme for Capacity Building for Civil Society Organisations (PROS) has as principal objective to strengthen the participation in the development process of Civil Society Organisations (CSO). The programme is fully within the scope of the Cotonou Agreement. It also fits within the context of national policy as it helps to strengthen the dialogue as […]
Since the adoption of the Barcelona Declaration in 1995, there has been a growing recognition of the key role of civil society in the process of turning the Mediterranean basin into an area of peace and prosperity and in allowing people to share the benefits of political and economic growth. EC support to NGOs in […]
The International Fundraising Consortium – South Africa (Interfund), is contributing with the support of the EU, to a three-year programme of support to the strengthening of capacity at all institutional levels of the NGOs and CSOs. The overall objective of the project is to empower poor and marginalised communities, to strengthen their organisational capacity and […]
The objective of the fourth multi-annual programme for Micro projects, as for the previous three projects is to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the most disadvantaged population of Togo, particularly in the rural areas and the suburbs., thought the promotion of initiatives and the participation of local organizations. The Program consists […]