Ref N° 228

Support for the implication of Non State Actors (NSA) within the European Union – Central African Republic cooperation

Central African Republic
Overall project value (EUR)
€ 37 115
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
AEDES (Framework contract Lot 8)
Start date
April 2005
End date
June 2005
Number of staff provided
1 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

In spite of the concern of the EC of implying the greatest number of NSA’s within the decentralised co-operation, the procedures of calls for proposals of the EC, the administrative requirements which must be achieved to be eligible within the frameworks of these calls, as well as the different forms to be filled, remain complicated for a great part of the NSA’s, who are not very familiar with the practices of the EC as regards call for proposals.

In order to ease the difficulties which the NSA’s could encounter as for their participation in the call for proposals the Delegation of the EC in RCA will launch, the purpose of the mission will be to organise seminars / meetings of information and training of the NSA’s wishing to present proposals at the time of this call.

The beneficiaries of these services will be the Central African NSA’s or NSA’s established there and the local public authorities which want to be informed on the stipulations of the Cotonou Agreement and the EC financed decentralised co-operation activities.

The overall objective is that democracy and good governance are reinforced thanks to a larger implication ofall NSA’s, on the level of the policy development.

The specific objective is that the NSA’s are implicated in the programmes of co-operation of the EU in RCA, thanks to better information concerning the programmes of development of the EU and a better knowledge of the conditions and methods to fill in order to take part in the call for proposals of the decentralised cooperation programme.

Type of services provided

PROMAN provides the services of a team of two experts (one international expert and one local expert).

Core services include:

  • To inform and make aware the NSA’s on the stipulations of the Cotonou Agreement, as well as the strategy and the program of co-operation between the EU and the RCA, including the decentralised cooperation programme of the EU in RCA;
  • To analyse, during a participative workshop and through a questionnaire, the strengths and weaknesses of the NSA’s who wish to submit a proposal in response to the call for proposals;
  • On the basis of this analysis, set up a strategy for the launching of the decentralised cooperation program;
  • To accompany the NSA’s in the drafting of their project proposals.

PROMAN HQ is responsible for the backstopping of the mission and overall quality assurance.

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