In December 2007, the Government of Vanuatu took the important decision to consolidate aid planning, management and coordination under a single department, the new Department of Strategic Policy, Planning and Aid Coordination (DSPPAC), which comes under the aegis of the Prime Minister Office. Within the DSPPAC, the Aid Coordination and Negotiation Unit (ACNU) has the […]
The mission’s main objective is to analyse and draw lessons from the current GBS intervention (SERP II) in order to provide directions for the formulation of a new multi year budget support program in Vanuatu, financed by the European Union under the 10th EDF, namely SERP III. More specifically this assignment will address issues linked […]
The signing of the financing agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Vanuatu to support the productive sector for an amount of 5.5 Million Euros in March 2010 was the conclusion of a long term process after several years of consultation and dialogue between relevant stakeholders. Effective implementation of the mentioned financing agreement […]
The Government of Vanuatu (GoV) has been receiving General Budget Support (GBS) from the European Union (EU) since 2004 (However, the GoV is only receiving direct budget support since 2007). Under the European Development Fund (EDF) 10, € 12.82 million is available for Budget Support. The “Support to Economic Reform Program 2011-2013 (SERP III)” is […]
The overall objective of the Vanuatu Tourism Education and Training Project is to contribute to overall economic development and poverty reduction through growth of the tourism sector in Vanuatu. The specific objective is to improve capacity of VIT (Vanuatu Institute of Technology), Training providers and VIBA (Vanuatu Islands Bungalows Association) to deliver quality manpower, standard […]
The government of Vanuatu and education donor partners are preparing for the commencement a sector wide approach (SWAp) to support educational reforms proposed in the Vanuatu Education Sector Strategy (VESS).It is anticipated that a joint education support programme will be implemented in 2008 (VESAP) in preparation for the start of SWAp in 2009. The SWAp […]