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title: Support to the Office of the National Authorising Officer (NAO) of the European Development Fund
ID: 5630
time: May 24, 2019

The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be part is to support the Government’s development strategy through the implementation of sound EU development programmes and to foster a more coherent and informed approach to policy dialogue and to development cooperation, political cooperation and trade related issues. The purpose of this contract […]

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title: Long Term Technical Assistance to the National Authorising Officer
ID: 5527
time: April 21, 2015

The overall objective of the project, of which this technical assistance will be a part, is to contribute to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in Zambia through improved aid coordination and delivery. The purpose of the technical assistance is to enhance the capacity of the NAO, in the implementation, coordination and monitoring of the […]

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title: Consultancy on the Review of the System for Decentralized Textbooks Procurement and Distribution in Zambia
ID: 5297
time: October 28, 2014

Despite major efforts in strengthening the textbook procurement and distribution system, major challenges of getting books to the end user still remains a major source of concern.Currently, the system lacks direction in the development of an integrated strategy for textbook procurement and distribution, one that would unify all purchase and supply of books to schools […]

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title: Mid-Term Review of the Micro-Project programmes (phases I and II) financed by the 8th EDF: 8 ACP ZA 12 and 8 ACP ZA 45
ID: 5191
time: October 24, 2014

In order to respond to the needs of local communities with regard to development, the EDF participates in the financing of micro-projects at a local level which (a) have an economic and social impact on the life of the people, (b) meet a demonstrated and observed priority need, and (c) will be undertaken at the […]

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