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title: Evaluation of EU support to civil society in the Eastern Partnership
ID: 7864
time: December 20, 2024

This project aims to evaluate the impact, relevance, and effectiveness of the EU’s support to civil society in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries during the period 2019–2024. The evaluation covers three programmatic cycles of the Civil Society Facility (CSF) and seeks to analyze the outcomes of bilateral and regional initiatives implemented to strengthen civil society […]

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title: Evaluation of EU support to CSO capacity building in Ukraine
ID: 7855
time: December 13, 2024

This project aims to evaluate the impact, relevance, effectiveness, sustainability, and coherence of EU support for capacity building of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Ukraine during the 2019-2024 period. The evaluation covers 16 interventions, including 11 projects focused on capacity building through third-party subgranting mechanisms and 5 sectoral interventions in the fields of rule of […]

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title: Identification mission support to Ukraine
ID: 7493
time: January 26, 2024

The general objective of the mission is to identify, on behalf of the MAEE, support for the reconstruction of Ukraine. This will take into account the needs and requests expressed by the Ukrainian authorities, as well as actions currently being implemented by humanitarian and development actors financed by Luxembourg, and by other technical and financial […]

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title: Evaluation of the policy steps taken by the Ukrainian government towards the delivery of social services to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
ID: 5550
time: December 21, 2016

The global objective of the assignment is to assist the Ukrainian authorities in putting in place a policy framework which respects the social, economic and human rights of the IDP population and fosters social cohesion in challenging political and economic circumstances. The specific objectives are: To assess all aspects of the current policy towards IDPs […]

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title: Support to the National Coordinating Unit in Ukraine
ID: 5268
time: October 27, 2014

The immediate objective of the project is to make sure that the national inputs for the development of IPs and APs meet well identified and jointly agreed priorities for the cooperation between the EU and Ukraine, set within a broader framework of external assistance and reflecting wider stakeholder consultation and influence.Project counterparts (NCUs) are those […]

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