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title: International Technical Assistance – Expédition Plastique Océan Indien (ExPLOI)
ID: 7844
time: December 9, 2024

The project aims to reduce endogenous plastic pollution by promoting behavioural change and stakeholder engagement through the production of shared scientific knowledge, awareness-raising activities, the support of sustainable practices and innovations to reduce plastic usage, and the promotion of a shift in the plastic-based business model. The final beneficiaries of the EXPLOI project are the […]

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title: Technical Assistance for the implementation of the AFAFI-NORD Programme
ID: 5599
time: August 9, 2018

The general objective of AFAFI-NORD is to contribute, in the intervention areas of the action, to promote a sustainable and competitive agricultural sector and to strengthen the resilience of populations vulnerable to food and nutritional insecurity. In line with the intervention logic of the 11th EDF NIP for the rural development sector, three specific objectives […]

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title: Support Programme to Basic Social Services – Education (PASSOBA-Education) – extension
ID: 5576
time: July 13, 2017

The specific objective of PASSOBA-Education is to improve the geographical and financial access to education, and to promote education quality and educational services in 9 regions of Madagascar (Sava, Analanjirofo, Menabe, Atsimo-Andrefana, Anosy, Boeny, Atsinanana, Betsiboka et Vakinankaratra), in compliance with the Education for All plan and the temporary plan of the development of the […]

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title: Organizational Audit of the National Institute of Pedagogical Training
ID: 5572
time: May 3, 2017

Since 2007, the Ministry of National Education has appointed the National Institute of Pedagogical Training (INFP) as the central operator of all trainings, both initial and continuous. To support the institution in this new mission, it was supported by AFD, within the framework of the EPTM Project, to finance training and renovation of the central […]

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title: Training on PCM, preparation of proposals and EC procedures for Non-State Actors
ID: 5320
time: October 28, 2014

The objective of the mission is to provide targeted training to 16 local civil society organizations on the basic principles of project cycle management including monitoring and evaluation, the preparation of proposals and EC procedures linked to a call for proposals under the IEDDH CBSS programme (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, Country- Based […]

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title: Technical Assistance to the Employment and Regional Integration Support Programme (PROCOM)
ID: 5382
time: October 28, 2014

The overall objective of the project of which this contract is part is to contribute to sustainable development in Madagascar and the reduction of poverty through inclusive economic growth driven by trade. PROCOM aims to strengthen the capacity of the private sector to grow inclusively and to be more competitive on national, regional and international […]

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title: Retrospective Evaluation of “Basic Education project in Madagascar”
ID: 5403
time: October 28, 2014

The Basic Education Project (€ 8.500.00) included three components: Component 1: Quantitative and qualitative enhancement of the reception capacities. The component represented about 85 % of AFD financing; forecasts of initial achievements were the following: Classrooms: rehabilitation of around 400 classes, construction of around 200 classes, providing furniture and didactic materials; Annexed infrastructures: school latrines, […]

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title: Support Programme to Basic Social Services – Education (PASSOBA-Education)
ID: 5424
time: October 28, 2014

The specific objective of PASSOBA-Education is to improve the geographical and financial access to education, and to promote education quality and educational services in 9 regions of Madagascar (Sava, Analanjirofo, Menabe, Atsimo-Andrefana, Anosy, Boeny, Atsinanana, Betsiboka et Vakinankaratra), in compliance with the Education for All plan and the temporary plan of the development of the […]

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