
Current job opportunities available are listed below. If you are interested in one of the openings, please visit the relevant opportunity and apply for the position.

If you wish to be included in our general register of consultants, without reference to a specific job opportunity please send your CV to

Country Project Position Deadline Visit
Final Evaluation Promove Comercio – Building competitiveness for exports Expert 1: TL: Cat I - Expert 2: Cat I - Expert 3: Cat II - Expert 4: Cat III 13/03/25
Final Evaluation of the current engagement of the EU in the Fisheries Sector in Cambodia – CAPFISH-CAPTURE PROGRAMME Team Leader (Head Evaluation/BS specialist): Cat I & KE1: Thematic expertise / Fisheries specialist & KE2: Thematic expertise / Post harvest specialist & KE3: Thematic expertise / CFi 12/03/25
Evaluation finale du projet GCCA+ “Changement climatique et Gestion intégrée des Zones côtières” Expert 1-Chef d’équipe : Cat. I & Expert 2: Cat II 03/03/25
Congo (Democratic Republic of)
Unis pour la paix et la sécurité – Evaluation a mis-parcours Chef d'équipe Cat.1 & Cat.2 Experts 28/02/25
Consultant-e communication pour le projet ExPLOI Consultant-e communication 17/02/25
AT International au sein du Projet Exploi Consultant-e assistant-e administrative et comptable en appui au RAF et à l’UGP ExPLOI 17/02/25
United Kingdom
Building a close relationship with the United Kingdom Key expert 2: Public Diplomacy15 expert 14/02/25
United Kingdom
Building a close relationship with the United Kingdom Key expert 1: Team leader – Policy support expert 14/02/25
South Africa
Bridging inequalities through greener municipalities Key expert 2: Project Co-ordinator 13/03/25
Transatlantic Rising Stars Project- Washington, DC Key expert 4: Music Strand Manager 13/03/25
Transatlantic Rising Stars Project- Washington, DC Key expert 3: Film Strand Manager 13/03/25
Transatlantic Rising Stars Project- Washington, DC Key expert 2: Artist residencies strand manager 13/03/25
Transatlantic Rising Stars Project- Washington, DC Key expert 1: Team leader 13/03/25
South Africa
Bridging inequalities through greener municipalities Key expert 1: Team leader 13/03/25
Long Term Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning Key Expert 1: Long Term Technical Adviser: Public Sector Development Cooperation and Aid Effectiveness Expert 31/01/25
FWC Acquisition Manager, Lot 12-14 FWC Aquisition Manager 01/01/70
FWC Acquisition Manager, Lot 2-3 FWC Acquisition Manager 01/01/70
SENIOR EVALUATION SPECIALIST Senior Evaluation Specialist 01/01/70
SENIOR EDUCATION SECTOR SPECIALIST Senior Education Sector Specialist 01/01/70
General call for experts FWC 2023 Lot 3 FOOD SYSTEMS, SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND NUTRITION Experts 01/01/70
General call for experts FWC 2023 Lot 12 EDUCATION, CULTURE AND YOUTH Experts 01/01/70
General call for experts FWC 2023 Lot 14 MIGRATION AND FORCED DISPLACEMENT Experts 01/01/70
General call for experts FWC 2023 Lot 16 EVALUATION AT INTERVENTION LEVEL Experts 01/01/70
Africa regional
Consultants environnement, gestion des écosystèmes, responsabilité sociale et environnementale Experts Junior/Senior/Long et court terme 01/01/70
Africa regional
Consultants communication stratégique, visibilité, relation publique Experts Junior/Senior/Long et court terme 01/01/70
We are urgently looking for several experienced Project Managers Project Managers 01/01/70
General call for Junior Experts in Communication Junior Experts 01/01/70
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