
Current job opportunities available are listed below. If you are interested in one of the openings, please visit the relevant opportunity and apply for the position.

If you wish to be included in our general register of consultants, without reference to a specific job opportunity please send your CV to

Expected start
13 February 2024
0 working days
Mert Perk (

General call for experts FWC 2023 Lot 12 EDUCATION, CULTURE AND YOUTH Back

The Framework Contract “Services for EU’s External Action” (SEA 2023) is intended to support the European Commission (EC) Directorates-General in charge of the implementation of External Action:

  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA),
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR),
  • Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO),
  • Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), and
  • EU Delegations.

This FWC aims to provide a contractual tool that can mobilise rapidly (compared to a standard tender procedure) through specific contracts the expertise required to assist the EC departments in implementing their policies.

To this end, PROMAN Consortium, as Framework Contractor, will support and advise EU services Headquarters and EU Delegations and/or Partner Countries/Organisations along the cycle of operations by providing technical inputs and by assisting in carrying out analysis, studies and providing opinions and advice.


We are looking for specialists in the following technical fields:

1. Education (formal and non-formal)

1.1. Quality basic education for all

1.2. Global challenges and education

1.3. All levels and types of education, including in fragile and crisis-affected contexts: early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, higher education

1.4. Comprehensive sector policy design and development

1.5. Education sector analysis and reform; education sector plan financing and implementation (MTEF, management of the education system, planning and programming, EMIS, governance, quality assurance, sector-wide approaches / donor co-ordination)

1.6. School management and teacher issues, curricula and learning materials at all levels

1.7. Higher education (Degree and diploma programmes at universities, colleges and polytechnics; scholarships and inter-university cooperation programmes)

1.8. Basic life skills and lifelong learning for youth and adults (including literacy and numeracy training)

1.9. Education financing

1.10. Education metrics

a) Assessment of availability, appropriateness and quality of education data and of education information systems

b) Assessment of education interventions

1.11. Lifelong learning

2. Human Resources development

2.1 Education / training of professionals (curriculum development, vocational and academic training, costing and institutional aspects of training, continuing education)

2.2 Human resources planning / management (including workforce management, motivation analysis, leadership and strategic capacities, worker migration)

3. Vocational Education and Training – VET (formal and non-formal)

3.1 School based TVET, advanced TVET, apprenticeship, on-the-job training

3.2 VET sub-sector analysis, reform, management, vocational reform (including analysis and measures to strengthen the links between VET and the Labour market and to promote involvement of the private sector)

3.3 National (or regional) Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs), and Prior learning Recognition (PLR)

4. Culture

4.1 Culture development policies, cultural governance, intercultural dialogue (including inter-belief dialogue), protection and promotion of cultural diversity, cultural heritage, audio-visual, cultural and creative industries and tourism, innovation in culture (e.g. digital)

4.2 Mainstreaming of culture (cultural expressions in support to other sector planning and programming)

5. Youth

5.1 Youth engagement in EU policies and actions. Support to youth advisory structures in the EU external action. Support in programming and planning, including mainstreaming of youth in EU actions. Support services to EUDs and HQ on youth engagement and participation, included inclusion of youth in political dialogues

5.2 Coordination with stakeholders

5.3 Youth empowerment at economic, political, social and cultural level: youth engagement inclusion, monitoring systems

5.4 Development of information and connection initiatives for young people