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title: Formulation of the Project KSV/023 – Sustainable and inclusive growth for Kosovo
ID: 7137
time: April 18, 2023

The sector of “sustainable and inclusive growth” has been defined as a new priority for joint development cooperation between the two governments of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Republic of Kosovo. Their MoU stipulates that support will be provided to governance, implementation of policies, programmes and initiatives for the development of employment, the […]

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title: Support to Kosovo with EU Programmes
ID: 6288
time: September 20, 2021

In order to use the opportunities offered by the Union Programmes, on the 25th of November 2016 Kosovo signed with the European Commission the Framework Agreement on general principles for participation in the 17 EU Programmes in which Kosovo is eligible to participate. It entered into force on the 1st of August 2017. Currently Kosovo […]

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title: Assessment of project proposals of 5 Calls for Proposals of the EU Office in Kosovo
ID: 5532
time: June 30, 2015

The aim of this Terms of Reference is to provide technical assistance and expertise to the EU Office in Kosovo for the assessment of project proposals under the 5 following Calls for proposals: Civil Society Facility 2014-2015, Support to Strategic CSO Coalitions (CSF 2014-2015 Coalitions), a restricted Call for proposals; Civil Society Facility 2014-2015, Support […]

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title: Formulation Mission “Strengthening Vocational Training in Kosovo”
ID: 5480
time: October 28, 2014

At the end of March 2005, Lux-Development (LD), Luxembourg agency for development cooperation, was commissioned by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Cooperation Department (MAE) to formulate the project initially entitled “Strengthening Vocational Training in Kosovo”. The objective of the formulation mission is to plan Luxembourg Cooperation’s intervention based on the Kosovo authority’s request and in […]

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title: Evaluation of the Child Friendly School Project in Kosovo
ID: 5198
time: October 27, 2014

Since 2001, UNICEF supports the creation in Kosovo of schools that are effective (child-centred, interactive learning), healthy, protective (inclusion of all children, including children with special needs), and with an active involvement of parents and communities in school. Implementation of activities that create such Child Friendly Schools (CFS) has been the responsibility of seven implementing […]

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title: Research on Different forms of Violence Occurring in the School Environment in Kosovo
ID: 5248
time: October 27, 2014

A Global UN Study of Violence Against Children is addressing violence in different settings: Violence at home and in the family, in school and education settings in other institutional settings, in the community and on the streets and violence in work situations. UNICEF has been invited to write the chapter on protection of children from […]

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