The general objective of the mission is to identify, on behalf of the MAEE, support for the reconstruction of Ukraine. This will take into account the needs and requests expressed by the Ukrainian authorities, as well as actions currently being implemented by humanitarian and development actors financed by Luxembourg, and by other technical and financial […]
The overall objective of the study is to support DG NEAR and IPA II beneficiaries in strengthening the monitoring and reporting systems to track the performance of IPA II assistance, while enhancing the transparency and visibility of IPA II funds, and providing support for related information and communication activities targeting stakeholder audiences in the EU […]
UNICEF has adopted in the CEE/CIS region a ‘system’ approach to programming with the view to accompany reforms and contribute to concrete changes at institutional, societal and individual level. The Multi-Country Evaluation of Regional Knowledge and Leadership Areas regroups evaluations in 5 strategic result areas with the dual purpose to (i) informing and guiding UNICEF’s […]
SIGMA assistance started in 1992 when the EC and the OECD launched the first SIGMA programme to help the Central and Eastern European Countries to modernise their public administrations. SIGMA’s main objective is to assist partner countries to develop public governance systems which are appropriate to a democracy operating under the rule of law and […]
Since its inception in May 1991 the aim of the Stabilisation and Association process has been to equip the countries of the Western Balkans with the means, based on European practice and standards, to maintain stable democratic institutions, to ensure the rule of law prevails and to sustain open, prosperous economies. The SAp creates strong […]
Over the past 10 years, UNICEF has been actively engaged in the promotion of the Child-friendly School (CfS) approach and development of CfS initiatives in the CEE/CIS region. Although the CfS concept has been implemented in different forms, formats, scopes and under different names, the purpose of the study is to compile all existing CfS […]