The overall objective of the Civil Society Support Programme is to contribute towards political, economic and social governance which is responsible, transparent and participative in Cameroon, through the CSOs being better informed and involved in defining, programming, implementing, monitoring and evaluating development policies and programmes. In this context, the specific aim of the technical assistance […]
Cameroon has a developed but seriously deteriorated education system. The Ministry of National Education (MINEDUC) has therefore developed a sector strategy document, adopted in June 2001, which clearly shows the four Government priorities in Education by 2011: universal primary education, improving access and equity in other education levels; improving quality and relevance of teaching; improving […]
Since 2000, the Government of Cameroun has embarked on a medium-term economic and financial reform programme. The improvement of the management of public expenditures and good governance are principal elements of the reform agenda. In 2000, the EC and the Government signed a cooperation agreement on the mobilisation of 3,6 Mrds FCFA budgetary support, accompanied […]