Framework contract “Services for EU’s External Action 2023 (FWC SEA 2023), Lot 2 (European Commission) Back
This framework contract is mainly intended to support the European Commission Directorates-General in charge of the implementation of External Action: DG INTPA, DG NEAR, FPI and EU Delegations.
The objective of this framework contract is to provide a contractual tool that can mobilise rapidly (compared to a standard tender procedure) through specific contracts the expertise required to assist the European Commission departments in implementing their policies.
The expertise required may cover any sector within a lot in any geographic area of the world.
1. Sustainable Natural Resource management
- Sustainable management and protection of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems (soil erosion/salinization/fertility, national parks ecosystem protection, fight against desertification, etc.)
- Sustainable Water management including planning (e.g. integrated river basin management), supply, waste water treatment (incl. waste water reuse and energy generation)
- Environmental protection
- Pollution including chemicals, plastics, waste, air pollution and greenhouse gases emissions
- Green / Circular economy (including pollution); Sustainable Consumption and Production policies and practices, investments, policy dialogue, Blue Economy
- Ocean governance including marine/coastal zones protection
- Biodiversity (terrestrial and marine ecosystems- SDG 14 and 15)
2. Sustainable Land management
- Land use planning, Land information systems and applications
- Land reform policies
- Land registration and cadastre, Land market development, estate economic assessments
3. Sustainable Water management
- Water, including IWRM, Transboundary water and water diplomacy, WASH and water related investments
4. Sustainable Forestry management and conservation
- Forest inventories, forest management plans, forest establishment and plantation management
- Agroforestry, community and environmental development programmes
- Strategic and operational resource development and wood supply plans
- Forestry industry development plans
- FLEGT process and VPA negotiations
- Deforestation, Forest Partnerships (forest value chains and investments, deforestation-free agriculture commodities
5. Sustainable Waste management
- Sustainable Waste management including public/private management structures aspects and waste to energy
Framework Contractors are expected to support and advise European Commission (EU) services Headquarters (HQ) and EU Delegations (EUDs) and/or Partner Countries/Organisations along the cycle of operations (excluding evaluations) by providing technical inputs and by assisting in carrying out analysis, studies and providing opinions and advice. To this end, each lot should incorporate expertise related to the following horizontal aspects/tasks:
- Policy-related analysis and design.
- Mainstreaming of EU policy priorities within interventions, focusing on priorities listed in Art. 8.8 of the NDICI- Global Europe regulation. This includes the fight against climate change; environmental protection; human rights, democracy, gender equality; disaster risk reduction; integration of a resilience approach and conflict-sensitivity; application of the principles of ‘do no harm’ and of ‘leaving no one behind’; addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and promoting interlinkages between them.
- Analytical tasks related to Intervention Cycle Management, supporting the implementation of DG INTPA and DG NEAR methodology from design to closure of operations. Tasks include among others: feasibility studies, needs assessments, institutional/stakeholder analysis, political, economic and financial analysis, cost benefit analysis, context analysis, quality review of documents, support to programme/project design, guidelines, policy analysis, stakeholders’ consultations, project monitoring, impact assessments.
- Logical Framework approach, monitoring and evaluations systems design and management; measuring performance and reporting results; data collection and data analysis.
- Expertise to enhance Joint Programming and Team Europe Initiatives.
- Public financial management and domestic revenue mobilisation, including at sector level and at subnational government level.
- Thematic, financial, operational support to the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD+) pipelines, blending and guarantees.
- Analysis of legislation, regulations and law enforcement, including legislative gap analysis.
- DG INTPA policy framework and European Union global interests; Public Policy Analysis and Management, and Political economy, anthropological analysis; development partners; Multi-stakeholders Policy dialogue processes.
- Scientific and engineering technical inputs for works and supplies contracts’ annexes.
- Evaluation of offers received in the context of tender procedures; assessment of grant proposals.
- Public information and communication tasks, awareness-raising, visibility;
- Capacity-development activities and training for EU staff (both at HQ and EU Delegations) and for implementing partners’ staff;
- Studies and desk or short-term technical assistance: at any stage of the intervention cycle, in support of policy initiatives, or to enhance evidence-based knowledge and the analytical capacity of EU Delegations and Headquarters;
- Programming, in particular the refinement of initial programming ideas, provision of specific advice in relation to options identified by EU staff, support for short-term programming missions;
- Monitoring and tracking progress towards policy spending targets;
- Knowledge management and dissemination;
- Organisation of conferences, seminars, workshops, directly linked and ancillary to the services provided in the specific contract of the lot.
PROMAN is member of the consortium led by NIRAS A/S (Denmark).
For further details: please contact Mert Perk at
Job opportunities under this FWC are posted on the Jobs page.