Ref N° 476

Review of South African Trilateral Development Cooperation Activities – Technical Cooperation and Official Development Assistance Programme (TCODAP)

South Africa
National Treasury
Overall project value (EUR)
€ 182 276
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
ACE (FWC Benef Lot 11)
Start date
February 2015
End date
July 2015
Number of staff provided
180 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

In South Africa, trilateral cooperation activities are located within the scope of South–South Cooperation (SSC), which is understood to be an exchange of resources, technology, knowledge and experience between countries of the global south. Trilateral cooperation activities have been increasing within South Africa in recent years since some donors are shifting to regional/cross-border programming rather than country programming. They use ODA funds from a northern donor country to deploy South African technical expertise to undertake development activities within other countries on the African continent.

The purpose of this assignment is to undertake a review of the trilateral cooperation activities in which South Africa has been involved in the last 10 years.

The first phase of this review should deal with the following aspects:

  • Quantify the trilateral cooperation activities/arrangement. This exercise should reflect on the quantum of resources invested, the sectors supported and the types of development interventions;
  • Review the management systems/modalities put in place to allocate, manage, disburse and account for funds as well as the M&E arrangements instituted for the evaluation of trilateral cooperation activities;
  • Review the outcomes of the trilateral cooperation activities undertaken by South Africa in terms of impact within recipient countries;
  • Assess the costs and benefits of trilateral cooperation activities within South Africa, including the contribution of these activities toward meeting the political, trade, investment and economic objectives of South Africa.

The second phase will address the following aspects:

  • The review should reflect on global good practice (case studies) with regard to trilateral cooperation activities involving other middle-income developing economies;
  • Compare local experience with international best practice and make recommendations regarding the institutional arrangements necessary for effective SA involvement in trilateral activities;
  • Make recommendations on how SADPA and/or NT: IDC should structure its work in order to be most effective in terms of trilateral cooperation, including recommendations for intra-country coordination between different departments and organisations involved in implementing trilateral cooperation development interventions;
  • Make recommendations for management models/modalities that best support the implementation of effective development interventions funded through trilateral cooperation arrangements;
  • Reflect on the kind of technical, financial and institutional resources that will be required in order to effectively undertake trilateral cooperation activities in future.

Type of services provided

A Team of two South African Senior Development Cooperation Experts recruited by PROMAN will:

  • Undertake a project inception meeting
  • Prepare an Inception Report that outlines theunderstanding of the project, the methodologies to be used and the work-plan for the project;
  • Review international literature/documents on trilateral cooperation models utilised by other middle-income countries;
  • Review relevant documents relating to the South African trilateral cooperation activities;
  • Map the trilateral cooperation activities undertaken by South Africa with development cooperation partners;
  • Define/refine the research methodology
  • Prepare an Interim Report incorporating the Report on ‘Mapping of Trilateral Cooperation Activities undertaken by South Africa’ and set out the refined research methodology, included the programmes/ agreementsto be sampled and the stakeholders to be interviewed;
  • Develop data collection instruments/tools;
  • Undertake primary data collection from South African organisations engaged in trilateral development cooperation activities, development cooperation partners funding these activities and beneficiaries of the trilateral cooperation activities;
  • Undertake data capturing; data analysis and data interpretation;
  • Draft research report and submit
  • Collect and review comments and submit revised report.

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