Ref N° 425

Retrospective Evaluation of “Basic Education project in Madagascar”

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 28 224
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
November 2012
End date
March 2013
Number of staff provided
32 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

The Basic Education Project (€ 8.500.00) included three components:

Component 1: Quantitative and qualitative enhancement of the reception capacities. The component represented about 85 % of AFD financing; forecasts of initial achievements were the following:

  • Classrooms: rehabilitation of around 400 classes, construction of around 200 classes, providing furniture and didactic materials;
  • Annexed infrastructures: school latrines, headmasters’ housing (when justified for the school security), headmaster office (around 50), meeting rooms or offices for administrative centre schools of ZAP (rural areas);
  • School hydraulic: (i) in rural areas: realisation of covered wells with or without manual pumps, small tanks and sinks; (ii) in urban areas: rehabilitation of current installations connected to the water distribution network (JIRAMA), standpipes to be reinstall with drainage system.

Component 2: Promotion of an efficient partnership management of schools. A global participatory approach was expected to strongly involve communities in schools management:

  • Participatory diagnostic of local educative demand and current offer: development of organisational and management skills of the parent associations, the FRAM, community income-generating activities for schools;
  • Assistance to formulation and implementation of a community actions plan for schooling and a school project focused on reduction of repeating a year and drop-out by increasing the effective teaching time (better school organisation and absenteeism monitoring), contracting aids to institutions in the frame of existing procedure of contracts-programmes; strengthening of schools partnership management capacity by management committees (FAF);
  • Implementation of a perennial system for schools maintenance.

Component 3: Linguistic strengthening in French (in partnership). Given the teachers training needs in French to use the new textbooks distributed in schools, the project planned an upgrade of teachers in beneficiary schools. This training, around 200 hours, should concern around 500 teachers and will focus on pedagogic use of new textbooks.

The objective of the mission is the project retrospective evaluation.

Type of services provided

PROMAN provides the services of a team of 2 experts, a Team Leader and a local expert.

The evaluation work was based on a three-steps approach:

  • Structure of evaluative approach;
  • Conduct the evaluative analysis;
  • Present the outcomes of evaluative works and any possible recommendations.

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