Ref N° 351

Mission to Prepare the Implementation of the Policy Support Programme – Pro Bolivia (Decent work)

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 60 688
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
October 2009
End date
January 2010
Number of staff provided
77 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

The Sector Support Programme ‘Development of production with Decent Work’ in Bolivia wants to contribute to the social inclusion of workers through a change in the production matrix, more specifically it sets out the improve the productivity and the quality of work of the SME’s in priority sectors through improvement of entrepreneurship, promotion of production development and institutional strengthening.

Under this contract technical assistance is provided to prepare the Implementation Phase. The Experts will in coordination with PRO-BOLIVIA, prepare the Budget of the Start-up Programme and the budget of the First Programme as well as other elements that will allow a smooth start of the programme. They will provide training on Programme Budgeting to civil servants designated by PRO BOLIVIA and they will prepare Terms of Reference for the tender of long-term Technical Assistance.

The mission will be implemented in close coordination with the relevant ministries and the EC Delegation in La Paz (Cooperation and Section Chief Program Officer). PRO BOLIVIA will take part in all the phases of the mission.

Type of services provided

PROMAN provides the services of a Team Leader and a Public Administration Expert who will assist in:

  • Checking that management responsibilities of the SPSP are stated and agreed;
  • Ensuring coordination arrangements;
  • Adjusting the work plan and budget to the sector and political context;
  • Agreeing ex ante the auditing mechanisms;
  • Agreeing on final version of the LFWM;
  • Defining roles and responsibilities;
  • Defining ToR for studies and works to be financed by the EC before the start of the Program;
  • Identifying target groups in a more disaggregated level and systematising lessons learned;
  • Updating the approach of the proposed activities;
  • Optimizing the final designs of the 3 CTIS identified (Textile, Leather and Wood);
  • Updating the baseline program indicators;
  • Developing and agreeing among ministries and development agencies the eligibility criteria related to the Competitive Fund;
  • Developing ToR for a TA Programme.

PROMAN manages and coordinates the mission.

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