Ref N° 286

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Support Programme to the Urban Population of Estelí, Matagalpa, Jinotega, Ocotal and Somoto

EC Delegation Nicaragua
Overall project value (EUR)
€ 29 996
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
April 2007
End date
April 2007
Number of staff provided
2 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

The programme’s overall objective was to improve the standard of living of populations in the suburbs of the five towns situated in the Northern area of Nicaragua, and at the same time, improve the technical and managerial capacities of the local municipalities.

The mid-term evaluation aimed at assessing the results achieved by the programme up to now in relation to the objectives stated in the Financing Agreement and programme documents. The assessment was carried out on the basis of the five standard evaluation criteria: relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability criteria. Attention was paid to the analysis of the evolution of the social, political, institutional and economic context from the formulation stage to the current implementation stage (and particularly to the impact of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy) in order to assess the possible consequences of a modified environment for the successful implementation of the programme.

In addition to the above, the team also provided some operational recommendations to enhance the programme’s capacity to achieve its intended objectives.

The evaluation was carried out by a team of two experts (with one expert provided by PROMAN).

Type of services provided

  • Documentary reviews;
  • Interviews, focus groups and workshops with the different stakeholders;
  • Visits to the programme sites;
  • Economic and financial analyses;
  • Report writing.

The expert team consist of one team leader/sociologist and one civil engineer.

PROMAN provides the services of the civil engineer.

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