Detailed description of project Back
The EU in South Africa and the South African Government have developed the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment sector budget support programme (GEWE) as part of the wider multiannual development cooperation programme between the two partners.
The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls in South Africa. The programme will focus on improving the capacities of the Government of South Africa to include gender issues in its policy, budgeting and programme management cycle at national, provincial and local levels to meet the needs of women and girls.
The overall objective of this contract is to contribute to the development and enhancement of the South African government capacities to include gender issues in its policy and programme management cycle at national, provincial and local levels.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide technical assistance to the implementing Government Departments, the National Treasury and the EU Delegation to South Africa in the implementation of the GEWE project’s main components through:
- Support to the implementation and monitoring of the GEWE programme, including support to the Programme Steering committee;
- Support to the Government in particular the DWYPD in coordinating all stakeholders within the sector, organising and facilitating sector policy dialogues;
- Technical support to the Government relating to integration of gender priorities within planning and budgeting instruments, as well as monitoring and evaluation of Government Departments.
Type of services provided
- Provide technical and secretarial support to the Project Steering Committee (PSC);
- Provide technical and secretarial support to ad-hoc working committees established by the PSC and to annual and ad hoc policy dialogues established;
- Provide technical assistance to the South African Departments to prepare payment file and GEWE reports;
- Provide technical support to Departments to monitor and report regularly to the PSC on the GEWE programme and GEWE pilot projects through an M&E framework;
- Monitor and track the performance indicators related to the variable tranches;
- Draft the ToR for the mid-term/ final evaluation;
- Review, if necessary, theory of change of the programme, baseline and logical framework indicators and address any information/baseline gaps through survey or other relevant data collection tools;
- Provide technical assistance to the DWYPD through advice on gender responsive planning and budgeting and data disaggregation in line with the indicators of the variable tranche, and align this support with the Department five-year and annual planning processes;
- Provide technical support to Departments for designing and monitoring pilot projects;
- Provide capacity building assistance to Government Departments to implement gender responsive policies and programmes;
- Provide support to Government to strengthen sector coordination amongst and between Government Departments and all relevant stakeholders;
- Provide support to Government to organise and facilitate at least four sector policy dialogues forum;
- Provide technical and secretarial support to the EU Delegation to facilitate the Gender Development partner’s coordination group;
- Provide technical and advisory assistance to the EU Delegation to implement the Gender Action Plan;
- Provide assistance to draft press releases and statements to communicate on the GEWE programme;
- Oversee administrative assistance to carry out secretarial and logistical duties of the services above.
Main staff provided:
- Gender Specialist (400 w/d);
- M&E Specialist (400 w/d).