Country |
South Africa |
Client |
EU Delegation |
Overall project value (EUR) |
€ 114 400 |
Origin of funding |
EC |
Proportion carried out by legal entity |
100% |
Consortium members |
AEDES (Framework Contract Lot 8) |
Start date |
September 2003 |
End date |
September 2005 |
Number of staff provided |
8 w/d |
Detailed description of project Back
The Country Strategy Paper 2003-2005/06 (CSP) between South Africa and the European Commission has four areas of co-operation:
The specific objective of the Resource Team is to support the NAO (IDC/NT), implementing agencies and the EC Delegation in integrating gender in a meaningful way in each phase of the project cycle and in each area of co-operation.The global objective is to increase gender awareness, to contribute to improved gender mainstreaming in projects identified and designed under the 2003-2005 pipelines and to develop an approach to gender mainstreaming for each area of co-operation in the CSP 2003-06.
PROMAN provided two highly qualified experts in gender mainstreaming who will review all relevant documentation, have meetings and discussions with main stakeholders and compile and present all related reports to the various actors.
Furthermore, the team will participate in all meetings concerning the 2003-2005 pipelines in order to ensure proper coverage of gender mainstreaming and recommend how South Africa and other donors can incorporate similar objectives into customised projects.
The resource team will produce an overview of gender policies/priorities in South Africa and in the European Commission followed by recommendations, guidelines and methodology (with short term training modules where appropriate) to implement gender mainstreaming in feasibility studies and financing proposals.