Detailed description of project Back
The overall objective of the Expert Facility on the governance of the cultural sector is to :
- Reinforce the role of culture as a vector of sustainable human development in developing countries and namely contribute to the protection and promotion of cultural diversity;
- Promote access to cultural production and production for all, in particular disadvantaged groups;
- Realise the full potential of cultural industries in sustainable development, economic growth and well-being of populations;
- Foster social cohesion, fight violence and discrimination through cultural activities promoting human rights and peace.
The main objectives of the evaluation are to provide the European Commission, UNESCO and the partner governments with:
- An overall independent assessment of the performance of the “the Expert facility on the governance of the cultural sector” ,paying particularly attention to the results of the project against its objectives ;
- Key lessons and recommendations in order to improve current and future actions;
- Assessment of synergies with the International Fund for Cultural Diversity and the Expert Facility, taking into account the unique value of each;
- Complementarity with current SIDA support, in view of optimum action for eventual future collaboration.
Type of services provided
Core services include:
- Assistance to the local team in sharing experiences and best practices with other countries and regions;
- Proposition of a precise evaluation criteria and recommendations for improvement during the inception phase for the approval of the reference group of the evaluation;
- Consideration whether issues like gender equity, minorities and autochthonous peoples, environmental impact and good governance were taken into account in the identification/formulation documents and the extent to which they have been reflected in the implementation of the project and its monitoring.
The evaluation process will be carried out in four phases: an Inception Phase, a Desk Phase, a Field Phase and a Synthesis Phase.
The evaluation is provided by a single expert (category I).