Detailed description of project Back
The overall objective of the Capacity Building for Regional Integration project, of which this contract is a part, is to contribute to the implementation of the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Programme (RISDP) and the Strategic Indicative Programme for the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation (SIPO), with the ultimate objective of poverty reduction and economic growth. The specific purposes of this contract are to establish in the SADC Secretariat a capacity for the effective allocation and use of resources in support of the regional integration agenda as implemented through RISDP and SIPO; and for monitoring and evaluating the process of regional integration at both regional and national levels. The expected results include:
- Enhanced capacity to coordinate research activities in the area of policy analysis;
- The development of appraisal systems for EDF supported development programmes and projects;
- The development and introduction of a unified protocol monitoring system for the purpose of monitoring progress in regional integration at both the regional and Member State levels;
- The development and introduction of coordination systems between the SADC Secretariat and SADC National Committees in the implementation of the RISDP, SIPO and Regional Protocols;
- Enhanced Capacity in the coordination of the SADC – ICP relations and the implementation of the Windhoek Declaration Action Plan;
- Improved and increased capacities for coordination with the other regional Institutions (EAC, COMESA, SADC) the IRRC and the other RECs;
- Improved coordination of resource mobilisation strategies through the implementation of a web-based Development Cooperation Information System;
- Regional Statistical Development Strategy adopted;
- An Integrated Trade Database developed;
- Annual Action Plans for the programming of the 10th EDF are prepared along with Project Identification Fiches and Financing Proposals for all interventions in the focal areas under the 10th EDF RSP/RIP;
- Project Identification Fiches and Financing Proposals for interventions submitted for inclusion in the European Programme for Reconstruction and Development in South Africa (EPRD) and any other EDF/Budget related financial instrument are prepared;
- Guidelines compiled on the preparation, implementation and monitoring of Annual Work Plans in the context of SADC’s own procedures and the requirements of Contribution Agreements;
- CBRI Coordinator supported to ensure coordination and monitoring of the EDF financed CBRI project is fully functional.
Type of services provided
The services are provided by a team of 5 long-term TA experts, each focusing on the specific area of support and supplemented by short-term expertise.
The long-term TA team consist of:
- Adviser, Research and Capacity Building (Team Leader);
- Adviser, Monitoring of Policy and Core SADC Protocol Implementation;
- Adviser, EDF Processes and Coordination;
- Adviser, International Cooperation and Resource Mobilisation;
- Adviser, Regional Statistics.