Ref N° 737

Project evaluation: Anti-Corruption for trust in Lebanon -EVAL 20

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 58 500
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
February 2024
End date
February 2025
Number of staff provided
60 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

Since the end of the civil war in 1990, Lebanon is experiencing a protracted statehood and governance crisis: weak and inefficient public institutions and entrenched confessional divisions have created opportunities for both high-level/political and administrative corruption. The default on Eurobonds in March 2020 triggered a recession, with the COVID-19 pandemic and the Beirut port explosion in August 2020 further exacerbating the situation, revealing significant transparency issues and highlighting the need for governance reforms. Political deadlock since May 2022 has stalled government formation, creating a political vacuum. Despite the lack in leadership, the country has been able to enact several key anti-corruption laws and, in 2020, adopted a National Anti-Corruption Strategy. Against this background, between September 2021 and December 2025, the European Union (EU) with bi-lateral co-financing from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Danida, started supporting the intervention ‘Anti-Corruption for Trust in Lebanon’ (hereinafter: ACT). The specific objective of the ACT is to achieve measurable progress in preventing and combating corruption.

This mid-term evaluation will provide an independent, external corroboration and assessment of the ACT’s intervention’s results achieved so far, including factors that have determined success and/or failure of results against the intervention’s objectives as set out in the to-be-reconstructed Theory of Change (ToC) and the intervention logic, including results indicators at output, outcome, and impact levels.

The objective of the evaluation is two-fold: it covers the accountability and learning dimensions that are standard for evaluations of development cooperation. In terms of accountability, the evaluation is requested to provide an independent, external assessment as to what – around 15 months prior to the currently anticipated end of the ACT—its results have been, and what assessment can be made about whether the project is likely to achieve its final objectives by the end of 2025. In terms of learning, the evaluation seeks to take stock of and assess the factors that have contributed, or hindered, the project’s achievements, with view to informing the remainder of the project duration as well as potentially feeding into future programming in the area of anti-corruption in Lebanon.  The primary users of the evaluation are the EU Delegation to Lebanon and the EC services interested in programming EU aid under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI); Danida; Lebanese stakeholders, including the intervention’s direct beneficiaries; and the implementer UNDP.

Type of services provided

PROMAN teams at headquarters (HQ) provides backstopping and quality assurance (AQ).

Main staff provided :

  • Team Leader: 30 wd
  • Thematic Expert: 30wd

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