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title: Formulation of complementary support to education and PFM reforms in Myanmar
ID: 5537
time: September 18, 2015

The objective of the assignment is to assist the EU Delegation (EUD) in Myanmar in the formulation of its support to the National Education Sector Plan (NESP) and to the PFM reform strategy. The specific objectives of the mission are as follows: To assist the EU Delegation in formulating its support to the reform of […]

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title: Identification of new EU Support to Education in Myanmar
ID: 5388
time: October 28, 2014

The reform of the education sector has become a priority for the Government of Myanmar and although good progress has been made in the past years there remain a number of critical challenges such as a wide disparity in access to, and duration of, quality education opportunities for different children and population groups with as […]

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