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title: Final Evaluation of the EU Support to Higher Education in ASEAN Region (EU SHARE)
ID: 7166
time: May 24, 2023

The SHARE Programme aims at strengthening regional cooperation, enhance the quality, regional competitiveness and internationalisation of ASEAN higher education institutions contributing to an ASEAN Community in 2015 and beyond. The Specific objectives of the programme are: To contribute to the harmonisation of ASEAN higher education area through the formulation of ASEAN higher education frameworks taking […]

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title: External Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews and support missions concerning projects and programmes financed by the European Union for the Asian and Pacific regions including OCTs
ID: 5519
time: February 5, 2015

Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews aim to assist the European Commission’s (EC) services and EU Delegations (EUD) in monitoring of and reporting on EU financed development and cooperation projects and programmes in third countries through independent reviews of the progress of their implementation and the achievement of project results. Compared to the ROM reviews conducted […]

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title: Assessment of Technical and Financial Quality of Project Proposals submitted under the ASIA-LINK Programme
ID: 5463
time: October 28, 2014

The Asia-Link Programme is an initiative by the European Commission to promote regional and multilateral networking between higher education institutions in EU Member States and South Asia, South-East Asia and China. The programme aims to encourage the creation of new partnerships, reinforce existing partnerships between European and Asian universities, and create new sustainable links.A total […]

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title: Mid-Term Evaluation of the Asia-Link Programme
ID: 5465
time: October 28, 2014

The Asia-Link Programme is a tool of economic cooperation embodying – across the higher education sector – the EU’s strategic priority of enhanced partnerships with Asia. It aims, through the facilitation of successful and relevant Projects, to “Reinforce existing partnerships between European and Asia universities and create new and sustainable linkages. The programme serves as […]

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title: External Final Evaluation of the ASEAN-EU University Programme (AUNP)
ID: 5479
time: October 28, 2014

The ASEAN-EU University Network Programme (AUNP) is a higher education co-operation programme jointly funded and implemented by the European Commission (EC) and the ASEAN University Network (AUN), assisted by a Programme Management Office (PMO) in Bangkok. The AUNP provides under its Partnership Projects’ Grant strand (PP) funding for university collaboration in Human Resources Development, Curriculum […]

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