Vanuatu Value Chain (VaVaC) Development - Final Evaluation Back
The global objective of this evaluation is twofold:
- to provide the relevant services of the European Union, the interested stakeholders and the wider public with an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the Vanuatu Value Chain
Programme, paying particular attention to its results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results;
- to identify key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to inform decision makers on how to improve future Budget Support programme(s).
The specific objectives for this evaluation are:
- To assess to what extent the Vanuatu Value Chain Programme has achieved its expected results, notably through contributing to the implementation of the partner government’s sector strategies the Trade Policy Framework Update 2019-2025 and the Overarching Productive Sector Policy 2020- 2030 by providing opportunities for the improvement of national policy processes and policy implementation.
- The evaluation should also specifically analyse how the Budget Support programme (combined with complementary initiatives such the 11th EDF Strengthening Public Finance Management (PFM)
and Governance in the Pacific project and its PFM successor under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI)) has contributed (or not) to strengthen Public Financial Management (PFM) systems, including improved transparency within government systems, improved Domestic Revenues Mobilisation and stronger accountability.
- The evaluation will also pay attention to other aid modalities (basket/common funds, projects), in order to assess the complementarity and synergy (or discrepancy) of these modalities with Budget Support.
- It should also assess the effects of the Budget Support operation on the M&E systems in the sectors supported by the programme. Budget support should aim to strengthen the monitoring systems in the sectors it supports, in alignment with the existing national level monitoring and evaluation systems and contribute to the improved availability and credibility of data. Availability of the robust progress reports by the government, providing results information against targets set under the strategy, and the use of these reports to facilitate informed policy dialogue between the different stakeholders (CSOs, private sector, Parliament, donors) and evidence-based decision making is one indicator of the capacity of the government in the area of M&E.
Qualifications and skills:
- The team members shall have at least a Master’s Degree or equivalent academic qualification (university or similar institution or a recognised professional qualification) in international development, in economics, in rural development or any relevant field related to the sector of this contract.
- If an expert does not have a Master’s Degree, she/he should have equivalent professional experience which is defined as: she/he must have at least a Bachelor’s degree and an additional 3 years of relevant professional experience.
- The evaluation team will have command of English at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CERF) – both spoken and written.
General professional experience:
- The team shall have a cumulative experience of at least 10 years of experience on implementing large and complex development programmes, coordinating with Government authorities and engaging other stakeholders, including at least 3 years in institutional capacity building and institutional framework strengthening.
- Experience of working in developing countries, in particular small-sized countries, will be considered an asset.
Specific professional experience:
- The team shall have a cumulative experience of at least 5 years of experience in evaluation including at least 3 years of evaluation of Budget Support operations.
- The team shall have at least 3 professional experiences as Head of Mission on Budget Support evaluation contracts related to the implementation of sector reform contracts in the last 5 years.
- The team shall have a cumulative experience of:
– At least 1 evaluation in a small island state
– At least 2 evaluations related to the rural development
– At least 1 evaluation conducted successfully remotely
- The team shall have a sound practice of development interventions in the sector of rural development demonstrated by at least 2 long term experience in implementing in rural development projects.
- A perfect command of the principles and working methods of the sector reform contract Budget Support cycle management will be considered as an asset.
- An experience in Vanuatu will be considered as an asset.