PROMAN has gained a leading position as a supplier of high quality services in a number of core sectors. Principal areas of specialisation relate to human and social development and governance.
Since 2003, there has been a continuous effort towards modernising, deepening and broadening development cooperation and the effective delivery of aid. The high-level forums of Rome, Paris, Accra and Busan have led to the formulation of principles towards effective development aid. PROMAN has unrivalled experience in ACP and other countries in the provision of technical assistance and capacity building related to aid programming, management and coordination.
PROMAN is a specialist in the provision of technical assistance to NAO structures. The local institution of paramount importance for the 79 African, Caribbean, Pacific Countries (ACP countries) that participate in the Cotonou Agreement is the National Authorising Officer (NAO), a senior government official appointed by each ACP state to represent it in all the operations financed through the European Development Fund (EDF). Main responsibilities relate to preparation, management and coordination of EU funded programmes and projects.
PROMAN provides technical support in the following main areas:
Our recent track record includes supporting NAO Offices in Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Mozambique, Kenya, Ethiopia, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, South Africa, and Sudan.
PROMAN provides further backing to the overall aid effectiveness agenda by supporting governments in enhancing the coordination of all external aid and in ensuring its alignment with country’s own development objectives.
Similar services have been provided in other parts of the world (e.g. Latin America, Central Asia), all with a focus on ensuring the quality of aid and its effectiveness.
For further information, please visit the Projects page