Detailed description of project Back
The general objective to which this action contributes is to provide the EU Delegation in Peru with the professional and logistical capabilities to implement and improve its communication and visibility strategy.
The specific objectives of this contract are the following:
- SO 1: Advise and lead in the conceptualization of the EU’s Multiannual Strategic Communication Plan in Peru, including public diplomacy actions and other actions and events that result from them;
- SO 2: Implement the EU Strategic Communication Plan in Peru, public diplomacy actions and individual communication plans for the different priority areas of the EU and its cooperation;
- SO 3: Support the strengthening of communication capacities of the EU Delegation and cooperation counterparts/institutional beneficiaries of EU cooperation in Peru.
Type of services provided
- Present an analysis and a proposal to improve the EU Communication Strategy for Peru;
- Conceptualize and implement public diplomacy actions.
- Design and implement individual communication and visibility plans for the strategic areas of interest, action and cooperation of the EU, including priorities or cross-cutting themes.
- Design and implement communication proposals for the joint action of EU actors in Peru (Team Europe°.
- Communicate and publicize the presence, activities and results of EU action in Peru, its results and impact of the actions on public policies and people’s lives.
- Propose, design and implement communication tools such as websites, newsletters, videos, publications, project sheets, etc.;
- Provide the above content and a wide range of media, including for social media;
- Propose, design and implement events or other creative actions to position and support the achievement of the EU’s objectives and results in Peru;
- Training/coaching of EUD and counterpart staff.
Main staff provided:
- Team leader (660 w/d);
- Expert in implementation of actions and events, products and production of communication content (660 w/d);
- NKE pool (840 w/d).