Detailed description of project Back
The overall objective of this contract is to enhance the visibility of the EU-Malawi cooperation and promote a greater awareness and understanding among key actors in the public, private and civil society sectors on issues of EU’s development assistance.
The purpose of this contract is to provide comprehensive visibility and communication services to the Delegation of the European Union (EUD) to the Republic of Malawi. These communication services must cover every aspect of the organisation and implementation of the EUD’s visibility and communications strategy, as directed by the management of the EUD.
The expected results to be achieved by the contractor include:
- Result 1: Visibility and Communications Strategy of the EUD enhanced;
- Result 2: Overall support to communications management and public relations for Development provided;
- Result 3: V&C materials and publications designed and produced;
- Result 4: Support to the delivery of overall, sectoral and programme/project EU events successfully provided;
- Result 5: Training and conferences successfully organised and delivered;
- Result 6: Monitoring, evaluation and reporting successfully delivered, on a timely fashion and up to the required quality standards.
Type of services provided
- Commission baseline study and regularly update in order to track process and to gauge awareness;
- Develop Visibility and Communications Strategy with its accompanying Action Plan;
- Develop specific Visibility and Communications Plans, as well as other strategic documents;
- Provide overall support to visibility and communications management;
- Improve media engagement and media coverage across press, radio and television;
- Improve social media presence and ICT channels’ traction;
- Development of a concept and preparation of an allocation for prizes for competitions, donations and similar activities;
- Production of visibility and communication materials, e.g. production of billboards;
- Production of audio-visual materials, e.g. photographic;
- Production of publications;
- Support and deliver EUD events, sectoral events;
- Support to specific Programme/Project Events;
- Provide V&C training courses;
- Organise other trainings and conferences;
- M&E;
- Reporting.
Main staff provided:
- Visibility, Communications and Events Management Expert (435 w/d);
- Junior Design Expert (545 w/d).