Ref N° 3001

Sustainable Regional Development Programme in the Region of Kidal (DDRK) – PHASE 3 – Component “Support to the development of quality vocational training and integration of youth into the regional labor market”

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 2 241 500
Origin of funding
MAE, Lux.
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
July 2008
End date
September 2012
Number of staff provided
59 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

The overall objective of the Third Phase of this Sustainable Development Project is to substantially reduce the poverty in the Kidal Region. The total amount of the Programme is of € 10.329.890 including the national contribution and the contribution of the UN agencies (UNDP, WFP, ILO, UNFPA, WHO, ONUDI).

The specific objective is to improve access to quality social services and income generating economic opportunities.

Based on this objective one of the specific program’ component, TVET, contributes to the achievement of the following result:

  • Improve the access to the quality vocational training for the youth of the Kidal region and facilitate their integration into the regional labor market.

Program activities aim to support the implementation of the National Education Policy on Technical and Vocational Training and to provide for the growing number of young people a quality vocational and professional training.

In accordance with the guidelines of the National Policy for Technical Education and Vocational Training, the program strategy is based on linking public sector vocational training with the private sector and the world of employment. To this end, the program works with institutional and private actors such as public institutions in charge of vocational training, the Chamber of Crafts and craftsmen in the exercise of their respective mandates. For training to be tailored to the time-varying regional economy, the program continuously involves artisans and farmers of the region in the definition and establishment of trainings and related modalities.

The other program activities are:

  • Expand the supply of initial and continuing vocational training to meet social needs and demands of the regional economy;
  • Built and equip the Vocational Training Institute of Kidal;
  • Build and equip an annex to the VTI inAguel Hoc;
  • Support the definition and implementation of the regional vocational training scheme through apprenticeship by alternation and / or dual;
  • Develop human resources in training engineeringto adapt supply to demand for vocational training;
  • Improve access to information and culture to stimulate socio-economic initiatives and employment;
  • Facilitate the employability of young people in particular by boosting micro and small scale enterprise;
  • Support micro-credit fund recently created in Kidal through financing credit lines for micro and small scale enterprise generating jobs.

Type of services provided

PROMAN, manages the project on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg and is responsible for the implementation of all activities.

Technical assistance is provided for the vocational training component, including one long term expert based in Kidal with the support of international experts in various fields related to the TVET.

The backstopping is provided by a PROMAN team.

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