Detailed description of project Back
The immediate objective of the project is to:
- Improve and strengthen co-ordination, planning, monitoring and implementation capacity of partner government in relation to EU support related to external assistance programmes;
- Support to the enhancement of the dialogue between the GoT and the EU;
- Promote and encourage the coordination and exchange of information with other NCUs in the Tacis countries.
The principal focus of the project is centred around two main axes:
- Aid management;
- Capacity building.
Components include:
Component 1: EU Assistance in Aid management
- Advise and hands-on support to the planning and programming of EU aid;
- Active participation of the national and regional Authorities in the preparation of the Tacis programmes, ad well as the future DCECI programmes;
- Advise and hands-on support to the project implementation and monitoring;
- Develop EU aid programmes set within the broader external assistance (coordination) and dialogue and decision-making with providers of assistance;
- Development of EU Aid Programmes reflecting wide influence after consultation with the stakeholder.
Component 2: Human Resource Development and Management
- Strengthening of NCU’s internal work organisation, development of appropriate management systems and Tools;
- Reinforcing Human Resource Development processes & Skills development (training).
Type of services provided
Key services provided include:
- Overall policy development with respect to EU aid planning and programming, inclusive the link with overall external aid co-ordination and reflecting a wider stakeholder consultation;
- Support to the formulation of national strategy papers; sectoral and thematic papers and national inputs into the preparation of Indicative Programmes and Action Programmes;
- Prepare the NCU to the introduction of the future DCECI Programme;
- Support in the formulation of project proposals; ensuring compatibility and coordination with other donors projects the elaboration of Terms of Reference; the monitoring of project implementation;
- HRD: training strategy development; training needs analysis; design and development of training materials,; seminars; study tours (target group: NCU, relevant line Ministries and other Government administrations);
- Promotion of the recognition of the NCU’s role at the administrative central and regional level; development of NCU advisory structures; further development of databases (IDEA) and MIS tools; introduction of automised project proposals tools (IPP) linked to MIS Tools.