Ref N° 862

Intermediate evaluation mission – Reducing illiteracy and training for sustainable development in the Hauts Bassins Region

Burkina Faso
Lux Dev
Overall project value (EUR)
€ 18 546
Origin of funding
Lux Dev
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
April 2006
End date
May 2006
Number of staff provided
0.7 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

For the domain of literacy in the Hauts Bassins Region of Burkina Faso the indicators are relatively low (literacy level between 12 and 44%), especially in the rural areas and more particularly for girls and women. The regional framework for poverty reduction aims to raise the literacy level to 50% by 2010.

Within the frame of the general cooperation agreement between Burkina Faso and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, Lux-Development was mandated to implement the project BKF/003 “Improving functional literacy and integrated rural development in the Hauts Bassins Region”. After release of the final evaluation of this project in February 2003, the Burkina Faso authorities requested a second phase to consolidate the results obtained and to extend the activities to the whole of the region. In July 2004 Lux-Development was mandated to implement this second phase.

The development objective of this project, implemented over a period of four years, is to support the creation of a literate environment that stimulates innovation in poverty reduction. In the end the implementation of the project is supposed to lead to a dynamic network of associations capable of executing activities promoting literacy and development in the region.

The objective of the mission is to undertake an intermediate evaluation of the project.

Type of services provided

The evaluation team consists of two experts: an international expert in rural development and education (formal and non-formal) and a regional expert in development of grass-root organisations.

PROMAN provides the services of the international expert.

The main tasks of the team are:

  • Analysis of the results and the specific objective(s) reached at the time of the evaluation, compared with what had been anticipated in the project document;
  • Assessment of the contribution and involvement of local authorities and organisations;
  • description of the zone covered and the project beneficiaries;
  • Analysis of the project’s management and monitoring;
  • Analysis of the project in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability, taking into account crosscutting aspects (poverty reduction, governance, gender, environment);
  • Establishing the lessons learnt and follow-up with recommendations for the further implementation of the project.

PROMAN HQ is providing backstopping and quality control.

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