Ref N° 461

Support programme to vulnerable populations and households in the Kidal Region 2014

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 707 200
Origin of funding
MAE, Lux.
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
January 2014
End date
December 2014
Number of staff provided
46 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

The objective of the project is to provide assistance to vulnerable populations and households in the Kidal Region to support the return of displaced populations and mitigate the effects of the security crisis on their lives and their access to basic social services (education and health).

Project interventions are organized around four major themes:

  • Food aid to vulnerable households and support to income generating activities, specifically targeted at women associations;
  • Rehabilitation of schools and health centres in the main areas of concentration;
  • Support for access to drinking water in major centers of concentration and the Tilemsi Valley (rehabilitation water supply systems, boreholes and wells, financed by ANICT;
  • Supporting the return of local Government services; supporting peace and social cohesion initiatives.

Type of services provided

Project activities are implemented by a PMU based in Bamako in collaboration with local NGOs in the region of Kidal. A focal point of the PMU is on the ground in the city of Kidal. Field agents of NGO partners are based in all districts and municipalities covered by the project.

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