Ref N° 236

Technical Assistance to Support Vocational Training for Insertion in the Labour Market (APROLAB)

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 1 201 120
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
September 2005
End date
May 2009
Number of staff provided
68 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

This project will provide support to the reform of vocational training in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion and the Ministry of Education. The overall objective of the Financing Agreement during its 3 years execution period is to contribute to an increased competitiveness and quality of the working force in order to promote economic development and reduce poverty in Peru. The programme is to be implemented on a national level.

The specific objective of the programme is to reorient the technical and vocational training to the demand of the market, the socio-economic needs and the development potential of the country.

The three results that intend to achieve this objective are:

  1. Vocational Sector oriented to the demands of the market and the regional development needs;
  2. Implementation of the reform in 3 to 4 regions of the country;
  3. Promotion of innovative experiences in the framework of the vocational training in each of the selected regions responding to the expectations of the rural and indigenous people with a substantial female participation.

Type of services provided

Integration/PROMAN provide a total input of 48 m/m long term and 20 m/m short term expertise:

  • One international Education Policy and Vocational Training Expert(Team Leader);
  • One Administration International Expert;
  • Short Term expertise for studies and other inputs.

The experts will assist in revising the Financing Agreement, setting-up the proper institutional settings on national and regional level; working out a monitoring system, sensibilise the public, prepare a multiannual plan; assist in selecting the regions, working out the reform plans, implementing and monitoring progress; selecting the most adequate projects directed at the rural and indigenous people, financing and overviewing the execution of these projects and integrating the results of the experiences into the regional and national actions under the FA.

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