PROMAN has gained a leading position as a supplier of high quality services in a number of core sectors. Principal areas of specialisation relate to human and social development and governance.
Strong public financial management (PFM) systems are essential for effective and sustainable economic management and public service delivery. States are effective and accountable when they are underpinned by good PFM institutions and systems. PROMAN’s core expertise focuses on assessment, diagnosis and reform of PFM; and on budgeting (e.g. policy, planning, preparation, execution, reporting and audit).
Public finance management is at the very heart of how governments translate public resources into development results. Weak PFM systems in developing countries are a major constraint on delivering services to the public and, as more governments and donors prefer to deliver aid through domestic systems, PFM reforms are becoming ever more important.
PROMAN’s portfolio in this field has been growing over the past years. Key areas include:
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