Ref N° 641

Three Borders Project – Deployment Phase

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 7 592 237
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
August 2019
End date
December 2022
Number of staff provided
1760 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

This project falls within the 12-month extension of the start- up phase.

The overall objectives of the Three Borders project are to: (i) meet the most urgent needs expressed by the communities (ii) support the recovery of economic activity (iii) encourage the return of the legitimacy of public action and to reinforce the rule of law in the border zone.

The intervention zone for the project will primarily focus on the following areas:

  • In Mali: the border zones of the Mopti, Timbuctoo, and Gao regions, and particularly the circles of Bankass, Koro, Douentza, Gourma-Rharous, Gao, and Ansongo;
  • In Burkina Faso: the north of Burkina Faso and the Sahel region, and particularly the provinces of Yatenga, Loroum, Soum, Oudalan, Seno and Yagha; and
  • In Niger: the border zone with Burkina Faso, the Tillabéri region, and particularly the regions of Gorouol, Bankilaré, Tera, Diagourou, Dargol, Gothèye, Torodi and Makalondi.

The specific objective is to support socio-economic development and to reinforce social cohesion in the border regions. This objective is split into two key aspects:

  • ‘Development’: access to basic social services, the development of agro-pastoral activity, the development of infrastructures which have a local economic impact and capacity building of local project managers;
  • ‘Governance’: dialogue between the local authorities and communities, actions which aim to promote peace and to strengthen trust between communities.

The project aims to achieve three results:

  • Result 1: To improve the viability of the agro-pastoral industry, leading to a sustainable increase in local employment and an increase in revenue for the producers;
  • Result 2: For the border zone authorities to make making equipment, infrastructure and socio-economic services available and accessible to the local communities a priority; and
  • Result 3: To reinforce social dialogue between the main actors in local business.

The specific objective of the Three Borders Project- Deployment Phase is to continue with commitments to undertake concrete activities which will benefit the inhabitants of the regions involved. It will involve taking the experiences and knowledge of the context which was acquired during the initiation phase and continuing to identify the activities to be carried out as well as institutional and organisational planning.

The overall budget of the Three Borders Project is 19.098.593 €.

Type of services provided

PROMAN provides support for this project through the provision of a decentralisation, local development and CT project management in the circles of Ansongo and Gao in the eponymous region. Their activities are the following:

  • Training the team about the methodology and tools for identification, providing project management assistance for creating infrastructure for the local communities, in particular training on ANICT procedures and the project framework for these procedures. The participants, once trained, will pass on this training within the 6 circles;
  • Making sure that the APD, APS, DAO and procurement method files respect the public tender procedures and the ANICT models;
  • Recording information in a database about the progress of the finance files;
  • Providing support for overseeing the procedures for the implementation of investment funds for the 3-year phase; and
  • Following up and verifying that the existing procedures for the investments to be carried out in the circles of Gao and Ansongo are compliant

Main staff provided:

  • Decentralisation, Local Development and CT Project Management Expert (40 w/m);
  • Accounting Expert (40 w/m).

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