Ref N° 377

Strengthen the links between PNG and EU private sector by setting up a European Business Information Centre and identify ways ahead for a Private Sector Development Project in PNG

Papua New Guinea
Overall project value (EUR)
€ 98 756
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
January 2011
End date
May 2011
Number of staff provided
50 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

The overall objective of the technical assistance is to maximise market access opportunities under the PNG-EU IEPA as well as other trade agreements and better prepare the PNG and EU private operators to the forthcoming new trade agreements.

The purpose of this contract is to enable the PNG IOs to identify, understand and relay trade related information to their members and to better participate in international trade agreements consultations.

The results to be achieved are:

  • Improved knowledge of the various trade regimes and regulations;
  • Developed capacity to identify, understand and synthesize the relevant information;
  • Improved capacity to better advise their members about the various trade regulations and participate and exchange on international trade issues Improved communication with their members and within IOs;
  • Action plan for a European Business Information Centre developed and validated by stakeholders;
  • Consultations on the creation of a private sector coordination platform in PNG concluded with all stakeholders and subsequent recommendations made;
  • ToR for setting up a Private Sector Development Programme in PNG developed and validated by stakeholders.

Type of services provided

  • Conduct trade information needs analysis;
  • Identify trade information resources (based on performed needs analysis);
  • Perform analysis of existing and potential market opportunities for PNG and EU companies and related trade regimes and provide list of potential markets and products (product market matrix);
  • Collect and analyze information on Thailand experience and share identified lessons learned;
  • Conduct analysis of institutional capacity (GAP Analysis) of selected IOs and identify training needs (supply side);
  • Meet with selected members of IOs to identify specific trade information needs (demand side);
  • Identify possible linkages with ongoing and planned technical assistance programmes in the area of trade and private sector development which can be linked to the intervention;
  • Develop action plan for setting up European Business Information Centre;
  • Based on performed analysis provide set of recommendations for setting up a private sector coordination platform;
  • Provide input (endorsed set of recommendations) for setting up a private sector development programme;
  • Organize workshop with project key stakeholder to receive feedback of performed analysis and recommendations and to validate results.

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