Ref N° 230

Research on Different forms of Violence Occurring in the School Environment in Kosovo

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 8 800
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
June 2005
End date
August 2005
Number of staff provided
1 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

A Global UN Study of Violence Against Children is addressing violence in different settings: Violence at home and in the family, in school and education settings in other institutional settings, in the community and on the streets and violence in work situations. UNICEF has been invited to write the chapter on protection of children from violence in schools for the Report.In partnership with the Provisional institutions of self-government (PISG) UNICEF will implement a research on all different forms of violence occurring in the school environment in Kosovo.

The objectives of this Study are:

  • To analyse the characteristics and multiple forms of violence that might be happening in schools, including violence against children, violence among children, bullying, sexual violence, etc.;
  • To analyse existing legal and policy frameworks for the prevention and response to violence against children in school;
  • To analyse figures on the magnitude of violence in schools in Kosovo, with disaggregated information by sex, ethnicity, rural/urban, age and type of school;
  • To present teachers’, parents’ and children’s own views and experiences on violence at schools;
  • To describe clear strategies and recommendations aimed at effectively preventing and combating violence against children in schools, outlining steps and appropriate action to be taken for effective prevention, intervention, and recovery.

UNICEF has selected an international NGO based in Kosovo, Care International, to be responsible for carrying out the study. Care has an extended experience and knowledge in Kosovo and has worked in the education sector for many years, but needs guidance on the methodological aspects of the study which is the object of this contract.

Type of services provided

PROMAN offers the services of a Professor of the University of Surrey who will:

  • Collaboratively design the research methodology with CARE International in consultation with UNICEF;
  • Develop the research instruments, specifically the questionnaires for the quantitative surveys, the guide for the focus group discussion, interviews with stakeholders and the overall analytical framework. (including local adaptation, translation and back translation and review of pilot test);
  • Support Care for the design of the guidelines for the training of the enumerators;
  • Work with Care to identify sample size for the quantitative and qualitative components;
  • Using the first draft analysis made by Care and the row data made available at the end of the research, review content, relevance and consistency of the findings, conclusions and recommendations;

Provide inputs, comments and suggestions to the final draft.

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