Ref N° 237

Identify appropriate indicators to M&E the Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP) to the Non-University Tertiary Education Sector in Trinidad and Tobago under the 9th EDF

Trinidad & Tobago
Overall project value (EUR)
€ 19 795
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
AEDES (Framework contract Lot 8)
Start date
October 2005
End date
November 2005
Number of staff provided
0.63 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

On 23rd November 2005 an EDF funded Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP) to the reform of the Trinidad and Tobago non-university tertiary sector has been approved. There is however still an urgent requirement to further refine the key indicators for the monitoring of the SPSP. This study will therefore provide decision makers in the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the European Commission with proposals for a set of non-university tertiary education indicators and a description of performance monitoring and tranche release arrangements to be included in the Technical and Administrative Provisions (TAP’s) annexed to the Financing Proposal (FP).

More specifically the consultancy will:

  • Define a set of clear and logical indicators, coherent baseline values, yearly targets and weightingfor annual tranche release in an indicator matrix;
  • Amend the logframe matrix in accordance with the indicators to be used;
  • Support the Delegation in the technical discussion/negotiation of the indicators/values/weighing with T&T authorities, in particular the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education (MSTTE);
  • Amend the draft Financing Proposal if required.

Type of services provided

PROMAN provides the services of an international education and TVET consultant who together with all key Stakeholders (Ministry of Planning and Development, Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education, Central Statistics Office, Delegation of the European Commission), identify a number of potential Variable Tranché Indicators for each level of intervention.

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