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title: Diagnostic study to identify the main barriers to access and use of Plan CEIBAL, with particular focus on the most vulnerable children and adolescents
ID: 6518
time: March 9, 2022

UNICEF Uruguay is starting a major project with Plan CEIBAL with the aim of guaranteeing each student access to specific platforms to have online classes and practice mathematical and linguistic skills so that students in Uruguay continue learning, even if they are prevented from going to an educational centre as during the COVID-19 pandemic. This […]

link: link

title: Identification and formulation mission ‘Proyecto Cohesion Social y Territorial en Uruguay’
ID: 5273
time: October 27, 2014

The objective of the mission is to assist the EC and the Government of Uruguay with the identification and formulation of a project or programme aimed at supporting the process of regenerating social and territorial cohesion in the country. In particular, it is expected that the project/programme will contribute to improving the economic and social […]

link: link

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